Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

That was the point.. The expectations are higher for Frank and the lack of success is magnified. If Frank was drafted in Dotsons position no one would really care that he's bad so far.
I get that but people in here are acting like Frank was projected to go in the late 2nd round

We picked Frank right where almost every single mock draft had him
i could agree with this completely... dont see the point in drafting a project... we knew KP had the potential before drafting but Frank whats his ceiling that was like ok we have to draft this kid asap... i see him being a good defensive player that can hit the occasional 3 point shot like jae crowder but smaller obviously... im not even hating on Frank i want him to be great and if he improves in the next few years that would be awesome... but this year he hasnt show flashes... ya he had a few games here and there but nothing to be like ya thats 1 of our franchise players to build around... this year has been very disappointing to say the least... but calling him trash every game does nothing but at the same time hes been playing terrible... the only thing you can do is hope for the best with Frank but for now seems like a waste of a lottery pick imo... But i guess thats irrelevant since top 3 draft picks getted moved frequently like derrick williams, beasley, okafor and russell... i really do hope Frank works out here and can improve just for the sake of the Knicks and the fans
You’re on acid if you’re trying to tell me “we knew what we had in KP from the jump”

Get tf outta here with that :rofl:
The reality is Frank could definitely be better but he is not the Knicks problem, I'm surprised we spend so much time going back and forth. The draft has always been hit or miss but we don't even have competent management or coaching. The Sixers missed on higher picks that Frank it happens in the draft but they hit big because there was a concerted effort to bottom out while developing the talent. The Knicks are a few season removed from going "all in" with a bunch of players past their prime. So in reality all we have is patience that the team has learned something from the past mistakes but only time will tell.
i didnt say that... but based of highlight videos you can see why he was drafted… he can shoot and block shots… I was actually salty we drafted him and wanted mudiay instead… im glad I was wrong… but even in the summer league KP showed something… what has Frank done to be like ya this was a good pick? hes plays good defense but so did renaldo balkman…
The back and forth with Frank is played out at this point and it always starts with someone calling him trash :lol:

Thank God there’s only 6 games left

I’m cool with being the Frank homer in the thread though :smokin

In 2 years if he’s trash I’ll happily be the first to tell you
So basically you’re saying to hate on Frank is justified because “no one” wanted him in the first place but to be optimistic about his potential is caping?
That’s clearly not what I said. :lol:
Started to think you trolling with the caping ****. Everyone isn’t gonna agree with you, just like everyone isn’t gonna agree with those that gave up on him already. It doesn’t have to be one side or the other.
I get that but people in here are acting like Frank was projected to go in the late 2nd round

We picked Frank right where almost every single mock draft had him
No people are saying he plays like he was picked in the late second round :lol: but he wasn't. Mock drafts don' abstain you from poor play..
That’s clearly not what I said. :lol:
Started to think you trolling with the caping ****. Everyone isn’t gonna agree with you, just like everyone isn’t gonna agree with those that gave up on him already. It doesn’t have to be one side or the other.
What exactly about what I post comes off as caping?

Because I say he’s gonna be a good player? That’s caping to you? :lol:
What about guys selected higher than him? Jonathan Isaac whose barely played, Darron Fox who plays 30 min a game consistently and only shows some flashes here and there, Fultz who was the #1 pick but has a **** ton of mental issues.

Going in on Frank whose younger than all those guys and hasn't had the same opportunities or issues as them is a bit premature.

Yea I get it he hasn't met anyone's expectations, hell I was watching him all summer and even I think he's been trash more often than not, but at this point I legit feel like some of y'all just don't like him. He can avg 15-5-5 game for a month straight and some of y'all would still be *****ing about DSJ and Mitchell.

How can you say we knew KP had the potential but at the same time think Frank is a bust though. Does Frank have no potential now? He was drafted strictly because of his potential. No teenager with certain tools goes past the 10th pick in the NBA draft.

99% of the fan base thought KP would be a scrub from the jump. Give Frank atleast 2 years

That’s clearly not what I said. :lol:
Started to think you trolling with the caping ****. Everyone isn’t gonna agree with you, just like everyone isn’t gonna agree with those that gave up on him already. It doesn’t have to be one side or the other.

floodarea floodarea in all seriousness half the time i'm just coming at you to clown you for buying his authentic bc bro you doled out money for his jersey like he was going to be our savior :lol: but for the record i do want him to succeed. that's obvious since he plays for the Knicks, but again he hasn't shown that much to be like "wow, i'm so glad we drafted him". you getting excited about 11 and 3 games is like come on ***** :lol: your expectations are HELLA low if you're really excited about his production as a #8 pick regardless if he's 19 from France or born in raised in Brooklyn and 21.

i'll be nice and lay off the "trash" word for now...he sucks lmao
floodarea floodarea in all seriousness half the time i'm just coming at you to clown you for buying his authentic bc bro you doled out money for his jersey like he was going to be our savior :lol: but for the record i do want him to succeed. that's obvious since he plays for the Knicks, but again he hasn't shown that much to be like "wow, i'm so glad we drafted him". you getting excited about 11 and 3 games is like come on ***** :lol: your expectations are HELLA low if you're really excited about his production as a #8 pick regardless if he's 19 from France or born in raised in Brooklyn and 21.

i'll be nice and lay off the "trash" word for now...he sucks lmao
Hahahah people keep bringing up the jersey like I dropped a rack on it

Ish was only $170 and I just wanted someone other than KP and Frank is the only other player on this team with some future stock :lol:

The garden full of Frank jerseys every game man it ain’t like I’m the only one :lol:
Shoulda waited an copped a Trey "too good for the d league not good enouh for the league" Burke jersey :rofl:
What exactly about what I post comes off as caping?

Because I say he’s gonna be a good player? That’s caping to you? :lol:
It’s not this post, it’s just always having an excuse for his play. But like I said, I don’t hate the kid at all and I’m giving him until next season. But I can’t be mad at those that say he’s trash right now because he hasn’t shown otherwise besides his great defense.
I've seem improvement in Frank so I backed off the slander but the constant performances like he had last night, 3 points, 3 TOs on 16% shooting, has done nothing to change my opinion that we made the wrong pick....once again.

It's super frustrating because if he doesn't pan out, that's a huge blow to our rebuilding efforts.

Without KP on the court, this team looks like it has absolutely ZERO championship level assets. For a team that has been so bad for so long, that's depressing.
^ not only that theres no reason for KP to stay once hes a free agent... watch him take a 1 year deal like monroe then leave after his rookie contract...
The reality is Frank could definitely be better but he is not the Knicks problem, I'm surprised we spend so much time going back and forth. The draft has always been hit or miss but we don't even have competent management or coaching. The Sixers missed on higher picks that Frank it happens in the draft but they hit big because there was a concerted effort to bottom out while developing the talent. The Knicks are a few season removed from going "all in" with a bunch of players past their prime. So in reality all we have is patience that the team has learned something from the past mistakes but only time will tell.

No sane Knicks fan would ever blame Frank or any one player for our issues. The development of our lottery pick is a valid discussion though.
^ not only that theres no reason for KP to stay once hes a free agent... watch him take a 1 year deal like monroe then leave after his rookie contract...

that's what i'm concerned about. Melo was the last player since STAT that was hell bent on winning here. i think STAT came more because we gave him a guaranteed deal, but whatever i'll include him for the hell of it. this organization screwed Melo and used him as a scapegoat, but he still wanted to play here. KP witnessed all of that, and i highly doubt he'd be willing to go through it himself. right now, he has no reason to stay other than the money. this GL roster is horrid with a speckle of hope. Trey and Beas are our off the bench scorers, Frank hopefully becomes more than just a good defender, and we are in the lottery again. other than that, wash the whole damn roster. however, the first change that needs to be made is to kick Rambis to the curb. **** Rambis, Phil, Steve Mills, Doug Christie.
Our problem isn't coaching, defense, stagnant offense, streaky shooting, mid range jumpers, or lack of talent.

It's a 19 year old rookie.
Our problem isn't coaching, defense, stagnant offense, streaky shooting, mid range jumpers, or lack of talent.

It's a 19 year old rookie.

naw, our problem is the whole damn thing. even the concession stands and janitors.

bro when the hell did you get 50k posts?! :lol:
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