Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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He has the biggest drop off in production from regular season > playoffs > finals tho.

Blowing a 3-1 lead is a team effort. Individually...he flat out didn't even show up to a finals in 2011. That's worse.
that's false...
27/7/7 reg season and 28/9/7 playoffs ,lead both teams in every statistical category for both teams in the 16' finals and avg a trip-double in this past year finals.All- time playoff leading scorer as well.
the argument is 'how is harden top 5 if russell is not when the numbers show them to be identical if not russell actually doing more'

James is more efficient. And the numbers don't show them to be identical. They're close in terms of surface stats, dig deeper and you'll see the difference. Addict just posted that, and y'all still sitting here talking about cherry picked playoff performances
Now the MVP nonsense coming up.
So it means he was the best just cause he won MVP just stop.
Nash won 2 MVPs and I don't think he ever was a top 5 player.
that's false...
27/7/7 reg season and 28/9/7 playoffs ,lead both teams in every statistical category for both teams in the 16' finals and avg a trip-double in this past year finals.All- time playoff leading scorer as well.
He's referring to the 2011 Finals with that portion also.
Serious question what do you get for having a higher TS% does that get put on your plaque at the HOF? If you produce at a similar or higher level is it really that big of a tie breaker. I still never in my life watching a game are they putting up TS% during a telecast. It's one thing if that efficiency leads to titles ie (Steph, Bron KD) but if you're just protecting your stats (Harden, CP0) at the peril of your squad are you really helping?
What does the MVP trophy have to do with being the better player? Not much at all. That's not a reasonable argument to make.

Is he magically better than Durant, Curry, Kawhi, and Bron because of it? No. So how can it just apply to Harden? It can't.
Russ has a history of being a nincompoop in crunch time....
Yet all you do is point to one regular season. Not even a playoffs. A regular season.
Cant deny 2011 it's a huge stain on his resume,but lets not act like KD is MJ reincarnated in the clutch either.
What does the MVP trophy have to do with being the better player? Not much at all. That's not a reasonable argument to make.

It actually is though when you suggest it's asinine for anyone to believe Russ is better than Harden. And to act like the people in here are unbiased in anyway is laughable.
it doesnt not actually translate to money unless you're willing to buy it. Talking about something is free. Following on social media is free. It costs nothing to say big baller brand and talk about Lavar or Lonzo, Melo, etc. That doesnt mean they caking just because they have a buzz. Thats not really how it works. and the thing about buzz is, it's finite. the hype can only carry you so far. fame and and monetizing on fame or completely different.

Damn you sound like a certified hatin az individual. Lavar did a pop up shop inside urban necessities and had a large crowd there to buy merchandise and get autographs. Let this man eat on his terms instead of being a slave to Nike or Adidas. He got Michael Jordan to speak on playing him 1 on 1. There's player who been in the league Jordan won't give the time of day to. Yahoo, ESPN, Fox Sports all got this on their front page once again for a dude who never even sniffed the league. He gone flip this into a show on his family life which will just be a showcase for his boys. He playing chess while y'all out here playing checkers.
Certain players get their hisotrically great careers dismissed because of their teams' playoff success. Russ gets manhandled in the first round by Harden and co. and we prop up his regular season stats instead :lol:
Why are you guys arguing with Mamba MVP over Russ again? His infatuation with Russ is more than what TheCollector had for John Wall.

Yea why keep arguing about the guy who was right all season. I agree they should give it up.
Serious question what do you get for having a higher TS% does that get put on your plaque at the HOF? If you produce at a similar or higher level is it really that big of a tie breaker. I still never in my life watching a game are they putting up TS% during a telecast.

Please tell me about all those times you were watching a game and saw a TPA chart pop up on your screen.
Damn you sound like a certified hatin az individual. Lavar did a pop up shop inside urban necessities and had a large crowd there to buy merchandise and get autographs. Let this man eat on his terms instead of being a slave to Nike or Adidas. He got Michael Jordan to speak on playing him 1 on 1. There's player who been in the league Jordan won't give the time of day to. Yahoo, ESPN, Fox Sports all got this on their front page once again for a dude who never even sniffed the league. He gone flip this into a show on his family life which will just be a showcase for his boys. He playing chess while y'all out here playing checkers.

Not that what you said is wrong, necessarily, but you didn't really respond to the guy you quoted either. He's still right that the fame isn't worth much if you aren't set up to take advantage of it the right way...

Selling merch at in person events is a good start for him but is that really going to make him rich at scale? Is he really making a good margin on these products considering there's no production scale?

I'd just be worried that the opportunities he's giving up with Nike and Adidas are worth more to his family than what he's making on his own. And Nike doesn't treat their endorsers like "slaves"... I mean they made Michael Jordan a billionaire and Tiger Woods close to it. As partners.
James Harden was robbed of mvp 2 of the past 3 seasons. Only 2 people better are LeBron and KD
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