Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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KP byke
It’s gotten way worse. I grew up in SM. We always had homeless around, but not anything close what’s going on now. Like, when I was younger we used to basically know the homeless people in Santa Monica; had nicknames for them because there were only a handful of them...Rosie the Potato Lady, Willy, Bird Man...they were all just old and clearly crazy. Whole different thing now.
Rosie! Man, she had so much money too but mental illness caused her to stay homeless.

I still see Bird Man here and there.

What middle school you go to?
As an asian male I was fortunate that I had parents who minded their own business. Never asked me too many questions. Never gave me a hard time if I came home at odd hours. Never nagged me.

They parent my little sister way differently though. She can't wait to get out the house.
this is not typically of Asian parents. You're a lucky one!
*****s going out their way to sign a dude with a freshly torn Achilles.:lol:

To each his own.

It's mind-boggling that a good majority of the basketball world seem to be pretending like it's some minor injury and everything is just business as usual.

The entire idea of getting a Kevin Durant this summer...was getting arguably the best player in the game who can put up 30 in his sleep effortlessly and single-handedly will teams to victory. He may rehab really well...and come back a really good basketball player...but that Kevin Durant we all knew is done.

A KD/Kyrie package deal doesn't NEARLY mean what it did a month ago. Asking a guy to come back @ 32 from a torn achilles...and be your franchise player is ALOT.
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