The Chris Steele story is false. Statement from the main USC site runner Ryan Abraham:

Over the weekend a former staff member of mine threw out some wild accusations on social media and his new "site." I am not going to dignify him with a response there, but I wanted to share exactly what happened here for you.

We were approached over the summer by Zach Abolverdi from the Florida SEC Country site about purchasing the rights to the Chris Steele commitment video (Zach approached 247Sports and some other outlets as well). Zach and a videographer flew out here from Florida on their own dime to produce this video. But the entire SEC Country network was shut down, so he was without a job and apparently without a place to publish the video. He was looking to recoup the costs he incurred by producing the video so he was shopping it around. The cost I was told was $1000 and I declined and 247Sports declined.

In August the former staff member mentioned above was let go by Rivals and the person they hired to replace him, Ryan Young, just happened to be Zach's partner on the Florida SEC Country site. So the two people reporting on Florida for SEC Country now had some sort of connection to USC. I ended up mixing them up and thinking that it was Ryan Young who was the guy who produced the video, not Zach.

So I get some texts from my former staff member who is now on his way out at Rivals and we eventually have a phone conversation. Unbeknownst to me, he recorded the conversation and eventually published what I said this past weekend. In the conversation I told him that I thought it was Ryan Young who produced the video and was shopping it around. This former staffer mentioned a couple of times something about Chris Steele getting money for the video. I told him no, to my understanding the video producer no longer had an outlet for it and wanted to sell it to get his investment back.

The next day I got a call from Ryan Young and he straightened out the mix-up for me. I apologized for mixing up him and Zach in this very strange coincidence. And I immediately texted my former staffer to let him know I had it wrong, it was Zach and not Ryan who produced and shopped the video.

So the former staffer knew within 24 hours of that conversation he taped back in August that Ryan Young had nothing to do with this, but this weekend he still named him (and me) in his Tweets.

To my knowledge there was nothing nefarious going here, just a guy who produced a video, lost his job and outlet and was trying to make his money back.

Why is my former staff member trying to invent some crazy controversy? I won't know until I look at the tape. (Too soon?) (This is making fun of a response Clay gives in every interview about mess ups) Honestly I have no idea. One party buying the rights to this video is just like a freelance journalist writing some long feature story and shopping it around to different newspapers. One party created content and one outlet paid for that content. It just so happens that in this case the subject of that content was a football prospect.

FYI Ryan Young made a statement over on his site and after we talked this weekend I told him I would back up his statement with a statement of my own. So I sent that over to him this afternoon. I feel bad, he is a really nice guy who just moved here for a job and got tied up in this even though he had nothing to do with it.

If you have any questions, fire away.

Oh, and yes I know recording conversations is illegal in California but I will not comment on any legal action. Thank you.
JT Daniels concussion. Matt Fink broken ribs. Jack Sears named the starter.
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Purdue going to run the table to the B1GCG? :nerd:

They get Iowa and Wiscy at home, and don't have PSU down the stretch like Iowa and Wiscy do.
Purdue going to run the table to the B1GCG? :nerd:

They get Iowa and Wiscy at home, and don't have PSU down the stretch like Iowa and Wiscy do.

No they’ll probably lose and look terrible doing it so it makes the loss even worse for us :lol:

Which I dno how it can get much worse.

This is exactly why urban is so far behind Saban. Saban rarely loses to inferior teams, I think he’s won like 80 straight against unranked. And if he does lose, it damn sure isn’t a 30 point blowout
which kid? #respectmydecision, #biggestdecisionofmylife szn is full swing. Kids are gonna be flipping like pancakes from now til Early Signing Day.
Braylon Ingraham. There was no doubt he was going to Miami until this last minute Bama visit. :lol:
No it wasn’t. Exactly 3 Years October 8th, 2015. SO take the L.

You’re welcome.

Today is October 22. When I made the comment it was October 21. That is quite literally "MORE THAN 3 YEARS" since they last lost at home. Stop trying to troll me on this inconsequential point.
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Purdue going to run the table to the B1GCG? :nerd:

They get Iowa and Wiscy at home, and don't have PSU down the stretch like Iowa and Wiscy do.

I think they lose to Iowa. They've got a solid defense but I admit I don't know what they'd look like if Purdue punches them in the mouth early and it turns into a shootout. They let Minnesota hang 31 on them. It's a down year for Wisconsin so I think Purdue catches them.
Today is October 22. When I made the comment it was October 21. That is quite literally "MORE THAN 3 YEARS" since they last lost at home. Stop trying to troll me on this inconsequential point.

3+ Doesn’t = what you were implying.

Just take this ND beating y’all got coming, stop trolling with we might not lose nonsense.
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Dumbest player in college football

This is why I always say that these players need to do what's best for themselves. These teams are going to use you up and spit you out and fans are going to forget you as quickly as they got to know you.

All fans, from the ones calling players like Nick Boss selfish to the ones praising Hurts for staying at Bama aren't going to help you pay your bills and take care of your family. 99% of these fans don't give a crap about these players once they step outside the lines. They don't care about these players as people.

I like Jalen because he seems like he's a good kid who's trying to do right by this university and make everybody happy but at the end of the day that's not going to help him one bit.
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