Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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  • OKC Thunder

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  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

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  • Miami Heat

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  • Other

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After warriors win tommorow, all the pressure will be on the thunder. In the back of their minds, they'll know it's a must win, cause there's no chance winning game 7 at roaracle. Here's to hoping dion goes back to his trash self again, warriors actually win some 50/50 balls, and Russ and kd shoot 17/51 again
There are still those rumors that stern actually banned jordan from the NBA for a year for gambling, and that is why jordan went to play baseball.... Simmons was talking about it on his podcast a while back.  I forgot who he was interviewing, but he brought it up with the other guy, and the other guy didn't seem to deny that there was a large possibility that it happened because of that.  
I know gambling was considered taboo back then and theres an interview that jordan said "if David Stern lets me back into the league i would consider coming back." But did people actually hate jordan because of those allegations/conspiracies?
I don't think it changes/changed much... I was just referring to the comment about could you imagine if the internet was in full swing back in the jordan days.  If somebody of jordan's superstar level (bron, kobe) got suspended for a year because he was gambling, the internet would have a meltdown.  They would get a lifetime ban with all the fake outrage, not a year suspension.  

There are still those rumors that stern actually banned jordan from the NBA for a year for gambling, and that is why jordan went to play baseball.... Simmons was talking about it on his podcast a while back.  I forgot who he was interviewing, but he brought it up with the other guy, and the other guy didn't seem to deny that there was a large possibility that it happened because of that.  
I know gambling was considered taboo back then and theres an interview that jordan said "if David Stern lets me back into the league i would consider coming back." But did people actually hate jordan because of those allegations/conspiracies?

I don't think it changes/changed much... I was just referring to the comment about could you imagine if the internet was in full swing back in the jordan days.  If somebody of jordan's superstar level (bron, kobe) got suspended for a year because he was gambling, the internet would have a meltdown.  They would get a lifetime ban with all the fake outrage, not a year suspension.  

real talk. NT would've folded on itself bro. everything from here to the regional to the TAY would be talm bout mj. Would've been awful. unless he would've got mj treatment and not pete rose treatment. Mike would've got a sateen glove slap on the wrist.
After warriors win tommorow, all the pressure will be on the thunder. In the back of their minds, they'll know it's a must win, cause there's no chance winning game 7 at roaracle. Here's to hoping dion goes back to his trash self again, warriors actually win some 50/50 balls, and Russ and kd shoot 17/51 again
You don't even sound like YOU believe any of this
real talk. NT would've folded on itself bro. everything from here to the regional to the TAY would be talm bout mj. Would've been awful. unless he would've got mj treatment and not pete rose treatment. Mike would've got a sateen glove slap on the wrist.
I honestly think the league would treat it like the Draymond green situation, keep on playing even if you murder someone on the court, its good for revenue!!!
No way MJ becomes who he is in this Internet age.

All of his bad qualities would've derailed his brand easily, the gambling scandal would've effectively ended his career.
Like chuck said Not a Role Model..I could care less how much MJ gambled or messed around or that he was a knucklehead..I bought tickets to watch him beast on a bball court..he got hate but he was also respected back in the day
MJ would be the same MJ if the internet was around then.

Same way Scandals get covered up now, in the Internet Age, they would have been circumvented back then as well.
No way MJ becomes who he is in this Internet age.

All of his bad qualities would've derailed his brand easily, the gambling scandal would've effectively ended his career.
Every superstar has his flaws. But should we appreciate or hate all stars equally? I don't think we will ever get that "perfect superstar."
MJ got heavily slandered in the 80s doe

Writers were calling him a stat padder and a choker against Bird and Isiah
They actually did have old forums in the mid 90s.

in the late 90s and early 2k they had joints like geocities. it was just the internet wasnt widespread and easily accessible by people with opinions. The trolls came later during the internets Renaissance. We're in the golden age now.

I'm 28 and I remember when we didn't have internet and at least access to it. I was in 4th grade in class when I went to my first sites, that I remembered form commercials. one was and the other was based on that movie. After that it was all geocities to get pictures of superheroes. Found porn shortly after that. Got caught that same day, I wasn't jerking yet, but she saw the search history. I was still new I didn't even know that was a thing bruh. Moms was fuming. I was perverted lol
<<<26. early days of the net were crazy. geocities was the MOVE. and angelfire/tripod as well. none of which exist anymore. funny convo cuz i just started TODAY creating a website for the first time since geocities went down. have already run into some weird bugs using squarespace. just...weird. i miss geocities what u see is what u get design.

SIDEBAR: i too got caught for porn back then. printed out some pictures from some website when i was in elementary. got caught in afterschool care cuz someone snitched. i lied and said i was selling them so i didnt look like a pervert. the counselor bought the story and didnt tell my parents... told me i was a hustler.

anyways lol.
Ironically I didn't get caught until I got my own personal computer. Moms was wondering what I was using it for, checked the search history and learned a bit more than she should have

Learned my lesson about keeping history and now that I'm older even developed a system.

Got a work laptop and a leisure laptop and on my leisure laptop I use one browser for normal leisure and another for xxx leisure. Never again.
if stories and proof started coming out that mj used peds or guys we suspect use them like bron and dwade, blake, russ,

I mean stories coming out like cosby, but in regards to juicing..

what would you guys feels b.
No way MJ becomes who he is in this Internet age.

All of his bad qualities would've derailed his brand easily, the gambling scandal would've effectively ended his career.

Every superstar has his flaws. But should we appreciate or hate all stars equally? I don't think we will ever get that "perfect superstar."

curry is getting close. of course this loss my slow thing, but aside form that. at least to the general public, dude is likeable, respectable, family oriented, sounds like he's loyal to his wife and kids. and he balls. Even if they fail to get a chip, he'll get a gold medal. He's defintitely moving up the rankings in superstardom
WILL turn?

You've never been in the Warriors/Curry hate thread, have you? 
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if stories and proof started coming out that mj used peds or guys we suspect use them like bron and dwade, blake, russ,

I mean stories coming out like cosby, but in regards to juicing..

what would you guys feels b.

I wasn't even a huge Cosby fan until after the allegations. So there you have it.
people will turn on curry eventually. 

probably so, if he let's them down based on their expectations.

What do you think can produce longevity in the public endearment?

and then sports superstars are graded differently than other entertainment superstars like movies or music
if stories and proof started coming out that mj used peds or guys we suspect use them like bron and dwade, blake, russ,

I mean stories coming out like cosby, but in regards to juicing..

what would you guys feels b.

I don't care about athletes using PED's at all honestly.

It's basically an open secret in the NBA, their testing is set up in a way to allow it without any real risk of getting caught if you and your team aren't idiots.

This is a multi billion dollar industry and this is the highest most competitive level. If ************* are doing everything else to ensure they are just that much better than their contemporaries, what's taking some HGH?
i remember reading a collection of old posts from some type of newsgroups or whatever they called em back in the 80's-90s... ****** was hatin on mj like ****
Pretty much
But when Pippen became elite thats when the dynasty was born
MJ pretty much verbally abused Pippen and "forced" him to get better though. But imagine playing with a teammate like that. You constantly hear these horror stories about MJ in practices its scary. Imagine if he coached the Hornets.....yikes.
if stories and proof started coming out that mj used peds or guys we suspect use them like bron and dwade, blake, russ,

I mean stories coming out like cosby, but in regards to juicing..

what would you guys feels b.

I wasn't even a huge Cosby fan until after the allegations. So there you have it.

you werent a fan UNTIL the allegations?? :lol: so thats what did it for you huh? He became relatable? lollll jk
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