Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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i havent watched nuggets or brooklyn closely but why is kenneth faried spending what could be the prime of his career rotting on a bench??

this would be interesting if we didn't see KD & Harden on the same exact squad in the same exact series

And KD put up 31/6/2 on 55/39/84 on Lebron
Harden: 12/5/4 on 38/32/80

Also for that time frame i went into the actual stats
KD - 30/8/5 on 45/31/84
Harden - 28/5/8 on 41/29/87

So Harden can shoot four percentage points lower from the floor, two less from three & three more from free throw... but they have the Same TS%, hence why i hate that stat..... **** gives credence to a Player for simply ATTEMPTING the shot instead of making it. It adds efficiency points to someone because they "took a better shot" even tho they still missed.

Not to mention stats like per 100 possessions completely factor out important real life factors such as fatigue, which according to Harden's fan Harden has a severe case of whenever the games get important.

Secondly if i'm using this Posters concept and guys are supposed to be significantly better when talent is changed around... lets use the two times James has been to the WCF

2014-15 Rockets, who many claimed were a bunch of scrubs and Harden
Harden - 27/6/8 on 44/38/91

2017-18 Rockets, who added CP3, were in a system tailored to Harden's strengths & finished with 67 wins. some people in here even called them the best offensive team of all time.
Harden - 29/5/7 on 41/30/89

Still fuming about that KD call. I got the anger of a young shotsrangout shotsrangout . Ehat I never understood is giving superstars/great teams more calls. Like why make it even easier for them? It’s like rich people getting more free stuff the richer they get. I’m done with this thread for the day* smfh

*I’ll be back in here tonight
Still fuming about that KD call. I got the anger of a young shotsrangout shotsrangout . Ehat I never understood is giving superstars/great teams more calls. Like why make it even easier for them? It’s like rich people getting more free stuff the richer they get. I’m done with this thread for the day* smfh

*I’ll be back in here tonight
I would of been pissed if Houston lost but harden hitting the game winner in donkeys face to basically reverse that call made it all null and void

That ref needs to get suspended for that though.

These ****** still the overwhelming favorite to win come June. No team is even close in terms of talent.

You need luck to even beat this team in 7 games like the Cavs did and that was without Durant.

Only major problem the warriors have is their big men rotation and bench in general is some trash. If they get ROLO to back up boogie it’s a wrap like Christmas.
KD going to NY. That’s what the media been saying for the entire season.

Harden played out of his mind last night, but that ain't happening come playoff time. GS going through a season lull right now but they'll be here in June.
KD going to NY. That’s what the media been saying for the entire season.


unless it comes from Ian Begley, don't believe any of these Knicks reporters

almost zero chance Kristaps is about to play on qualifying offer for 5mill coming off an ACL tear
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