Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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AD would only touch the ball consistently when Cousins went to the bench with fouls and AD became the 5.

He never consistently touched it when he was at the 4 being defended by a wing.

Instead Cousins would get it & AD would imitate Ryan Anderson. That's a flaw and doesn't help anyone.

Put AD on the block against the wing, stick Cousins on the opposite baseline back near the corner. Shooters at the top & opposite elbow extended.

The help comes from anywhere and you get an open look off 1 pass.

They NEVER did this.

Or even a similar set up, but instead of a post up, you run the pnr right at the free throw line instead of the 3. All types of options Again, something else they didn't do.

Do they have the shooting to be this imaginative though? I don't see a situation where AD / Boogie aren't playing in a crowd with Hill and Rondo on the floor. In theory, you're right but where do you place Rondo in this scenario? Hill? Holiday? Those guys guarding them can tag, help, recover, etc. because those guys can't shoot.

And Even if they do this, this still sounds crowded to me. I don't see a situation where AD & Boogie can play w/o a crowd, especially if Rondo / Holiday are playing together which they will a lot.

Maybe Gentry needs to go but my overarching point is that no amount of creativity is going to work if Boogie & AD don't become proficient shooters. Whenever one posts up, the other one will have to space (In your example, Boogie will be on the opposite baseline back near the corner) and the shooting around those two won't be good enough to allow AD and Boogie to not play in a crowd.
Looks at least 6'2. But he has a tall frame. He should shoot past his dad.

Yeah looks like he'll have a strong peak. He just 2-3" shorter than Dwyane? Geez.

One of my young homies just got back from Vegas yesterday. He was playing in the U17 aau tourney. He told me all about it. Sounded dope as hell. He didnt get to play again Zion and Melo because they're in a different region, but their team played against Bol Bol and Shareef O'neal. Said those dudes are amazing. Said Bol crossing dudes and pulling 3-4' behind the line. And Shareef like bron lite. Said they ended up losing by 'only 14, not like we got blown out' :lol:
Do they have the shooting to be this imaginative though? I don't see a situation where AD / Boogie aren't playing in a crowd with Hill and Rondo on the floor. In theory, you're right but where do you place Rondo in this scenario? Hill? Holiday? Those guys guarding them can tag, help, recover, etc. because those guys can't shoot.

And Even if they do this, this still sounds crowded to me. I don't see a situation where AD & Boogie can play w/o a crowd, especially if Rondo / Holiday are playing together which they will a lot.

Maybe Gentry needs to go but my overarching point is that no amount of creativity is going to work if Boogie & AD don't become proficient shooters. Whenever one posts up, the other one will have to space (In your example, Boogie will be on the opposite baseline back near the corner) and the shooting around those two won't be good enough to allow AD and Boogie to not play in a crowd.
Holiday Moore & Hill were all above average from deep last year. Every single one of them. They're certainly not marksmen, but you can't outright ignore them.

In that example, everyone is in scoring position, you help off Boogie and he cuts for a good look. It'd be hard to take away the passing lane given ADs length. You help off any of the aforementioned 3 names & they're capable of making the open shot.

Gentry didn't try anything like that.

I don't play Rondo at all & think it was incredibly stupid to sign him. But they will, and with him, it has a 0% chance of working. My point is that it could and its a shame that we won't see it.
I know we did without hesitation..but looking back...HOW ON EARTH DID WE EVER PLAY SOME OF THESE GAMES MAN?!?!?! character models out here looking like blobfishes. We were wildin back then yo

Look back on games I used to play and wonder how I ever thought those graphics were amazing.
Remember TV back in the day? **** was ugly as hell man :lol: We just aint know any better.
NBATV was showing '98 Bulls-Jazz recently and it might as well have been 1976. I couldn't believe I used to watch tv like that all the time and thought it was normal.
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