Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Bucks have some clean *** jerseys. Love those.

Something tells me even Nike wouldn't be able to fix these. All the opportunity in the world to rebrand, CP3s arrival, Hot Black Alternates, Harden D'antoni, New jerseys for half the NBA and they still stick with this branding :smh:

Looks like a cheap mashup of the current Rockets jersey and the old Raptors

Something tells me even Nike wouldn't be able to fix these. All the opportunity in the world to rebrand, CP3s arrival, Hot Black Alternates, Harden D'antoni, New jerseys for half the NBA and they still stick with this branding :smh:

Looks like a cheap mashup of the current Rockets jersey and the old Raptors

please tell me that's a replica jersey :lol:
Not actually, no.

He would be fine. Dudes were physical with him his first CLE stint, too. You think he hit MIA and it was collectively decided 'OK, now let's start playing this dude physical'? That makes sense to you? were here...but the point....was way over there. You must've missed the 'superman' remark. The point was...Dude was in his athletic prime. So no matter what was thrown at him, he was eating that isssh. It wasn't quite the same before and after...not the contact, but the ability to finish through it. Sure, he still gets and-1's here and there..but back then if he was going for a dunk and dudes tried to wrap him up, he was going up and taking them with him. So I was saying that miami bron could survive in the 80s-90s no problem, pre miami, perhaps. He was a lot lighter in the britches.

Although, now that you mention it...teams do make adjustments to how they guard players. Then mix that with the fact dudes were salty he went to miami to begin with, I'm sure the physicality notch went up a bit. Teams were getting up to play miami. They couldnt wait to. Each squad gave their best shot. Then with the Spurs showing teams you have to be physical with him to guard him properly and tire him out, that can add to it too. Celtics figured that out in 08 and 9 in the tailend of his cleveland stint that you can play him man up and hard and make it more difficult.
so you're supposed to wait until you get beat before doing everything in your power to improve the team? :lol:

What're you talking about? :lol: Get beat? They're the current champion and won 2 of the last 3
Sure, stack on wings because that's where the problem would be if they lose again :lol:
My dude Z Bo :smh:

Have a friend from same area of Indiana that Z Bo used to pick up from, all that is for personal use I'm pretty sure :lol:
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