Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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Rockettes had a mediocre start to the game and the Lakers played great. Then in the 2nd half the Rockettes went on a run but Russy blew it being absolute trash

Correct. They probably win if Westbrook is simply marginal instead of a complete dumpster.
If yall are just looking for player sisters' to swoon over, look up Andre Roberson's oldest sister, the one who plays volleyball and is in San Antonio. And I seent her standing next to Keri Hilson standing next to Bertille Sefolosha, bought raffle tickets from all 3. Keri Hilson wished me good luck or something.
Rockets got a negative, from their second best player, and only one person from their bench score :lol:. If Russ simply just had a bad 2 tilts Houston. Problem is...he was actively detrimental to the Rockets...

AD & Bron played well...and the rockets still were a possession away in the 4th.
If the Rockets don’t shoot 11/14 from 3 or whatever in the 3rd then they lose by 20+
I can play this game too :lol:
On the flip side Houston got great games from Tucker and RoCo (8/15 combined from 3)
If yall are just looking for player sisters' to swoon over, look up Andre Roberson's oldest sister, the one who plays volleyball and is in San Antonio. And I seent her standing next to Keri Hilson standing next to Bertille Sefolosha, bought raffle tickets from all 3. Keri Hilson wished me good luck or something.
***** coulda done all this typing into google and just put the pics here
If the Rockets don’t shoot 11/14 from 3 or whatever in the 3rd then they lose by 20+
I can play this game too :lol:
On the flip side Houston got great games from Tucker and RoCo (8/15 combined from 3)

Meh...I’m speaking moreso on schematics than the shots falling. Other than the live ball TO’s....Hou made the Lakers take late clock 2s. The Lakers flat out had no answer for the rockets with the Harden, Gordon, House, Tucker, Covington lineup.

Problem is...Russ had to be in there. And y’all know how actively bad he was the other night. Either Russ is going to play better, or D’Antoni is going to have to have the balls to sit him. I can see both of those not happening. But this is why we hope.

Rockets in 6.
***** coulda done all this typing into google and just put the pics here
Amber Roberson B. If you're really nice with the googles, I psoted pics of this actual encounter before on whatever yr's NBA thread that was. I mean here's all them ****** though. Ol stealing 30 million *** *****

did any of you guys hear about this? The refs finally admitting that they screwed up that Jimmy Butler turnover and the fact that he should have been shooting two free throws. That literally changed the game. I don't think it'll have much consequence on the outcome of the series but it was still a major blunder.

Was anything ever said about the Jimmy butler drive to the hoop that his arm was grabbed (clear missed call) and they replayed to see who it went out on? Like Jeff Van Gundy said on the call, Adam silver should’ve On the spot changed that rule to allow it to be CORRECT

Makes no sense lol
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