Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Yall know what yall are arguing about?

Clearly not.. it all started because I asked why certain teams didnt "make sense"

Now I'm just trying to get dude to understand the difference between something "making sense" and actually "making a choice"
no your trying to defend you postion that

The first thing I said after asking why other teams didn't "make sense".. again:
Actually that ain't obvious.. just because I like steak, doesn't mean I don't like chicken or fish

KD could have very easily envisioned scenarios with multiple teams making sense, obviously he had to choose 1 of em.. that doesn't mean the others didn't make sense, it simply means he chose the 1 team
All time dominant team w/ or w/o KD

Ran through the league in 14/15 and won

Ran through the league again in 15/16 and had 2 starters and their 6th man injured and their best defender suspended before surrendering that 3-1 lead

I firmly believe that if KD doesn't come to GSW it may have made things more fun to talk about, but ultimately they're still dominant like they are now

dray even told kd when courting him 'bro we don't need you, we gon win w/ or w/o you, but w/ you, we can win more' They knew who they were. They weren't trippin.
no team you listed can hold a candle to the style of play gsw plays....... gsw n sas are top tier, kd couldn't would clash with leonard, and la, gsw had no dominant wing player, they made sense...... how many times do I have to type this out, anybody tell me they disagree other than dude
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