Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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Since Riley and Callahan didn't workout the fanbase wants nothing to do with pass first guys.

Frost might feel some type of way about getting passed over a couple years ago but I'd still be shocked if he actually passed on that job. You have to imagine Osborne is going to be a big part of that pitch.
Eh. Leach gets a good defensive coach he's money. His offensive philosophy is great, but how he executes it is paramount. He's on another level than Riley and Callahan in the college game.
There's been a bit of delusion of what their program is/ceiling. Even with his success at Wazzu, Leach is really quirky and not exactly known as a people person. Interested in seeing how he'd deal with donors up there. Not to mention recruiting, but I guess he's making due at Wazzu without pulling in big guys.

Plus the passing offense. Maybe that gives you the best chance to win because you're going to have to do something different in the B1G to be competitive?
There's been a bit of delusion of what their program is/ceiling. Even with his success at Wazzu, Leach is really quirky and not exactly known as a people person. Interested in seeing how he'd deal with donors up there. Not to mention recruiting, but I guess he's making due at Wazzu without pulling in big guys.

Plus the passing offense. Maybe that gives you the best chance to win because you're going to have to do something different in the B1G to be competitive?

Makes sense.

He fits in with with the middle rung programs, but hard to say how he would be able to try and mesh his personality at a program like Nebraska. It took him a bit longer than expected to turn WSU into what he has, but if Nebraska is patient, no doubt he'd do the same there in my mind.

Butch with those deep thoughts ... lol


Also, read that Brady Hoke may be replacing Butch >D
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I think Nebraska is a better job than what most outside think it is, but not nearly as good as what the fanbase thinks it is if that makes any sense :lol:. Even if Frost is somehow TO 2.0 the 90's aren't coming back.

There's no reason why they can't be a better version of Wisconsin tho.

They need a guy who is a developmental type. That area of the country does produce *some* talent, you just need to know how to find it and how to develop with patience.
There's rumblings that Frost may not even want the job. So that's something that's interesting to watch too.
Nebraska football is the mecca in those parts. Even so for the bordering states. The Dakotas, Some parts of Minnesota, Wyoming, chunks of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and a portion of Iowa...they all recognize Nebraska for what they were. They could lure most the big recruits in those states with a couple of winning seasons and with the right staff in place.
I'd say most fans are know that this isn't an "elite" team. At this rate, should still win 10 games and make the ACC title game. Program is headed in the right direction though, for sure.
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