Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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  • Total voters
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Root beer is by FAR the most overrated soft drink man :x

Cream soda > Root beer

Yeah if you are 8.  Try drinking Cream soda as an adult and watch what kind of looks you get.  You drink Cream soda if you want to get put on a pedophile registry list.

:rofl: :rofl:

Word,what kind of clown response was that :rofl:

I went and got the worst tasting soda I could find to compare with garbage *** root beer,dude just ran off with his imagination :lol:
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2 questionable early fouls like Adams had since it's our building, plus a few of KD/WB's early drives could have been called and he's out of the game. If you can't get it from driving him, you can also run him/them out of the building with smaller lineups (Ibaka is running to the 3 but he's hitting so it's fine), and lastly you make him shoot fts and make Kerr make a decision on him. You want to force GS into their "death" lineup

I might even thaw Nick Collison off for a few minutes, even if for nothing more than to foul
Has Bogut not been a victim of questionable calls? I agree it's to OKC's benefit to get him off the court but to say that GSW did nothing to convince people they can win game 6 isn't objective. They definitely did. And the gameplan yesterday worked/is transferable. I mean OKC honestly played like they had the entire season yesterday. Who's to say dion just didn't come back down to earth? Or that Russ won't press too much again? The thunder have played incredible this postseason but in comparison to the entire season, they've played over their heads. So, it's perfectly conceivable they play that way again even if it is at home. Just like it's conceivable they return to the level of dominance before. I'm not gonna discount either view

Dion was 0 for 4 last night. Even him at his worst he should be like 3-11. OKC forgot what got them here and reverted back to KD/Russ taking turns, and yes Bogut can get bad calls on him, probably/hopefully will in our building is the point. You get 2 quick ones on him like Adams did last night and that changes everything.

Thunder played even or better than the Warriors every game they played against each other this season except one. Blew a few leads late to lose on a buzzer beater or by a few possessions. To have the champs on the ropes isn't over their heads just because GS won 18 more games against the other 28 teams in the NBA.
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Dis you fam?

Over their heads? They cut their rotation and stopped playing Singler and Kanter. If you're waiting for the regular season OKC to show up then we'll see you in November. :smokin

I'll give kerr kudos for making the adjustment of going big. That garbage death lineup gonna get them blown out again.

Kanter has been a huge reason for this surge. And yes over their heads. That's not necessarily a bad thing. That's just a statement made in relation to 82 games....But ok
It's hilarious how the world turned on the warriors :lol:. Dudes that were praising steph like light skin Jesus all of a sudden annoyed by everything he does. Omg why did he switch hands on that lay up, why did he thank God in the 3rd qtr. And the dudes that were bashing russy all year and calling kd beta are supporters all of a sudden. Idc who wins anymore, I'm slandering regardless but it's hilarious how **** changes when the winners aren't winning. Watch if gsw come back and win, lebron is gonna be the favorite/good guy again. Warrior hate is the new thing.

Welcome to NT, where cats think steph should get a technical foul for chewing his mouth piece

Tech nah, I wouldn't mind if one of Draymonds kicks pulled a Tristan2LebronsChin and kicked that thing into the 3rd row while chipping his tooth though
Just got to Seattle and I'm riding the rail
I see this dude in a supersonics cap
I wonder if he roots for the thunder or the Warriors
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Real question: When was the last time we saw a player drop 50+ dropped in a playoff game?? Ray did it in '09 against the Bulls, 51pts, 1st Round (One of the best 1st round series ever).

Did that kind of individual playoff dominance die with the 90s?? Any logical reason why we shouldn't see anyone drop 50+ on Saturday?? We ALL know 4 players on that court that are capable of doing it. Nowadays we place bets on team wins and not stars going off. Anyone remember the playoff days when it was a GIVEN which games the greats would drop 40 or 50? ........."Marv Albert voice: 2 minutes remaining...Chicago down 6...This is Michael Jordan time"

well it is possible. kd had 40 yeaterday so a few more made shots, he probably would've hit 50.

I dont know how many more 'dominant' feel games we'll get. Like kev had 40, but I didn't know it was tha tmany til I saw the box score. I actually thought russ had more and he had 9 less.

Idk if we'll see games where we're just like..damn...he's ****** yall up.

russ probably the closest to it with his game 4, with 35 and the triple dub
I swear to god if the thunder make the finals and KD and Lebron Embrace again before the first game I will die. That was death to KD man
Not only was Dion 0-4 but I noticed Andre was 3-5.
Andre has to get 10 shots, has to.
It just opens up to many other options.
Dion was 0 for 4 last night. Even him at his worst he should be like 3-11. OKC forgot what got them here and reverted back to KD/Russ taking turns, and yes Bogut can get bad calls on him, probably/hopefully will in our building is the point. You get 2 quick ones on him like Adams did last night and that changes everything.

Thunder played even or better than the Warriors every game they played against each other this season except one. Blew a few leads late to lose on a buzzer beater or by a few possessions. To have the champs on the ropes isn't over their heads just because GS won 18 more games against the other 28 teams in the NBA.

And that taking turns mess killed them. Which is my entire point. They did that the entire season, to discount it is silly. They have GSW on the ropes because they're not playing the same way they did during the season when they lost every game. Doesn't matter how close the games were. They are gonna win by playing the way they have in the postseason not regular season. Last night they didn't do that. To me, in pressure situations you play like who you are at heart. And THAT team GSW has a perfect game plan for.
Saw how many pages the thread jumped and thought :it's lit in there

Came in and realized the annual Cookie talk was in session

Man every year, cookies

Cookies are terrible unless someone talks me into smoking weed.
tbh I'm also not a huge fan of cookies, or sweets in general really
well it is possible. kd had 40 yeaterday so a few more made shots, he probably would've hit 50.

I dont know how many more 'dominant' feel games we'll get. Like kev had 40, but I didn't know it was tha tmany til I saw the box score. I actually thought russ had more and he had 9 less.

Idk if we'll see games where we're just like..damn...he's ****** yall up.

russ probably the closest to it with his game 4, with 35 and the triple dub
True. In retrospect, the way the defense could play you in the previous eras, hitting 40+ and 50+ during playoff intensity was really a feat man... The greats just made it look easy.
well it is possible. kd had 40 yeaterday so a few more made shots, he probably would've hit 50.

I dont know how many more 'dominant' feel games we'll get. Like kev had 40, but I didn't know it was tha tmany til I saw the box score. I actually thought russ had more and he had 9 less.

Idk if we'll see games where we're just like..damn...he's ****** yall up.

russ probably the closest to it with his game 4, with 35 and the triple dub
True. In retrospect, the way the defense could play you in the previous eras, hitting 40+ and 50+ during playoff intensity was really a feat man... The greats just made it look easy.

and that was just with hand checking. So if you were jsut genreally better than who was guarding you you were going to have a big night. With the ability to zone now, zoning was created solely to stop all of that 'one player taking over' madness. Now they can throw 2-3 players at you and force the ball out of your hand. It's just harder to do that to smart players and players with good teams, because instead of forcing the situation and spliting the double team with dribble moves, they split it with passes. The dominant 'selfish' iso player, the prototypical kobes/mjs/ai's that ignored the pass and instead split the defense with handles looking for their shot...are gone. It's smarter basketball now, but less entertaining as a fan.

The iso era was fun as hell to watch.
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