Official 2018 NBA Preseason Thread - Jimmy Butler Does Things

Where will LeBron end up?

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Well that’s because people wanted to see what the new form looks like... no one has seen it since last year. Now that everybody has seen it, why the **** would we want to continuously see clips of it?

Yall love to play the victim

Actually, the summer went like this:
- Fultz and Hanlen showing Dunks: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS
- Fultz and Hanlen showing practice jumpers: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS IN GAME
- Fultz shoots a three in a preseason game: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS IN GAME OFF THE DRIBBLE
- Bucem posts a game winning three during scrimmage: WhY ThE F r U pOsTinG fULtZ jUmPers. SiXerS SuCk. bEN SiMmonz SCoRed 1 Pt



Still the craziest shot of the decade to me.

This shot singlehandedly sent KD fleeing into the arms of 5 other men.
Lol at biggest shot of the decade like G6 2013 or G7 2016 never happened. Enough Bistephuals.
Actually, the summer went like this:
- Fultz and Hanlen showing Dunks: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS
- Fultz and Hanlen showing practice jumpers: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS IN GAME
- Fultz shoots a three in a preseason game: WE WANT TO SEE JUMPERS IN GAME OFF THE DRIBBLE
- Bucem posts a game winning three during scrimmage: WhY ThE F r U pOsTinG fULtZ jUmPers. SiXerS SuCk. bEN SiMmonz SCoRed 1 Pt

You guys are really blowing this out off proportion :lol:
People were laughing at the fact no jump shot videos were posted but they kept telling us he was fine otherwise. The support for him getting it down was damn near universal here.
Then anytime he made anything a video of it got posted and it was just not necessary. Now we’re watching Ben simmons shoot open corner 3’s in warmups :lol:
You guys are really blowing this out off proportion :lol:
People were laughing at the fact no jump shot videos were posted but they kept telling us he was fine otherwise. The support for him getting it down was damn near universal here.
Then anytime he made anything a video of it got posted and it was just not necessary. Now we’re watching Ben simmons shoot open corner 3’s in warmups :lol:

I don't know man...i never was a fan of posting fultz or simmons videos. I just cant help but react to all the uncalled for hate.

Like literally just two days ago, everyone was questioning Simmon's work ethic because not shooting a 3 = not working on your game and messing around with the Kardashians.

So someone posts footage of him actually working on his 3 point game and the hate still pores.

There's just no winning. Lol
I don't know man...i never was a fan of posting fultz or simmons videos. I just cant help but react to all the uncalled for hate.

Like literally just two days ago, everyone was questioning Simmon's work ethic because not shooting a 3 = not working on your game and messing around with the Kardashians.

So someone posts footage of him actually working on his 3 point game and the hate still pores.

There's just no winning. Lol

To be real, if you or @amitt5504 or another Sixers fan posted these vids no one would blink an eye :lol:
@antidope said “craziest” not “biggest”. Of course there were more impactful shots with higher stakes. It’s hyperbole. But I get what he saying.

In the context of that game, at the time...and him dropping 46 in that historical season in that game and the sheer confidence to pulling up from 40 like that....

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