EJ Holland: Do you know where you want to go or are you still split?

Bru McCoy: I know where I want to go. I figured it out. I’m ready.

EJ: There were reports that you already signed with the school of your choice. Is that true?

BM: No, I haven’t signed. Basically, I’m going to enroll and figure it out.

EJ: I know Texas has been recruiting you hard over the last 24 hours. What have they been pitching to you?

BM: Yeah, they have. They have just been telling me the facts. Everyone obviously sees the media, and (Kliff) Kingsbury is doing interviews for NFL jobs. You have a school with stability, and you have a school that could lose their offensive coordinator right after hiring him and a head coach on the hot seat. That’s a lot of their pitch. Also, you see the energy around Texas right now, winning the Sugar Bowl and people getting behind them. They’re coming back. That’s kind of the way they spoke to me about things. You can be a part of something that’s already going in the right direction or go try to start something. It’s true in a sense, but it’s all about your perspective. Everyone is like why do you want to go follow in the footsteps (at USC)? But it’s not really following in their footsteps. If I were from Texas and would go to Texas, it would be the same thing.

EJ: Does the Kingsbury-NFL talk concern you?

BM: To a certain degree, yes. But I’m going to get my education. Coaching changes suck. But it is what it is. As soon as people understand that this is a business through and through, the easier it will become to make these adjustments. If I’m the best player, I’m going to be on the field and the ball is still going to be in the air. A coaching change would be unfortunate if it were to happen, but it’s not going to completely influence my decision.

EJ: So have you talked to Kliff Kingsbury over the last 24 hours?

BM: No, but on my home visit, he told me if he wanted to take an NFL job, he could have. He also explained that if it were about money, he would have gone to the NFL. But he said he wanted to be at SC and in LA. He said he was getting offered NFL jobs long before he took this job. That kind of speaks for itself.

EJ: Both Tom Herman and Clay Helton have been personally involved in recruiting you? How would you compare and contrast both head coaches?

BM: Very different. Tom Herman has a more serious demeanor. It seems like he’s a football mind. He’s competitive, he likes to win and he’s driven. He’s somewhat similar to Nick Saban but a little more toned back. Coach Helton loves football. He loves his players. He takes pride in his relationships with each one of his players. He wants you to call him 15 years down the line if you need advice. It’s not that Coach Herman doesn’t, I just know Coach Helton a little better. But yeah, he’s definitely about the culture of the team and creating an environment that everyone can thrive in. It’s healthy and conducive to winning. He’s a very well thought out guy.

Holland says this interview is a positive sign Bru is committing to Texas :lol:

What's with Herman and negative recruiting? I haven't heard one positive recruiting story about him. It's like he's trying to embrace the douchebag villain role.
Holland says this interview is a positive sign Bru is committing to Texas :lol:

What's with Herman and negative recruiting? I haven't heard one positive recruiting story about him. It's like he's trying to embrace the douchebag villain role.
EJ's a ****in idiot. Herman's a scum bag. Water's wet.
So who would get the ND job, its way too soon for Urban
Big. Game. Bob.
Fedora heading to Temple? Did Temple offer him the job just to be petty? lol
I'm not sure if he's actually been offered already or if he just decided to hold out for a HC look. Temple supposedly wanted to hire a defensive coach when they got Manny so that would be reversing field. Who knows.
Texas boosters/coaches are leaking to press that 1. Kliff Kingsbury was offered the Arizona Cardinals job, and 2. That Bru McCoy is having 2nd thoughts about enrolling early.

Herman is going full scumbag for this kid huh.

Kingsbury passed on interviewing for Arizona.
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Leave it all out on the field, Herman lol

You have no idea:

Worst kept secret is that McCoy sent in his LOI and is announcing Saturday. That isn't stopping Texas.

"If Bru is signed, sealed and delivered like he says he is, then Texas cannot contact him directly. They’re just calling DeGabriel Floyd and getting him to try to talk Bru out of his LOI. Ya know, if that were the case. cough, cough"
I like that Tate isn't a backing down and hes not giving up without a fight. Heck, hes fighting before fields has even transferred there
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