Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Yes and it happened 24hrs before game 1 of the first round :\

Did they beat the Bulls? What about the Wizards?

You want props for beating an 8 seed and a 4 seed then getting smoked by a 2 seed? How do you want me to respond here?

You want me to say it affected him a month after it happened versus the Cavs? Who the hell knows. Maybe it did maybe it didnt. Who is to say he ever gets over it then?
Almost won Game 4 too

Yes and it happened 24hrs before game 1 of the first round :\

Did they beat the Bulls? What about the Wizards?

You want props for beating an 8 seed and a 4 seed then getting smoked by a 2 seed? How do you want me to respond here?

You want me to say it affected him a month after it happened versus the Cavs? Who the hell knows. Maybe it did maybe it didnt. Who is to say he ever gets over it then?

I was referring to Bulls vs Celtics
Gordon Hayward is being overvalued a bit, is he any better than any of the east all stars from last season? And did he go to a team with a distributor at point guard? All that and they're forced to gut their depth a bit just to afford him when they were already undersized as it is

I think Celtics fans are more hyped about years down the line than being realistic about next season. IT's sisters death alone ain't to blame for that big *** margin of loss against the Cavs

He's definitely being overvauled. He's a nice player but he ain't even top 20. Yesterday I thought this was a real good signing for Boston but if they just killed their chances to keep Crawder and Smart this team won't that much better than last year. They still getting smacked by Cleveland.
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Literally only way the C's get to the ECF is if Wiz and Cavs have major injuries. Outside of that Celtics fans ain't even betting on getting to the Finals. If so, :nerd:

This is you watching what's going on in Boston :lol:

View media item 2484054

Wizards?? :rofl:
I love how yall are hyping up this Gordon acquisition YET Pacers played the Cavs better than yall! Yall can use the IT sister excuse all ya want but yall got ******* waxed.:rofl:  It's cool to be a homer and a fan but sheesh

Yall ain't got the juice like that bub. Put ya money where ya mouth is if yall really think yall gonna be that great . Cause I don't see it 

Go compare last seasons Pacers bigs vs Celtics bigs

We literally only have 1 big :lol:
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I love how yall are hyping up this Gordon acquisition YET Pacers played the Cavs better than yall! Yall can use the IT sister excuse all ya want but yall got ******* waxed.
 It's cool to be a homer and a fan but sheesh

Yall ain't got the juice like that bub. Put ya money where ya mouth is if yall really think yall gonna be that great . Cause I don't see it 

That's cold.

Spoken like someone who hasn't dealt with much loss in life.
He's definitely being overvauled. He's a nice player but he ain't even top 20. Yesterday I thought this was a real good signing for Boston but if they just killed their chances to keep Crawder and Smart this team won't that much better than last year. They still getting smacked by Cleveland.
Crowder is under contract for two years after this year and Smart is a RFA next year so there is a good shot the could keep him with his Bird Rights.
I was referring to Bulls vs Celtics

You originally implied that it had an effect on the Cavs vs. Boston series......

What have the Celtics really done to make themselves better than the Cavs?

Lebron is still better than anyone on the cavs.

At this point im taking Kyrie over IT.

The Celtics drafted another SF to play the minutes of the SF they drafted last year and signed another SF.

The celtics are still weak as hell down low.

The celtics still arent better than the Cavs.  It took a lucky *** shot to win one game last year.  Gordon Hayward isnt single handedly closing that gap.  Not to mention that Cetlics team probably would have gotten washed by the bulls had Rondo not gotten hurt.

So the tragedy of IT's sister had no affect on the team?
He's definitely being overvauled. He's a nice player but he ain't even top 20. Yesterday I thought this was a real good signing for Boston but if they just killed their chances to keep Crawder and Smart this team won't that much better than last year. They still getting smacked by Cleveland.

Crowder is under contract for two years after this year and Smart is a RFA next year so there is a good shot the could keep him with his Bird Rights.

I keep seeing they might trade Crowder to shed salary.
I'm not buying it with the cavs. That defense was legit god awful, and they've only gotten older this offseason.

Playing LBJ that many regular season minutes shouldn't work this time around.

The cavs are vulnerable. If LBJ comes back to the field just a little bit, and isn't Supernova GOAT type, the C's definitely can get em'.
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