Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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What does ALA stand for again? And who are the current members?

Asking for a friend.

Also, what started all these "haters come together" threads in S&T?

Again, asking for a friend.
I am POSITIVE the hater threads idea started w/ shuges shuges .

Call it now or don’t call it at all. Cowardly “if” statement :lol: Littttterally no credit for writing it in ink when it’s 3-2.

They eeked out 1 win by the skin of their teeth. Gotta see how that ankle holds up. Not cowardly more like smart. :lol:
This is false, 3 times. Dare I say thrice. Like not false because it's my opinion that it's false, but by being factually false, with numbers that show the falsities. I presented those numbers last time and you never responded to them. This isn't a matter of you not having the time to do your research, which is totally understandable. It has already been done for you. The classic mistake of thinking that something pointed out means that it is bothersome. Doesn't bother me a bit. I'm not kidding. I have no idea. Other members of ALA, I know who they are fans of. I legit have no idea with you.

Whatever you say buddy
Back to the regularly scheduled program
Too much time has been wasted already
I'm a Clippers fan, since you "didn't know"
How come a guy like antidope antidope never catches any flack for being a spurs fan from staten island or wherever tf he's from? Got two perfectly good franchises in his own backyard but chooses to bandwagon a Texas team

I personally don’t see the point in being a fan of one team in which I don’t even live close enough to to go to games often.
antidope antidope
the media is overwhelmingly picking the lakers to win the series. stop trying to force the underdog/disrespect angle. it's sad.

selfish as hell will low b-ball IQ is talking about how great Russ is?

I don't understand the backlash to the simple opinion that "if Russ isn't a trainwreck, the rockets have a chance to win the series". y'all just get so offended that everyone isn't bending over backwards to praise the lakers as the best team ever and picking the lakers to lose any individual game seems to be a mortal sin.


Dawg Russ has ALWAYS been a trainwreck. What the hell are ya'll talking about?

Ima a big Russ fan and I literally been calling him that for years but now y'all are "well if he just takes better shots and not be outta control....". What he's done his entire career.

So if he becomes a totally different player in 2 hours it's rockets in 6. :lol:
Other members of ALA, I know who they are fans of. I legit have no idea with you.

Like I stated before, don't hate the Lakers, big LeBron fan. From L.A. If it matters.
First 2 are imperative to being a member of this ALA community you speak of.

Reading is fundamental
How come a guy like antidope antidope never catches any flack for being a spurs fan from staten island or wherever tf he's from? Got two perfectly good franchises in his own backyard but chooses to bandwagon a Texas team

antidope antidope

Just like Timothy gets no flack for getting swept as a 1st seed by the Lakers, getting a bronze medal, losing to an 8th seed.

No one cares about the Spurs
How come a guy like antidope antidope never catches any flack for being a spurs fan from staten island or wherever tf he's from? Got two perfectly good franchises in his own backyard but chooses to bandwagon a Texas team

antidope antidope
JERSEY Don't disrespect the Kid.

I also go to three Spurs games every season. I do what I can. Regional based fandom is a nonsense concept to me.

Spurs make the finals again (LOL) I will be in Texas.
Honestly whatever you want to say about him, one thing you can’t argue is his loyalty for the Lakers.

I really thought MVP would jump off once a LeBron tagged along because of how much he wasn’t a fan, but he’s stayed the same unlike a bunch of other people who didn’t like LeBron :lol:

And on the flipside all these Bron fans repping the Lakers kills my soul as well.

I don't have to prove my loyalty to anybody. I'm assuming you're quoting that clown *** Celtics stalker.
Like I stated before, don't hate the Lakers, big LeBron fan. From L.A. If it matters.
First 2 are imperative to being a member of this ALA community you speak of.

Reading is fundamental
Assumptions don't count as 'reading', though. Reading you say 'I'm from LA' and assuming 'Well he must be a Clippers fan', that's not enough for the RIF response to be fitting.

Just like Timothy gets no flack for getting swept as a 1st seed by the Lakers, getting a bronze medal, losing to an 8th seed.

No one cares about the Spurs

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