I like JDR. He might actually be really great for USC. What's peoples gripe about him? I suppose it risks another 5+ years of mediocrity, but nothing is guaranteed with a flashier hire either.

Honestly I think he's a better coach than Clay, and the whole "NFL guys can't recruit" doesn't apply at a school that recruits itself like SC.

I just clown Nako with it because I've been calling it for a couple of years now.

Again tho, SC can and probably should do better. It's a top 5 job.
Yeah, I hadn't realized blood clots were that common until the Chris Bosh story and then it's happened to 3 of my family since. One aunt travels internationally for work and was told that may have played a role.
DVT is no joke man. That's why I try to sleep extra before international flights, then just spend the whole time on the flight drinking free booze and getting up to pee a lot. Keeps that blood flowing while I get up to pee so no clots ever form. Might have cirrhosis in my liver, but it's def not related.

SC will call Carroll
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