Official 2017 NBA Offseason Thread: Media Days begin

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Lol @ T-Mac blowing a 3-1 lead in the first round and prematurely saying felt good to finally get out of the first round
Was also the first year that the league switched to best of 7 in all rounds.

It's almost like his squads were cursed or something.

He had that one, went up 2-0 on the Mavs before playing a single home game, 7 gamer against the Jazz.

Wild that he never got out round 1. Miraculous really.
If Tmac never got injured he'd be better than KD imo.

I admit I'm irrational on KD and legit think he's the greatest basketball talent i've personally ever seen but HELLLL NO to this.

KD's peak is so high that to say someone would be as good as that if he was healthy is asinine to me. Like, KD's way too good for Tmac to be as good as that if healthy he'd be as good as that.

Essentially to me you're saying that Health was the only thing from stopping Tmac from being a top 10, top 15 player which KD will be once he's done.
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The thing that gets to me about T-Mac is people act as if we didn't see his best. T-Mac's prime was 2000-2005. He was a great individual player who wasn't able to win in a pretty weak eastern conference. Now his teammates weren't great by any means, but there weren't super teams ruling the east at that time either. Then he went to a Houson and had pretty good team and couldn't do much there before the injuries started to take their toll.
T Mac is wildly over rated. Still mad they gave him HoF over Ben Wallace

T-Mac was the face of two franchises for a decade basically, 7 time All-Star, two time scoring champ with averages of 20, 6 and 5 for his career before his injuries finally got the best of him while Ben Wallace averaged 6 points and 9 rebounds for his career and had like 6 years of legitimate relevance. He's one of the greatest defensive players of all-time for sure and was DPOY in 4 of those 6 years, can't take that away from him at all. He absolutely should make the HOF but there's no way in hell anybody should be actually mad that T-Mac made it before him.
Ben Wallace was the catalyst for the best defense I've ever seen. I know people don't care about d and i don't like how the piston did my Lakers in the finals but that Detroit team is appreciated if you a fan of grind it out basketball.
did we ever decide on how many imaginary rings Lebron has?

need to know before I jump into the Kobe Vs Lebron debate.

Baltimore Boys 30 for 30 on tonight at 8pm on ESPN. Reggie Lewis was on his way man. Tragic.

Speaking of "Freaks".....Don't think we'll ever see another Mugsy Bogues

A 5'3 starting PG who was a lotto pick, averaged a double double.....and was a key cog on a perennial playoff team. Brazy!
In terms of pure basketball skill I don't think it's close Kobe over Bron. But as a complete team player I'd say Bron over Kobe.
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