Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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Fox is still a better natural facilitator, but Sexton is a player. Could see him make a similar jump next season.

Getting to play alongside Love now that he's back has been beneficial to him.
Sexton is just an angrier Reggie Jackson with a rat tail
Speaking of dudes at the barbershop...

On my last visit they tried to tell me that there's hard evidence that Jimmy Butler is actually Michael Jordan's illegitimate son and that said evidence is indisputable.

@B Sox they were wondering, with you being team barbershop boiz and all, if you'd support their claims :lol:
Bro....Jimmy Mike son. Them ****** lit tree have the same facial. Too many coincidences.
Your perspective isnt superior to anyone elses

And I said that when? The way you've interpreted literally everything today has been an utter mess. You've also picked and chose which points people have raised you want to address, ignoring the more logical ones. Guess what? I'm not black or white. I grew up in a multicultural area that allowed me to understand and empathize with different walks of life.
You keep playing the "I don't get why black people could possibly hold a grudge against white people" card which is pretty damn idiotic if you remotely pay attention to the world outside your bubble.
Just drop it. Take it to a thread in general and get schooled there if you genuinely care why literally nobody here agrees with you.
And I said that when? The way you've interpreted literally everything today has been an utter mess. You've also picked and chose which points people have raised you want to address, ignoring the more logical ones. Guess what? I'm not black or white. I grew up in a multicultural area that allowed me to understand and empathize with different walks of life.
You keep playing the "I don't get why black people could possibly hold a grudge against white people" card which is pretty damn idiotic if you remotely pay attention to the world outside your bubble.
Just drop it. Take it to a thread in general and get schooled there if you genuinely care why literally nobody here agrees with you.
You dont know how to read. Guy stereotyped me and pretty much said all white people go to the games to watch slaves. I didnt agree. The mod came in and said lets get back on track. But you gotta keep pushing the issue. I dont care what color you are doesnt matter to me bud.there was nothing to pick and choose. I asked a question..got boiled for no reason and gave my thoughts
You dont know how to read. Guy stereotyped me and pretty much said all white people go to the games to watch slaves. I didnt agree. The mod came in and said lets get back on track. But you gotta keep pushing the issue. I dont care what color you are doesnt matter to me bud.there was nothing to pick and choose. I asked a question..got boiled for no reason and gave my thoughts

I posted a tweet from a basketball player that shared my sentiments on the Westbrook issue. You made it about yourself and said my perspective doesn't mean more than yours :lol: Which if you are from Utah (never met a Jazz fan not from there) and have little experience with minorities and the everyday issues they face, then yeah it does in THIS scenario. I've been to Utah, I know what that majority demographic is like.
Your thoughts were black people can't be treated like slaves if they make millions and that you don't get why black people could possibly have rooted racial discomfort with white people.
You're being incredibly dense. I'm done with this one. Like I said, shut up and take it to general where these discussions belong. If you actually care and aren't talking to talk. Don't keep saying the same thing over and over again without comprehending anything. This thread has been a **** show today. Stop making one person's statement speak for those that have disagreed with you on other things you've said.
im not TREATING anyone as a slave..he said “whites VIEW black athletes as slaves and i dont VIEW making millions of dollars slave-worthy. Stop the nonses with the “you can be a slave working at mcdonalds blah blah...” stop.. I mean, in that case, you can be a slave to a new born baby..crapping and crying all night. It all started with this kid throwing all whites in the same bucket and that’s a shame..and I’m sorry that all the white people that you’ve met your entire life are a bunch of jerks.

If we're going by that logic then just about everyone who works under someone is a slave, so everyone except Jeff Bezos. You completely missed the point, it was not about working for someone or net worth. An NBA player shouldn't be okay with being called all kinds of obscenities just because he goes home to a mansion. What about dignity? How is he going to explain this to his children?

If having seven+ figures in your bank account will solve most if not all your problems then you simply cannot relate to the message that some people here are trying to convey, at least not on a personal level. That's not to say that there is anything inherently wrong with you. Consider yourself lucky. Other people may not be as fortunate or privledged as you. Now whoever said "white people" probably wasn't referring to every single white person, that would be obsurd. It doesn't take much common sense to deduce that he was referring to certain white supremists.
Anyone can be a slave and or treated as one, no matter the color of their skin and the compensation. A ___ person flipping burgers at McDonalds can be treated as a slave, so can a ___ person who is a pharmacist, and so can a ___ entertainer making millions.
i didnt make that point..this dude did..you can be a slave of your own mind if you wanna take it that far.

I guess we can forget about how i was stereotyped and assumed white to start this whole thing off? I asked rhetorical question of why would you spend money to go to a game to act like an ***...and dudes gotta say “white people look at black athletes as slaves”. Thats the dumbest thing i ever heard. So what are the white athletes?just a bunch of dopes???if you wanted to say “some white people” then you should have. But didnt. I dont think a fat white slob who works at a car dealership is going to make westbrook feel like a slave. Is that a slave to you? It was just unnecessary. Esp when someone said “you must be white” but then continue to try to torch me to me look like the bad guy.

IT probably should check out what the housing situation in China is.
i didnt make that point..this dude did..you can be a slave of your own mind if you wanna take it that far.

I guess we can forget about how i was stereotyped and assumed white to start this whole thing off? I asked rhetorical question of why would you spend money to go to a game to act like an ***...and dudes gotta say “white people look at black athletes as slaves”. Thats the dumbest thing i ever heard. So what are the white athletes?just a bunch of dopes???if you wanted to say “some white people” then you should have. But didnt. I dont think a fat white slob who works at a car dealership is going to make westbrook feel like a slave. Is that a slave to you? It was just unnecessary. Esp when someone said “you must be white” but then continue to try to torch me to me look like the bad guy.

The takeaway from this discussion was that the white slob, in this case one who is a CHP can antagonize Westbrook and have the privilege to get away with it! Even though Westbrook is infinite times more famous and richer than he is, he believes that he is innately superior because of this dynamic.

I was not the one who wrote the "you must be white" comment. But as a bystander I did not interpret that as a statement to vilify you, it was to suggest that you might not be able to relate to the problems that certain groups have to endure.
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Utah Jazz >>>> *

Bron playing like he’s 25 now the pressure is off :smh: :lol:

That’s the first game he’s looked completely uninhibited since coming back.
The takeaway from this discussion was that said white slob, in this case one who is a CHP can antagonize Westbrook and have the priviledge to get away with it! Even though Westbrook is infinite times more famous and richer than he is, he believes that he is inherently superior because of this dynamic.

I was not the one who wrote the "you must be white" comment. But as a bystander I did not interpret that as a statement to vilify you, it was to suggest that you might not be able to relate to the problems that certain groups have to endure.

I appreciate the post. But if you know how it feels to be judged or stereotype why would you do it to someone else and then make a joke out of it.

You cant be a slave when your living your dream. DREAM JOB. I think that jazz fan hurt people in here instead of westbrook. Lol. Dude was banned. People in here just need an excuse to argue. I hope you people meet some whites that are friendly to take away the chip off your shoulder.
You cant be a slave when your living your dream. DREAM JOB.
And this is why it was so easy for someone to identify you as a white person. Because you’ll never, ever, no matter how hard you try or convince yourself, be able to understand what it’s like to be a minority.

Do yourself a favor and look up Chris Rock’s bit about the difference between being rich and wealthy. You know there were rich black people in the 50s and 60s? You think people didn’t see them as beneath them regardless of how much money they had.

Just stop, and stop trying to educate minorities on what is offensive to them.

I don’t comment on female issues because I’m a male. I don’t comment on gay issues because I’m straight. Follow suit because your stupid line of thinking is the same “racism can’t still exist because Obama is the president now” hor**** people spewed because they were so sick of having to listen to racial issues and fights for equality.
And this is why it was so easy for someone to identify you as a white person. Because you’ll never, ever, no matter how hard you try or convince yourself, be able to understand what it’s like to be a minority.

Do yourself a favor and look up Chris Rock’s bit about the difference between being rich and wealthy. You know there were rich black people in the 50s and 60s? You think people didn’t see them as beneath them regardless of how much money they had.

Just stop, and stop trying to educate minorities on what is offensive to them.

I don’t comment on female issues because I’m a male. I don’t comment on gay issues because I’m straight. Follow suit because your stupid line of thinking is the same “racism can’t still exist because Obama is the president now” hor**** people spewed because they were so sick of having to listen to racial issues and fights for equality.
Yet you and your buddies over here telling everyone how whites view blacks. “White people view black athletes as slaves”

This all started because someone just wanted tk argue. Could have easily been avoided until the white comment.
I appreciate the post. But if you know how it feels to be judged or stereotype why would you do it to someone else and then make a joke out of it.

You cant be a slave when your living your dream. DREAM JOB. I think that jazz fan hurt people in here instead of westbrook. Lol. Dude was banned. People in here just need an excuse to argue. I hope you people meet some whites that are friendly to take away the chip off your shoulder.
I am not co-signing reverse racism and do not think it is right for people to attack you with ad hominems. At the same time, you are attracting this energy by refusing to admit that no matter how rich and famous Westbrook is he is still viewed as inferior to some just because of his skin color. It is not even a matter of opinion, it's factual.

Westbrook has been in the NBA for over a decade, so he's dealt with his fair share of heckling fans. He definitely encountered it since his AAU days when traveling to certain areas. The fan he had an altercation with in Utah went to extremes to put him over the edge. Just because Westbrook has his dream career, that does not change the fact that some people of lower status can treat him as less.
I am not co-signing reverse racism and do not think it is right for people to attack you with ad hominems. At the same time, you are attracting this energy by refusing to admit that no matter how rich and famous Westbrook is he is still viewed as inferior to some just because of his skin color. It is not even a matter of opinion, it's factual.

Westbrook has been in the NBA for over a decade, so he's dealt with his fair share of heckling fans. He definitely encountered it since his AAU days when traveling to certain areas. The fan he had an altercation with in Utah went to extremes to put him over the edge. Just because Westbrook has his dream career, that does not change the fact that some people of lower status can treat him as less.
Some people may. Obviously that fan felt that way. But i dont..in my eyes hes living his dream But when you throw all white people together...thats messed up.
I am not co-signing reverse racism and do not think it is right for people to attack you with ad hominems. At the same time, you are attracting this energy by refusing to admit that no matter how rich and famous Westbrook is he is still viewed as inferior to some just because of his skin color. It is not even a matter of opinion, it's factual.

Westbrook has been in the NBA for over a decade, so he's dealt with his fair share of heckling fans. He definitely encountered it since his AAU days when traveling to certain areas. The fan he had an altercation with in Utah went to extremes to put him over the edge. Just because Westbrook has his dream career, that does not change the fact that some people of lower status can treat him as less.
At some point, yall have to stop trying to convince non-black folks that what we feel is legit. If they don't get it, let them not get it and move on man.
Its not all about you. Im telling you just because some other white guy views some kf the players as slaves..doesnt meant all do. I certainly dont. If you want to have a negative attitude towards whites because you think they are all the same then fine. My words wont change your mind
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