Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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It seems more that okc fans have feelings of rejection and abandonment issues. It bothers yall that he left and even more so, it bothers yall that it doesnt bother him that he left.
Again, you only say that because I am an OKC fan.
Lamekilla (only one example, there are plenty aside from LK that feel this way)feels pretty much the same way I do, but because he's not an OKC fan he's not bitter or abadoned or bothered that KD is not bothered.

Only OKC fans qualify as those things.
Freeze, I saw the ticket prices for Pistons new Arena.

Man that is F'ed up bruh.
I'd probably tell them to kiss my ***.
That's insane.
Again, you only say that because I am an OKC fan.
Lamekilla (only one example, there are plenty aside from LK that feel this way)feels pretty much the same way I do, but because he's not an OKC fan he's not bitter or abadoned or bothered that KD is not bothered.

Only OKC fans qualify as those things.

no, that's a great point. Maybe it just feels like the other critics of kd leaving are just less angry and more disappointed and think it's lame. There's more vitriol and emotion behind the okc fans critiques of his decision. Not just you, but others as well.

There's really a strange mixture in regards to kd..


okc fans that hate dude now

okc fans that loved kd and wish him the best

gsw fans that are happy as pigs n ****

bron fan boys thats mad af kd making it even hard for bron to not be washed.

bron haters that love that bron is washed and are laker fans but kobe and kd and mike and russ>>>>>>>>>>>bron

oh and then there's the folks that literally dgaf either way.
Freeze, I saw the ticket prices for Pistons new Arena.

Man that is F'ed up bruh.
I'd probably tell them to kiss my ***.
That's insane.

it's disgusting man. my cost jumped 40%. For some people 50%. Tom gores is a clown. F that guy. One of the worst owners in the nba. And he invites players (specifically drummond) to his LA house for parties and gives him blow. pure colombian. and he hooks them up with girls and lets them take them into rooms in his crib..all wired for sound and video like TNT cutaways and watches them smash. all facts.
And also at high school basketball, and at being a higher draft pick, and at being a rookie NBAer right out of high school, and at being a franchise basketball player.

I'm'a let you cook, though.
And also at high school basketball, and at being a higher draft pick, and at being a rookie NBAer right out of high school, and at being a franchise basketball player.

I'm'a let you cook, though.

Bron was NOT better than Kobe in high school
too much bron/kobe talk. let's discuss how the knicks currently have 3 all-stars on the roster including Melo
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Curry not wasting these on charity but for that ego boost hes battin 1.000

Llama blood

As an Asian dude myself I can't stand these asian game shows.

In some subtle way it just seems to strengthen the effiminate Asian male stereotype.

Bunch of goofy looking dudes doing goofy **** on tv. This is why we got such a bad rep with non-Asian females in the Western world.
it's disgusting man. my cost jumped 40%. For some people 50%. Tom gores is a clown. F that guy. One of the worst owners in the nba. And he invites players (specifically drummond) to his LA house for parties and gives him blow. pure colombian. and he hooks them up with girls and lets them take them into rooms in his crib..all wired for sound and video like TNT cutaways and watches them smash. all facts.

The hell????
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