Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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MVP MVP Foley still has influence? What was the reason for bringing in a new AD then?

I guess Mullen to UF ain’t happening after all.
Report: Jim McElwain still owes Colorado State $1 million for contract buyout
Did they actually contact him or is this the report that was out yesterday where it was just Dan Wolken saying Taggert would make sense? I heard boosters have been putting out feelers to Frost since before Sat and that Mullen’s agent has been inquiring.

Now I see the Darren Heitner tweet.

Honestly, I think it will be decent for a quarter or so. Then Bama's gonna Bama. There's going to be a time when this changes, but a former Saban assistant has yet to beat him. Can't be throwing 7 times in a game and think you're gonna get away with it against the Tide. What KS has done at UGA in such a short time is nothing short of impressive For all we know, UGA could be the SECs version of Michigan w/ Harbaugh. JH got off to a hot start and many were expecting a natty shortly thereafter, yet a few season later, he's yet to get over the hump. Only time will tell though.
Kirby had more talent on the roster, is recruiting at a higher level, and is in a more fertile recruiting ground than Harbaugh. Harbaugh's first year was much more impressive than Kirby's. UGA landing top kids out of Georgia immediately puts them in a much better position for the future.
This thread is hard to **** with. Actual football is probably 30% of the conversation. I see folks been wishing on recruits and certain coaches for 13 years now...Some of ya'll need to stop and smell the freshly painted blades of grass...You missed a great game and now missing a good one. :lol:
^ So? That's completely fine. This thread really ain't about football though.

You were posting in the NFL thread till the real games started. Wasn't sure what was up with that...Waiting until the Raiders hit the strip?
Nah...Forget the NFL...I know ya'll don't want to **** with it.

just curious why everyone is always so concerned with teenage recruits and the next coaching prospect. Most in here been playing this game for years and nothing has changed...makes no sense.
I'm good on fishing through 16 NFL games to possibly get two good ones. League is the most poorly ran of the big 3 too.

CFB is interesting because of the coaching and recruiting carousel too. How do you complain about people talking about that? :lol: That's what makes it unique.

And regardless of your opinion of Kaep, the awful level of QB play around the league he certainly deserves to be on a roster.
Kirby had more talent on the roster, is recruiting at a higher level, and is in a more fertile recruiting ground than Harbaugh. Harbaugh's first year was much more impressive than Kirby's. UGA landing top kids out of Georgia immediately puts them in a much better position for the future.

It should be easier, but no one can predict the future, which is why I said time will tell. They still have to get past Alabama, who doesn't look like they're slowing down anytime soon. Things happen. FSU has won 2 games. Whether you like them or not, if someone said they'd be 2-5 this time last year, everyone would laugh at them. We've seen programs get off to a fast start with a new coach only to see a great season once and the next thing you know, they're fired for not meeting expectations. Do I think it will happen to, Kirby? No, but again, s**t happens. Mark Richt was 8-4 his first season (Kirby 8-5), then 13-1 in his second season, which by all accounts looks like Kirby is tracking for, especially since most don't expect them to beat Alabama. I'm sure similar the optimism was felt around Athens in '02. 15 years later, nothing further than SEC Championship Game/NY Days Bowl appearances, but no NC. If UF gets the right coach in Hogtown, the tables can quickly turn in the favor of the Gators. And UGA could have a Mark Richt replay, especially if Nick Saban is around for a while.
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I'm good on fishing through 16 NFL games to possibly get two good ones. League is the most poorly ran of the big 3 too.

CFB is interesting because of the coaching and recruiting carousel too. How do you complain about people talking about that? :lol: That's what makes it unique.

And regardless of your opinion of Kaep, the awful level of QB play around the league he certainly deserves to be on a roster.

No...your problem is the Bengals suck. You have no issues posting a ton in the NFL thread when they're good. Stop.

I was asking questions...I come in here wanting to talk football, but everyone else is talking about a Florida prospect who graduates HS in 2019 or some ****. :lol:

And then...Every year a coach loses 2-3 games at a "big" program, the *****ing starts, like so and so is better, yet, said schools' fans been *****ing about the same thing since two thousand ******* four. :lol:

I agree about Kaep...He should be in the NFL..he's being blackballed. Most are forgetting how much of an NFL QB he is not though...Outweighing rational judgement...Again, I agree, but he ain't worth the tussle.
No...your problem is the Bengals suck. You have no issues posting a ton in the NFL thread when they're good. Stop.

I was asking questions...I come in here wanting to talk football, but everyone else is talking about a Florida prospect who graduates HS in 2019 or some ****. :lol:

And then...Every year a coach loses 2-3 games at a "big" program, the *****ing starts, like so and so is better, yet, said schools' fans been *****ing about the same thing since two thousand ****ing four. :lol:

I agree about Kaep...He should be in the NFL..he's being blackballed. Most are forgetting how much of an NFL QB he is not though...Outweighing rational judgement...Again, I agree, but he ain't worth the tussle.

Beyond Kap, the quality of the NFL product has been in decline the last few seasons anyway.
I don't disagree about the NFL quality of play, but it also trickles down to CFB. I just don't think ya'll liked it that much to being with. No big deal, but college isn't of a better quality than the NFL. The mistakes, the refs, all of it...and I have documented my disdain with today's NFL.

fahqu001 fahqu001 , if you have season tickets for both it makes complete sense. College is a much better live experience than NFL.
I don't disagree about the NFL quality of play, but it also trickles down to CFB. I just don't think ya'll liked it that much to being with. No big deal, but college isn't of a better quality than the NFL. The mistakes, the refs, all of it...and I have documented my disdain with today's NFL.

fahqu001 fahqu001 , if you have season tickets for both it makes complete sense. College is a much better live experience than NFL.

Yeah, the other NFL factor is I'm in San Diego and I rarely get to see the Bucs on TV, so I have to be in the mood to watch an NFL game with another team. Typically I'll tune in for teams of places I lived since I'll root for them (Texans, Astros, Rockets (used to have season tickets for them), Saints blah blah). Whereas CFB, I'm inclined to watch pretty much whatever game is on even if FSU isn't playing. I do like visiting new fields to say I've been there though. One of the reasons I moved out West for 4.5 years is because I want to visit all the NFL stadiums, NBA/NHL arenas, and MLB parks while I'm here.
I was always a spotty poster in that thread, though. Half of the time dudes are trolling or pushing the same narratives in there. Bengals aside, I've lost interest in the league over the last few years. How many teams are a must watch when they're on at this point? Being in a college town for the last 3 years probably contributed to me losing some interest too, but there's so much mediocrity and lack of innovation offensively across the board. Most of the games are not that entertaining.
Real reason I don’t watch the nfl is it’s a bunch of divas making millions that don’t give a damn. Watch a college game and watch an nfl game, tell me which is more exciting. College players are grinding and got way more passion, same with a college atmosphere
Real reason I don’t watch the nfl is it’s a bunch of divas making millions that don’t give a damn. Watch a college game and watch an nfl game, tell me which is more exciting. College players are grinding and got way more passion, same with a college atmosphere
that's a ridiculous statement, I'm surprised it came from you tbh

its just more fun
I gather that so far, most have been alluding to the actual game play. I can understand that. What I don't is the constant badgering of head coaches and the incessant talk about high school recruits, which is why I brought it up. Still haven't heard a legitimate reason why it's better than the NFL though...All subjective, really.

Quality of play is still hands down the NFL despite its quality going down. If you tell me that's not true then I need an argument because I watch just as much CFB and the rules, lack of quality officiating on top of mediocre play is no different than arguments against the NFL, though the quality of play in the NFL is obviously far superior.
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