Forde thinks a bunch of coaches (Campbell, Brohm) May wait to see what happens next year

Florida State denounces racist post featuring coach Willie Taggart

Florida State president John Thrasher condemned a racist social media post involving head coach Willie Taggart on Sunday and said the Florida state attorney is investigating.

A screenshot of a meme posted to Facebook showed Taggart's head edited onto an image of a man being lynched with the words "Believe in Something Even If It Means Sacrificing Your Rep."

The image started making the rounds on social media Saturday night after Florida State closed a disappointing 2018 season with a 41-14 loss to rival Florida.

"A recent racist social media post aimed at our football coach is ignorant and despicable," Thrasher said in a statement released on Florida State's Twitter account. "I speak for the entire FSU community in expressing our disgust and extreme disappointment, and I am glad the state attorney is investigating.

"Coach Taggart has our full support and as true Seminoles know, he is a respected member of the FSU family."

Taggart, the first black football head coach in Florida State history, was hired last December from Oregon. He led Florida State to a 5-7 record in his first season, failing to qualify for a bowl game for the first time since 1981.

This is also the school's first losing season since 1976.

FSU's fanbase just as racist as UGA and UF's? "Making the rounds on social media"? so this was retweeted widely?

Your photo shop skills are trash too. FSU needs to fire everyone in their comp-sci department.

A Facebook image posted by an FSU fan shows coach Willie Taggart wearing a noose. A person posting on the page belonging to Tom Shand commented, "I'm dead [expletive] serious. This is how far I'm willing to go to get rid of this clown!!!"
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