Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

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  • San Antonio Spurs

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  • OKC Thunder

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  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

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  • Other

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Imagine mj with a twitter . imagine how he treated his teammates. Then imagine how he would talk to his haters on there? If you thought what he said to kwame brown was bad? Lol

Lebron got caught pming a chick. You think mj would t get caught doing the same?
as I said before, if MJ had twitter it probably would have been run by some PR firm..

he would probably would have had someone in his crew doing that sort of thing for him with chicks (think Charles Oakley)

I know dude is far from a saint.. but you're forgetting how image conscious and calculating dude was.. like many politicians that do all the things MJ did, i could easily see him have zero problems doing his dirt today
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I think Jordan could have possibly survived todays media too but I think the perception of if people hated him would change. It's a question to some people if Jordan was even hated even by some people back then, even some people that watched basketball in the late 80's-90's just have this idea that everyone liked him because of his career. Today its not even a question if there are people who hate Lebron, Kobe, Curry even KD, we know cause we see it documented everyday not just by reporters but everyday people.
Bro I sports hated Jordan and the Bulls.
Loved the shoes but sports hated the player and his team.
Never owned playoff 11s or Flu/hangover 12s because they were heavy on the Bulls colors.

The Jordan nut ridin was beyond human comprehension.
People would root against their home team if they were playing the Bulls.
Constantly argued with my homeboys about how they could nut ride dude so hard and cheer for the Bulls, but they had never even been to the city of Chicago :smh:
I think OKC finishes tonight. Once you figure a team out that well it's hard for other team to come back. Curry and Klay would both need 50 to even have a chance. Give Russ a shot of adrenaline right before tipoff and it's game, set, match.
I really think OKC and in particular Russ has snatched them boys hearts already. There comes a point where both teams know who's the better team, I think last game was that point. They can't do anything with OKC defensively, so even if they get a few more shots to fall don't think it'll be enough.
It will be the biggest choke job if they don't win the title

73-9 and no title? Turrrible

We slander teams for having great regular seasons and not doing a damn thing in theplayoffs

They got the record. No excuses. If they fail they deserve the slander
It's not even just Roberson being wide open anymore.
He's been coming off the High Pick, slashing through lane past picks set for him and then, he's no longer wide open when he is wide open, they are closing in on him and he's driving passed them and then dishing or finishing which he does quite well with his length and athleticism.
when the warriors go small.. Roberson is as tall as their biggest guy and we know he's got that long wingspan

ibaka is the spot up shooter, while Roberson is making the rim runs and hustling

the warriors are probably better off starting ezeli or playing him at the beginning of quarters.. and then going with bogut at the end of quarters, to avoid the intentional fouling (not sure if his ft % is better or not)

but they need someone with size out there
Good idea on putting Festus in early to avoid the FT's and close with Bogut.

It's mind blowing GS still hasn't given their Bigs minutes.

They're going to have to. All 3 of their Centers need run.

If they do, we will be watching a different game than these first 4.
Thunder don't need to try anything new their constant switching of everyone on defense has worked well for them all series. Minor adjustments if anything.
Its only a matter if the warriors shots begin to fall
Warriors running out of time they need to gameplan around the constant switching the entire Okc lineup does to get better shots instead of just hoping they start to go in like the usually do. I'm sure they have tried to make adjustmens but it seems like they are mostly relying on the same old to start working again.
agreed. This is how it's been for the warriors under Kerr this series. They'll have a game plan. Execute for about 5 minutes of the first quarter. And then go back to their playground style of play by trying to make tough jumpshots and trying to be cute. 

Kerr hasn't made any significant adjustments late in the games. It's like he just tells them keep shooting and hoping it'll fall in. 
 Curry and Klay would both need 50 to even have a chance. 

As funny as this sounds, it's pretty true.

Those are the only 2 guys who can get their shot right now.
as I said before, if MJ had twitter it probably would have been run by some PR firm..

he would probably would have had someone in his crew doing that sort of thing for him with chicks (think Charles Oakley)

I know dude is far from a saint.. but you're forgetting how image conscious and calculating dude was.. like many politicians that do all the things MJ did, i could easily see him have zero problems doing his dirt today

There's actual footage of him in a hotel room with a white chick.

He's not as smart as u think

Young mj would a been Jr smith on twitter
OKC, is just a bad matchup for the warriors.. between length, athleticism and toughness

the advantage that key guys like draymond, iggy and Livingston usually have isn't really there vs the thunder

when they pick and switch.. draymond usually can just bully the smaller guy.. and iggy and Livingston, have size/length advantages

draymond isn't bullying westbrook or waiters and KD/Roberson have height/length
I still think if thunder lose toni ght they lose the series. God I hate the galaxy keyboard always jumbling my words
as I said before, if MJ had twitter it probably would have been run by some PR firm..

he would probably would have had someone in his crew doing that sort of thing for him with chicks (think Charles Oakley)

I know dude is far from a saint.. but you're forgetting how image conscious and calculating dude was.. like many politicians that do all the things MJ did, i could easily see him have zero problems doing his dirt today
There's actual footage of him in a hotel room with a white chick.

He's not as smart as u think

Young mj would a been Jr smith on twitter
i don't think he's that smart (or that dumb).. honestly i have no clue how smart the man is

i just know he was calculating (again, the whole 'republicans buy sneakers too').. I've been around enough politicians in my life to realize the dudes who are going be stupid enough to get caught up in shhhh when exposed to certain things in life

all I'm saying, i think MJ at least does a couple things to cover his tracks

gambling i don't think would be THAT big an issue, cause they got private clubs all of the place.. and with girls, I'm sure something would come out.. but i think he would just have his boys or security keep a strict no phones policy
: my bad.

Straight up.

A few days ago, going back and forth with you, I went over the top. I did feel like you were coming at me slightly with that initial response, and I did feel like I didn't do anything to deserve that... but then I responded all the way over the line.

I'm only mentioning it in the thread, because I went way over the line in the thread. If I was out of line with someone publicly, I feel like I should make it right publicly.

I'm fairly certain people (maybe even yourself) are going to think that Meth told me I was wrong and need to fix it or something like that. Meth doesn't operate that way. Never has. He literally hasn't said a word to me about our back-and-forth.

Why I'm saying this is really simple: it's just me looking back and realizing I spazzed out. That's it. Like every time I see your name & avy, I shake my head and think, "I f***ed up. I'm a idiot" (word to KD).

Honestly, once I was fired up and we were going back and forth, the way you were responding to me is the way I SHOULD have responded to you from the jump.

My fault, man. That's all I got. An apology and a thank you (for not being an a**).

Carry on.

I appreciate that my dude, and pardon me for how I came off as well.

I tell people all the time, conversations can be taken the wrong way via text/email etc. .. maybe I jumped the gun a tad bit but the way you came off in your response had me ready to go back to my ******** days :smh:

Glad we got that all squared away though, it's all good fam.

And pardon me for calling you Animal Thug 2.0, that was a super low blow :lol:

Jordan would have been slandered mercilessly LOL! I mean how many teamates can you punch in the face without backlash. Great ballplayer, terrible person..
A lot of you forget just how beloved he was with the media. Sure, social media wasn't around, but there were many reports of his gambling, adultery, having a child out of wedlock etc.

MJ's electricity was a enough to trump any and everything that came his way. I sincerely believe many of you weren't even alive during MJ's prime :lol:

And the the person who said MJ can't even deal with the crying MJ meme, that couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. That meme has been GOLD for the man. It's basically free PR :lol:
THANK YOU!! I say this all the time.

People act like we went from carving pictures in cave walls in 1998 to having complete access to celebrities in 2001.


There was still access to celebrities. We knew who was cheating, who was beating their spouse down, who was an addict, all that. All technology has done is given us the ability to interact with them more quickly. Before, to have a shot at interacting with any celebrity, you had to hope you bumped into them, or you had to stalk them and learn where their favorite eating spots were and be there when they're there. Now you send them an add request, and wait to see if they say something, maybe even RT you!!!

But there was still access, a LOOOOTTT of access.
Seriuos sports fans may have known and had access but a non sports fan wouldn't. I'm just saying information I spread more easily to the masses with social media.
Thunder don't need to try anything new their constant switching of everyone on defense has worked well for them all series. Minor adjustments if anything.

Its only a matter if the warriors shots begin to fall

Warriors running out of time they need to gameplan around the constant switching the entire Okc lineup does to get better shots instead of just hoping they start to go in like the usually do. I'm sure they have tried to make adjustmens but it seems like they are mostly relying on the same old to start working again.

agreed. This is how it's been for the warriors under Kerr this series. They'll have a game plan. Execute for about 5 minutes of the first quarter. And then go back to their playground style of play by trying to make tough jumpshots and trying to be cute. 

Kerr hasn't made any significant adjustments late in the games. It's like he just tells them keep shooting and hoping it'll fall in. 

Thank you. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that sees this. I feel like I'm watching And 1 when they play. It's all half court heaves and no look passes just to look cool. Sure they move the ball around but how many of Currys shots are highly contested. His biggest asset is he can make the worst possible shots you could take. That's not good basketball.
: my bad.

Straight up.

A few days ago, going back and forth with you, I went over the top. I did feel like you were coming at me slightly with that initial response, and I did feel like I didn't do anything to deserve that... but then I responded all the way over the line.

I'm only mentioning it in the thread, because I went way over the line in the thread. If I was out of line with someone publicly, I feel like I should make it right publicly.

I'm fairly certain people (maybe even yourself) are going to think that Meth told me I was wrong and need to fix it or something like that. Meth doesn't operate that way. Never has. He literally hasn't said a word to me about our back-and-forth.

Why I'm saying this is really simple: it's just me looking back and realizing I spazzed out. That's it. Like every time I see your name & avy, I shake my head and think, "I f***ed up. I'm a idiot" (word to KD).

Honestly, once I was fired up and we were going back and forth, the way you were responding to me is the way I SHOULD have responded to you from the jump.

My fault, man. That's all I got. An apology and a thank you (for not being an a**).

Carry on.

I appreciate that my dude, and pardon me for how I came off as well.

I tell people all the time, conversations can be taken the wrong way via text/email etc. .. maybe I jumped the gun a tad bit but the way you came off in your response had me ready to go back to my ******** days :smh:

Glad we got that all squared away though, it's all good fam.

And pardon me for calling you Animal Thug 2.0, that was a super low blow :lol:


I can always appreciate a good bromance
Social media would be the game changer imo. He was an eleectrifying athlete and would have gotten passes but the slander on a message board or a twitter would have been merciless belee dat. Mainly those chipless and 1st round exit years..
Social media would have made him a global icon faster, that's about it. The negative social media impact on careers is exaggerated alot. A few months ago Blake Griffin survived attacking his 'best friend and team trainer'; sure he got his chops busted over a couple jokes, but it washed over. Several athletes' private lives played out in public and they still survived. Heck, in the '80s Mike Tyson WAS SITTING WITH HIS WIFE when she discussed his abuse to Barbara Walters on NATIONAL T.V.! How live is that? Tyson went on to make multi millions and ultimately cut his own throat (w/ Don King's help) . Another point also was made about athletes adjusting to privacy and the 'invasion thereof'; certain conduct wouldn't be done in the first place.
social media is a 2 way street bruh. You only discussing the good part.
: my bad.

Straight up.

A few days ago, going back and forth with you, I went over the top. I did feel like you were coming at me slightly with that initial response, and I did feel like I didn't do anything to deserve that... but then I responded all the way over the line.

I'm only mentioning it in the thread, because I went way over the line in the thread. If I was out of line with someone publicly, I feel like I should make it right publicly.

I'm fairly certain people (maybe even yourself) are going to think that Meth told me I was wrong and need to fix it or something like that. Meth doesn't operate that way. Never has. He literally hasn't said a word to me about our back-and-forth.

Why I'm saying this is really simple: it's just me looking back and realizing I spazzed out. That's it. Like every time I see your name & avy, I shake my head and think, "I f***ed up. I'm a idiot" (word to KD).

Honestly, once I was fired up and we were going back and forth, the way you were responding to me is the way I SHOULD have responded to you from the jump.

My fault, man. That's all I got. An apology and a thank you (for not being an a**).

Carry on.

View media item 2045908

jk this is nice to see. :D
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God the image of the thunder beating the Warriors in Oakland tonight is what dreams are made of. Only thing that would make it better is steph curry going 0/20
Just for reference, what was the big difference between games 3+4 and game 5 of the ecf? Guys on the cavs hitting their shots and guys on Toronto missing theirs? Wasn't paying much attention. There was a good representation of nters who thought the raps had cle dead to rights
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Just for reference, what was the big difference between games 3+4 and game 5 of the ecf? Guys on the cavs hitting their shots and guys on Toronto missing theirs? Wasn't paying much attention.

Didn't watch a single dribble but the game was in CLE dassit.
Lebron got caught pming a chick. You think mj would t get caught doing the same?
What exactly did that do to Lebron?? Nothing. He never owned up and no one of relevance asked or, quite frankly, cared :\
Social media effects are over blown.
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It will be the biggest choke job if they don't win the title

73-9 and no title? Turrrible

We slander teams for having great regular seasons and not doing a damn thing in theplayoffs

They got the record. No excuses. If they fail they deserve the slander

Here's the thing tho..

Say okc does win...but then loses to the cavs...

wouldnt that be just as big of a disappointment?

Smashing the 67 win Spurs and the 73 win Dubs only to lose to the eastern conference? I feel like that would take a lot of the sting out of the warriors losing if the thunder also lose.

Now if the thunder win the chip, then they're the chosen ones. And because winning titles are so hard, it shows that they are just a really good squad and ready for dominance. And also the playoffs are about matchups. Just because team a beats team b, it does not necessarily mean team a is better, just the individual matchups favor team a at an advantage. So far the thunder have been a horrible match up for GS, but would probably struggle with cleveland, whereas GS would have an easy time with Cleveland, but struggle with OKC. All about matchups.

I just have a harder time roasting a team for what they did in the regular season since I feel like that and the playoffs are completely unrelated.
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