Official 2016 NBA Playoffs Thread: Conference Finals: Warriors / Thunder | Cavs / Raptors

Who is going to win the NBA Championship?

  • Golden State Warriors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • San Antonio Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OKC Thunder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cleveland Cavaliers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Toronto Raptors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miami Heat

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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If you ever in MD, hit up Iverson Mall for the Snickerdoodle cookies :D

Such a great mall
@Freeze , that's money. Another reason why we see all the 'player highs' during the reg. and not the playoffs; teams are eliminating those iso threats in a series.
All the s'mores eatin cats post your BMI
My BMI is 100
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If you are in an all star city during the weekend, Sunday they take all those big *** banners down off the traffic lights and **** and don't even throw them away. They just be laying on the ground and benches, did it in Houston and New Orleans. If I had a way to take it home and it not get damaged In my luggage I would have mad posters.
Billy Donovan has done an excellent job coaching in the playoffs but if he plays Foye another minute over Morrow. :smh:

I never want to see Foye play in an OKC uniform again.
Invite me to your office and I will bring you a pack :nerd:

Amazon taxes like crazy for the oreos though, it's like 8$ a pack... Insane.

Target gets them too.

Can't be letting people from the sell-side inside (JK). Just sent the intern up to the Target in Harlem to get some. I did tell him he could get whatever he wanted for lunch though.

I'm only going to have a few, because I'm on this 6-weeks to shred program. Gotta hit those macros :lol:

Agreed in most part but I mess with ginger beer/ale :smokin

Ginger Ale, please. Canda Dry preferably.

Who is this?
I swear to god if the thunder make the finals and KD and Lebron Embrace again before the first game I will die. That was death to KD man
Who you want to perform at your funeral homie?
Cause them boys gone bro hug and do the secret handshake :lol:
I toss a few oreos in a bowl, throw some milk in there, and eat it like cereal. Every sunday after GoT.
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i feel like most of steph hate comes from not understanding how a 6'3 180 PG without unfreakish athleticism dominates the league. i mean shieeeeet i still dont understand it but love watching it. dude is a real life glitch fr fr

That's exactly it. As I've said numerous times...Steph isn't "SUPPOSED TO" be dominating the league. That's reserved for the LeBron's of the world. Those freakish do it all wings.

Dudes in here acting like 30ppg 7apg 5.5rpg 2spg isnt "All around". Those are prime Michael Jordan numbers. Then when you factor in the 50/45/90 stuff only gets crazy.

They gotta find a false way to discredit because they can't rap their minds on how a 6'3 180lbs shooting point guard is dominating basketball.
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Random but relevant, when I was in Atlanta in 2008

You guys need to get on this limited edition Oreo wave.

You're not one of those nasty losers that pick your nose, open the bag, eat the booger and the oreos then close the bag and put it back are you?
Dude what? No way that's gross.

Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio Interns in May? Nice.

Just making sure :lol: there's been like 3 different grimy story type threads where dudes have admitted to eating food in grocery stores and putting stuff back. Including ice cream :x #DirtyFingerBoyz
Please that's nothing. Dudes in here ejaculating on pizzas because they ain't get enough of a tip or didn't like how someone talked to them on the phone, dinging cars on purpose as valets, putting pork in Muslim's taco bell orders, some ol' scumbag ****.
@WaveyCrocket were you around when AI dominated the league? Barely 6'0 160lbs; He was smaller than Steph. No one denies AI's greatness as the best 'pound for pound' player ever. I think Steph's size has nothing to do with people discrediting his game, but I'm not speaking for everyone who chides him.
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Please that's nothing. Dudes in here ejaculating on pizzas because they ain't get enough of a tip or didn't like how someone talked to them on the phone, dinging cars on purpose as valets, putting pork in Muslim's taco bell orders, some ol' scumbag ****.
The third one........ Whoever does that deserves to be jailed.
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