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Ya'll have got to stop taking something said by one poster & applying it to all Laker fans,

also a big percentage of that list aren't the people on air constantly spreading these BS narratives

so to recap, you're complaining about being generalized based on what a minority of lakers fans said being applied to all lakers fans while also complaining that some ESPN talking heads are engaging in narrative based arguments against you despite 20 writers all picking you to win the series.

cognitive dissonance on HGH.
Lakers are like a trust fund kid...who lost it all, and is now living in the projects for the last 8 years...then all of a sudden bequeathed 10 racks, and think they’re are rich again :lol:.

Russ as a #2...went pretty far In the playoffs a couple of times. And what I’ve said is true. I’ve always maintained that. I DO hate watching him play. And he IS STILL he’s selfish as hell, with a low b-ball IQ. That doesn’t take away from anything that I said. This is less about Russ having to be great for the rockets to advance....and moreso about how he just has to be decent, for them to do well.

Y’all can’t seem to understand that :lol:. The laughing emojis are easier tho.

This cat really said bequeathed. I don't know why
Nope. Lakers, Celtics & The Bulls are all in this bucket. Leaning on championships that aren't even from this CENTURY. You can start in 2000 and go forward. That's it.

Still got five, more than any other team in that span 🤷🏿‍♂️
Heat turning up in here.
It's definitely game day :lol:
so to recap, you're complaining about being generalized based on what a minority of lakers fans said being applied to all lakers fans while also complaining that some ESPN talking heads are engaging in narrative based arguments against you despite 20 writers all picking you to win the series.

cognitive dissonance on HGH.

my guy it's really not that serious, i'm pointing out the media doing their usual Laker thing..... secondly i'm not equating the opinions of a few Nt'ers to the opinions of people who are paid to be "experts" and who's opinions are viewed by millions on a daily basis.
10 titles since 1980. There are definitely dudes in here in their 40s stop.
But are WE though? I feel like you & I are a year apart.

The dude who is 40 repping the Lakers please pop up and represent.

Using your criteria

The Bulls have 0 championships, the Celtics have 1............ and the Lakers have 5. So even if we did something ridiculous like cut off 50+ years of basketball & started in the new millennium

We would still have the most titles in the history of the league :lol:

And that's fine. But people claiming titles from where color TVs didn't exist prior to Y2K is madness.
Nah we get it, it's just funny to see you talk about how great he is all of a sudden. Just out the blue you expect great things from Russ, I wonder why. :lol:

Where did I say I expect “great things” :lol:. I’m just asking Russ not to play the worst basketball imaginable. I’ve always said he’s a good player, and a good #2 option.

He simply ain’t “it”.
But are WE though? I feel like you & I are a year apart.

The dude who is 40 repping the Lakers please pop up and represent.

And that's fine. But people claiming titles from where color TVs didn't exist prior to Y2K is madness.

I think Noble, Tupac and a few others are in their late 30s early 40s. It ain't like it was that long ago, my sister just turned 40 today.
Well, when we're playing them. I've already proven your myth wrong about us talking about them constantly. You ignored it, and that was the end of that conversation. You never responded back when I mentioned that in all the years of the Laker thread, thousands of posts, there were like a couple dozen mentions of those teams. But you talk about us like breathing.

Also, Celtics & Clippers are rivals. Does it also bother you that they talk about Lakers? Of course not. Because… hatred, vitriol. 🤙

Accuracy be damned.

I stopped responding because, I just didn't really care that much. Especially when I don't have the time or patience to be itemized with my search.
Again, you have it in your mind that I talk about the Lakers with every post. That isn't true...never was. My percentage of post in this thread that are considered "Lakers hate"its way less than the Clippers hate in the Lakers/NBA thread...and with a waaaaaay smaller sample size.
Even if I did talk about the Lakers in every single post like you say...SO WHAT? There are tons of others that hate LeBron and the Lakers, why you choose to single me out whenever I have an opinion on the Lakers...I'll never know. If it bothers you that much, just block me. I mean, huh huh, you're a staff member, you know what it is.
I mean I just said that Russ in game 2 is why kd left, and I agreed with another Lakers fan that I don't think Russ or mda will make many changes... I don't see pums pums , or H houston coming at me like I'm some rockets hater just because I said it.
Every fan base gets roasted after every loss in this thread.
How you have it that I've talked about the Lakers way more than you or others have spoken about the Clippers is beyond comprehension.
So again, STOP IT.
"I don't know who you are a fan of..." be for real
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my guy it's really not that serious, i'm pointing out the media doing their usual Laker thing..... secondly i'm not equating the opinions of a few Nt'ers to the opinions of people who are paid to be "experts" and who's opinions are viewed by millions on a daily basis.

the media is overwhelmingly picking the lakers to win the series. stop trying to force the underdog/disrespect angle. it's sad.

I DO hate watching him play. And he IS STILL he’s selfish as hell, with a low b-ball IQ.

Nah we get it, it's just funny to see you talk about how great he is all of a sudden. Just out the blue you expect great things from Russ, I wonder why. :lol:

selfish as hell will low b-ball IQ is talking about how great Russ is?

I don't understand the backlash to the simple opinion that "if Russ isn't a trainwreck, the rockets have a chance to win the series". y'all just get so offended that everyone isn't bending over backwards to praise the lakers as the best team ever and picking the lakers to lose any individual game seems to be a mortal sin.
We counting the Minneapolis Lakers championships? I’m gonna go ahead and exclude those 5 rings and count it for the TWolves. Y’all technically have 11

Yeah, we all know franchises can't move cities. That's never happened before. :rolleyes

The mental gymnastics ALA will do to discredit the Lakers franchise is crazy. Even after being trashed for a decade we're still in your heads constantly
I think Noble, Tupac and a few others are in their late 30s early 40s. It ain't like it was that long ago, my sister just turned 40 today.
Old man CP like 60 and Ska aka Ned Flanders like 50
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