Who is going to win the Big Ten this season?

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SEC fans do know their stuff, but as a Vol let me say UGA and UF fans are by far the most obnoxious in CFB from what I have seen. Bama, LSU, Auburn, Carolina,etc are all good people tho.
Maryland is not a destination job... Even if they were to come way up with $$$$ dude is gone... He is impressive as hell too
Have to remember we got a young receivers plus Speights issues are fixable. Let's not forget he made some plays at the end of two final games. He's a game manager at best, plus he's doing too much.

This is a good point. He seems to be making the right reads. It's mostly his accuracy and maybe holding on to the ball a touch too long. Other than that he seems to be able to read a defense.
His issues may be fixable, but his limitations severely hamper the team when facing elite squad.
He has a noodle arm, throws off his back foot and doesn't throw receivers open... So if he is late, those 3 attributes aren't leading to W's vs good teams
2&1 and we line up on the first down line!!! We will have the worst rush defense in the SEC!!! But good news is we are CHAMPIONS OF LIFE!!!

You Big 10 fans are fools for letting us grab this guy.

When Tee leaves after this year, who's an up and coming WR coach a I should be aware of?

Which NTer is over there trolling the Auburn board? The're having a serious discussion about poaching Clay Helton because he's an Auburn guy :lol:

Does every fan base on 247 just jerk react like this? Most SC fans would trade Helton for Chip Kelly in a heart beat and we love the guy. (Personally I still day dream about Chris Petersen and Jon Harbaugh.)

Side note: @SneakerProSr. I noticed RoJo throw the upside down longhorns sign and Fox cut it from replays but I'm just seeing people on boards mention it now. Any word on what happened with his UT recruitment or lack thereof?
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Which NTer is over there trolling the Auburn board? The're having a serious discussion about poaching Clay Helton because he's an Auburn guy :lol:

Does every fan base on 247 just jerk react like this? Most SC fans would trade Helton for Chip Kelly in a heart beat and we love the guy. (Personally I still day dream about Chris Petersen and Jon Harbaugh.)


They're a special kind of crazy on the plain though.
Side note: @SneakerProSr. I noticed RoJo throw the upside down longhorns sign and Fox cut it from replays but I'm just seeing people on boards mention it now. Any word on what happened with his UT recruitment or lack thereof?
I don't remember him being heavily recruited by any of the in-state schools other than Baylor... Everyone else held back on offers for quite awhile, if memory saves.
Auburn's O looked anemic Saturday but there is still plenty of time for them to get hot if Pettway and Johnson get healthy. That 13 O didn't really catch their stride until October.

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Ricky Town benched two games in at Ventura College. Life comes at you fast.

Damn. I was just wondering where he was. I remember watching him at the very first scrimmage at the coliseum and watching him throw the ball back and forth with a walk on qb and saying out loud "this kid is a bum." He couldn't even deliver a pass to a guy standing 10 yards away. He left soon after. I think he has some head issues. Jalen Greene looked way better than him that day.
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