Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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bruh you said it when you said life is grey and that you don't always make the choice that makes sense, because other choices make sense too, so if you out here making choices that make less sense then go for it, I make choices that make SENSE

Reading and writing don't seem to be your strong suits, I suggest rereading what you wrote and giving it some further thought

I never said: "that you don't always make the choice that makes sense"

What I did say regarding "sense":
things can make sense for a lot of reasons

Doesn't mean other things don't make sense...
Things in life can make sense for any number of reasons..

It could make sense to me to get vanilla ice cream, because I want it

It could make sense to me to not get any ice cream because I want to be healthy

Neither of the above means I don't like chocolate.. or at a future date, chocolate won't make sense to me

A lot of grey in this world

And when I did actually speak of making a "choice", I said the following in response to @Lovetohate3000:
Actually that ain't obvious.. just because I like steak, doesn't mean I don't like chicken or fish

KD could have very easily envisioned scenarios with multiple teams making sense, obviously he had to choose 1 of em.. that doesn't mean the others didn't make sense, it simply means he chose the 1 team:
Oh so now you get nuance...

In that scenario, although I like steak more than chicken.. I would choose chicken if I could only have 1 of the 2 for 2 years

chicken being the healthier of the 2, I would go with that
I watched John Wall go 0-11 in the final 19 minutes of a Game 7. What's a John Wall?
Are you going to give him credit for everything else he did up to that point or are you going to be a typical sports fan and only judge a dude by the last image he provided you?

Not right.
This is another thing that bothers me.

Cavs were up 2-1. No Kyrie and Love and they lose in 6. Why don't we mention that the way we mention Curry's injury and Draymond's suspension :lol: Why don't we say Cavs should have won both the way we say the Warriors should have, goddammit?

I'm close to having it, where's Vince?

Cavs would've won in 6 with Kyrie alone in 2015. With Love they win in 5. Nobody likes to give Lebron the benefit of the doubt but Game 2 of that series is one of the greatest NBA performances by a single player ever. Lebron was possessed by that lion demon that possessed him in the 2012 ECF game 6 against Boston
I am still waiting on someone to explain to me what they saw when they claim Steph was scared in the 16 Finals?

What did, "Steph was shook" physically look like?

Passing the ball to Draymond while on the 3 point arc in the waning seconds. Like shooting 3's in big moments is what he does. For a split second he forgot
Are you going to give him credit for everything else he did up to that point or are you going to be a typical sports fan and only judge a dude by the last image he provided you?

Not right.

I'll judge him on how he performed in the biggest moment. Game 7 of the Eastern semis was the biggest moment of his career.
Reading and writing don't seem to be your strong suits, I suggest rereading what you wrote and giving it some further thought

I never said: "that you don't always make the choice that makes sense"@Lovetohate3000:
Doesn't mean other things don't make sense...
you suggesting that there are grey areas that can determine your choice is your admittance to the fact you don't make a choice that make the most sense, every decision has multiple positive or negative variables, and the choice you make should be the one that makes the most sense, so your grey area that you're deciding to entertain, is you admitting you make a choice that makes less sense, regardless of the possible outcomes if you make the choice that doesn't makes most sense then you aren't making choices that make sense
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In college yeah but in the pros, nope.

If Gilbert and Lebron can hash things out so can Kyrie and Lebron. I'm just concerned for when they lose big games. Lebron needs to stop all that posture dropping and scrunch face **** he does when someone misses an assignment too.

That's different, Lebron and and owner don't need to see and talk to each other on a daily.
That's different, Lebron and and owner don't need to see and talk to each other on a daily.

Lebron just needs to humble himself a little. Give Kyrie the reigns and play off ball more. Kyrie has what it takes to be a real distributor and Lebron gets to play in the post more.
Lebron just needs to humble himself a little. Give Kyrie the reigns and play off ball more. Kyrie has what it takes to be a real distributor and Lebron gets to play in the post more.
bron doesn't want to play off the ball, or in the post though
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