Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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I disagree. The perfect storm of events had to happen for Cleveland to even have a shot.

I disagree fam

Prior to the chaos happening with bogut, draymond, iggy, etc the dubs had taken 5 of 6 and the 5 wins weren't close at all.

Provided both sides are healthy the cavs weren't a full 7 game series close to gsw

I certainly think that's fair. I do think that this Cleveland team was better than the year before. I think they were integrating Love better than the previous year....With that said, would I be completely surprised if GSW won in 6? Nah.
Actually never said that, but reading doesn't seem to be your strong suit
bruh you said it when you said life is grey and that you don't always make the choice that makes sense, because other choices make sense too, so if you out here making choices that make less sense then go for it, I make choices that make SENSE
People love to blame Steph for what happened like he didnt put up 22 5 and 4 while injured, while Harrison was out there shaving points
That was going to be my next point. But still act like it is all on Steph,

I guess what I fail to understand is why are some of you so refusing to give players "excuses" when they are recovering from an injury. Some of you say Steph was scared but are unable to verbalize instances in which it was FEAR vs. caution (which happens when you aren't healthy).

I know, everyone plays with injuries each night, that is understood, but if we all know Steph sustained a serious injury 2 series prior, why are we having such a hard time simply admitting the truth? Dude was hurt.
I disagree. The perfect storm of events had to happen for Cleveland to even have a shot.

Like Game 7 being played on a floor where The warriors only lost on 4 times during the whole NBA regular season and playoffs combined?
I certainly think that's fair. I do think that this Cleveland team was better than the year before. I think they were integrating Love better than the previous year....With that said, would I be completely surprised if GSW won in 6? Nah.
I thought the Cavs were the fourth best team in the league and depending on your thoughts on the Clippers they were fifth.
That was going to be my next point. But still act like it is all on Steph,

I guess what I fail to understand is why are some of you so refusing to give players "excuses" when they are recovering from an injury. Some of you say Steph was scared but are unable to verbalize instances in which it was FEAR vs. caution (which happens when you aren't healthy).

I know, everyone plays with injuries each night, that is understood, but if we all know Steph sustained a serious injury 2 series prior, why are we having such a hard time simply admitting the truth? Dude was hurt.

Because you're mentioning he was hurt two series prior without taking to account he comes back and leads his team in scoring for every series played. He had a 38 pt finals game? Was he hurt?
Kyrie is gonna end up still in Cleveland

I hope so. I would like to see Part 4.

But I know many don't want to see Kyrie as they would rather see "LeBron's world come crashing down." (As it has already started to do according to some here).
Because you're mentioning he was hurt two series prior without taking to account he comes back and leads his team in scoring for every series played. He had a 38 pt finals game? Was he hurt?
Me personally, wouldn't use the outcome as the determining factor when saying he was hurt vs. healthy.

EYE would say the same either way. That is just me though.
I hope so. I would like to see Part 4.

But I know many don't want to see Kyrie as they would rather see "LeBron's world come crashing down." (As it has already started to do according to some here).

I don't like the circus that will surround it. But winning fixes all and Lebron is a past first guy so eh.....Kyrie MVP season coming soon :nerd:
I don't like the circus that will surround it. But winning fixes all and Lebron is a past first guy so eh.....Kyrie MVP season coming soon :nerd:
The circus is what makes the NBA fun. We say we wouldn't like the circus but we will buy first row tickets to the same circus.

Kyrie MVP season, I welcome it. Anything to piss Wizards fans off in the Kyrie vs. John Wall battle
The circus is what makes the NBA fun. We say we wouldn't like the circus but we will buy first row tickets to the same circus.

Kyrie MVP season, I welcome it. Anything to piss Wizards fans off in the Kyrie vs. John Wall battle

Kyrie vs. John Wall is only a thing on NT. John Wall is overrated.
The circus is what makes the NBA fun. We say we wouldn't like the circus but we will buy first row tickets to the same circus.

Kyrie MVP season, I welcome it. Anything to piss Wizards fans off in the Kyrie vs. John Wall battle

i play with gortat, y u mad at me
Again, I would still say, "Damn he did all of that while injured."

The man didn't have time to recover from that injury. I think we all know that.

That's too much of a crutch. Y'all know damn well Steph wasn't injured. He wasn't 100% but nobody on the court was sans Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving
Ran through the league in 14/15 and won

Ran through the league again in 15/16 and had 2 starters and their 6th man injured and their best defender suspended before surrendering that 3-1 lead.

This is another thing that bothers me.

Cavs were up 2-1. No Kyrie and Love and they lose in 6. Why don't we mention that the way we mention Curry's injury and Draymond's suspension :lol: Why don't we say Cavs should have won both the way we say the Warriors should have, goddammit?

I'm close to having it, where's Vince?
That's too much of a crutch. Y'all know damn well Steph wasn't injured. He wasn't 100% but nobody on the court was sans Kevin Love and Kyrie Irving

We can agree to disagree.

You call it a crutch, I call it as a dude that was hurt X days prior and was asked to play in the NBA Finals.

I don't have a problem with giving players "excuses" like yall.
I am still waiting on someone to explain to me what they saw when they claim Steph was scared in the 16 Finals?

What did, "Steph was shook" physically look like?
Draymond suspension changed the whole landscape of 2016 finals. Warriors would've closed out in gm 5 if dray never got suspended
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