Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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  • OKC Thunder

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  • Cleveland Cavaliers

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  • Toronto Raptors

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  • Miami Heat

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  • Other

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This convo comes up every year, and it's always Jordan.
Athletes weren't any dumber or smarter back then.
You deal with the times.
If SM was around then, they'd have the same PR practices that current Stars have.
The blowback wouldn't have been any different than now.
Some care some don't, if he was one who didn't care, then he'd be caught up, simple as that
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Jordan antics wouldn't have mattered if they had social media back then. Trust me they had people watching his every move. And what he did on the court would erase all of that.
I swear the only thing that protects the mystique and mysteriousness of 90's athletes is the lack of social media
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Jordan would have been killed in this media age,
To be honest Im honestly surprised Lebron and Kobe survived this type of age.

Kobe with the Rape trail in 2014 would have caused that man to retire LMAO

Lebron got killed when he had no rings
Wait wut Kobe did get killed back at 04 with the rape allegation
News was covering him everyday and everyone except Laker fans were booing him whenever he touched the ball for a couple years even after he was considered not guilty
And he snitched on Shaq's cheating too
People still brought that up after DAngelo snitched on Swaggy P
That's why Kobe became hard to talk to until he became washed
He didn't trust anybody
Jordan would get killed

Mayweather gets killed and he's undefeated
Bron still gets killed even after the championships
Steph just won mvp and he's starting to get destroyed being down in the series

The best players in their sports get killed, it's just the nature of social media now
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Jordan wouldn't have survived. People would've hated him.

All the info of him forcing to retire early due to his gambling would've leaked on tmz and other gossip news sources. ALL of it, not just some.

Him sabotaging zeke's dream team spot would've blown up.

Plus the scandal of his father molesting his sister would've destroyed his imagine and his families. 
Or it's likely that he wouldn't have gambled as much or at all or sabatoged Isaiah.

When you know someone is watching, you tend not to do watchable things.
I used to load the Backpack up with Black and Milds and KitKats from the Albertsons I passed on the way to school, until they put cameras up, then I started paying
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You guys act like Jordan wasn't hated.

I remember going into barbershops as a kid and hearing so many grown men swearing and maligning Jordan. All people did was talk about him and how much they hated him. People even complained about how often he'd get favorable calls given his way or how you couldn't get too close to him, or else he'd be going to the free throw line.

You guys are either way too young to have any sort of real perspective or hating :lol:
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Jordan wouldn't have survived. People would've hated him.

All the info of him forcing to retire early due to his gambling would've leaked on tmz and other gossip news sources. ALL of it, not just some.

Him sabotaging zeke's dream team spot would've blown up.

Plus the scandal of his father molesting his sister would've destroyed his imagine and his families. 
You act like he didn't have haters

Guys like Chamillionaire called him out for being an Uncle Tom in the current age, and guess what, none of his sales took a hit
He still selling shoes like hotcakes

Everyone knows Jordan is a scumbag, but they don't care enough that they won't buy his stuff
Again I don't think anyone is really saying Jordan didn't get hate back in the day we know that but I can only speak for myself and what i'm saying is we would just be exposed to more peoples hate because of social media, not that there would way more hate just that we would hear about it more.
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You act like he didn't have haters

Guys like Chamillionaire called him out for being an Uncle Tom in the current age, and guess what, none of his sales took a hit
He still selling shoes like hotcakes

Everyone knows Jordan is a scumbag, but they don't care enough that they won't buy his stuff
he said f rap recently didnt he..... 

i dont f with anything  jordan. shoes gear. i wont give him my pennies. f that guy. 
Again I don't think anyone is really saying Jordan didn't get hate back in the day we know that but I can only speak for myself and what i'm saying is we would just be exposed to more peoples hate because of social media, not that there would way more hate just that we would hear about it more.
Definitely he would be more exposed to the hate
But would he retire from it? Nah
Hell Jordan still doesn't have a personal Twitter account
He wouldn't even know most of stuff people say about him on it
@CaptainSneakerhead23: my bad.

Straight up.

A few days ago, going back and forth with you, I went over the top. I did feel like you were coming at me slightly with that initial response, and I did feel like I didn't do anything to deserve that... but then I responded all the way over the line.

I'm only mentioning it in the thread, because I went way over the line in the thread. If I was out of line with someone publicly, I feel like I should make it right publicly.

I'm fairly certain people (maybe even yourself) are going to think that Meth told me I was wrong and need to fix it or something like that. Meth doesn't operate that way. Never has. He literally hasn't said a word to me about our back-and-forth.

Why I'm saying this is really simple: it's just me looking back and realizing I spazzed out. That's it. Like every time I see your name & avy, I shake my head and think, "I f***ed up. I'm a idiot" (word to KD).

Honestly, once I was fired up and we were going back and forth, the way you were responding to me is the way I SHOULD have responded to you from the jump.

My fault, man. That's all I got. An apology and a thank you (for not being an a**).

Carry on.
Again I don't think anyone is really saying Jordan didn't get hate back in the day we know that but I can only speak for myself and what i'm saying is we would just be exposed to more peoples hate because of social media, not that there would way more hate just that we would hear about it more.
Definitely he would be more exposed to the hate
But would he retire from it? Nah
Hell Jordan still doesn't have a personal Twitter account
He wouldn't even know most of stuff people say about him on it
True Jordan would be exposed more to it but i'm really talking more about the public being exposed more to the hate more on a daily basis. like I read peoples opinions from around the world daily now most of us do 
 it still kinda blows my mind to think we have that much access now, like if I wanted to know more about Brazil's political situation I could be talking to someone in Brazil about it in the next 10 minutes if I wanted to. 
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Jordan would have been slandered mercilessly LOL! I mean how many teamates can you punch in the face without backlash. Great ballplayer, terrible person..

A lot of you forget just how beloved he was with the media. Sure, social media wasn't around, but there were many reports of his gambling, adultery, having a child out of wedlock etc.

MJ's electricity was a enough to trump any and everything that came his way. I sincerely believe many of you weren't even alive during MJ's prime :lol:

And the the person who said MJ can't even deal with the crying MJ meme, that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. That meme has been GOLD for the man. It's basically free PR :lol:
Social media would be the game changer imo. He was an eleectrifying athlete and would have gotten passes but the slander on a message board or a twitter would have been merciless belee dat. Mainly those chipless and 1st round exit years..
For sure.

I mean, that whole Lakers team woulda been infamous, the **** that Jerry West wrote about them in his book is crazier than fiction.

This ************ Magic had to have women AND men waiting for him in the jacuzzi after games.
The stories I've heard about Magic and those lakers squads from Orlando Woolridge back when he was coaching the Sparks (R.I.P.) basically confirmed everything people thought about Magic. Boy was beyond wild.
Jordan would have been slandered mercilessly LOL! I mean how many teamates can you punch in the face without backlash. Great ballplayer, terrible person..
A lot of you forget just how beloved he was with the media. Sure, social media wasn't around, but there were many reports of his gambling, adultery, having a child out of wedlock etc.

MJ's electricity was a enough to trump any and everything that came his way. I sincerely believe many of you weren't even alive during MJ's prime

And the the person who said MJ can't even deal with the crying MJ meme, that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. That meme has been GOLD for the man. It's basically free PR
THANK YOU!! I say this all the time.

People act like we went from carving pictures in cave walls in 1998 to having complete access to celebrities in 2001.


There was still access to celebrities. We knew who was cheating, who was beating their spouse down, who was an addict, all that. All technology has done is given us the ability to interact with them more quickly. Before, to have a shot at interacting with any celebrity, you had to hope you bumped into them, or you had to stalk them and learn where their favorite eating spots were and be there when they're there. Now you send them an add request, and wait to see if they say something, maybe even RT you!!!

But there was still access, a LOOOOTTT of access.
I got GSW tonight, OKC in 6 at home. Will be pleasantly surprised if I'm wrong and OKC smells blood and goes for the kill tonight. Will be even MORE pleasantly surprised if they put up another 70-pt half and step in their necks EARLY.
Warriors by 10+ tonight

if I'm the Thunder I'd seriously consider trying new plays and line ups, they just have to win in OKC and since they have destroyed them in OKC they can just take it easy tonight
but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if Roberson goes for 15+ again lol, don't leave him completely wide open, hes not as garbage as Carrol from the Raptors
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