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gotta say that while i find his trolling to be occasionally humorous, i also think they way this dude has made a lucrative career off of stalking, instigating and dismissing black athletes, particularly prominent black nba athletes, is something special.

imagine if there was a person of color performing the same schtick on white athletes for nearly two decades? yeah, would never be tolerated by the goons at abc/espn or any sports broadcaster in the nation. someone black attacking the likes of tom brady or whoever for nearly two decades? nope. that this dude came from the jim rome school of sports journalism also speaks volumes. **** gets crazy boring after a while
Your point is valid but that Skip character made his name off of a white player
He wrote a book about the Cowboys and said Troy Aikman was gay
This was during the Cowboys dynasty run

Now all them other dudes that love ALL the white athletes and talk non-stop bull💩 about black athletes need to be chin checked
Punks be gettin real loose with they lips
What the hell happened to Legler???
Looks like he fell asleep in the tanning booth trying to get that Trump like orange glow.

Could you guys be the contrarian? The Skip, Screamin' A, Whitlock, where your JOB is to be disagreeable, say uncomfortable things, even if you don't necessarily believe them but that's your role in the company, could you?

I could probably do it, these guys make millions of dollars. They're literally acting. The talking Head, debate format was popularized by political shows in the 90s and early 2000s. You have two friends who pretend to be enemies and laugh it off later. It doesn't sound that difficult to be honest lol
Hayward probably done. Left in a boot and on crutches. MRI today. We're in trouble.

I'm a Lakers fan and even I (kinda) feel sorry for the Celtics. They've had some of the worst injury luck in the playoffs over the last three or four years.
Why is the Porzingis ejection controversial? You run into a scrum like that 10/10 you're probably getting a T. That's on him.

I think the first one was really bad.

the 2nd one...he ran right into the scrum and although he didn’t push Morris he certainly escalated the “situation” I would of been fine with him in but it was definitely a T

and refs treating this like robots doesn’t help. You’ve got to account for context, intent, the end result, etc. nothing happened just move on
Why is the Porzingis ejection controversial? You run into a scrum like that 10/10 you're probably getting a T. That's on him.
The first one he got, the rule book states “overt reaction to a call/no call” which gives the ref a TON of room for judgement. The reason why Draymond doesn’t get thrown out of every single game. The reason why we don’t have an ejection in every playoff game.

To throw a player out of a game on a 2nd judgement technical is ridiculous. You gave him one that he really shouldn’t have had, swallow your whistle this time and let’s move on. Absolutely nothing happened in that scrum.

Textbook definition of terrible refereeing.
Why is the Porzingis ejection controversial? You run into a scrum like that 10/10 you're probably getting a T. That's on him.

B ut i hate the rule where you get a T for throwing your arms in the air when I call doesn't go your way. Players should be able to express themselves as long as its not disrespectful. Don't curse at the ref and call him a D-head and you should be able to get away with it. There's probably 25 of those type of player reactions throughout the game that don't get called.

You should be able to get mad without being disrespectful.
Could you guys be the contrarian? The Skip, Screamin' A, Whitlock, where your JOB is to be disagreeable, say uncomfortable things, even if you don't necessarily believe them but that's your role in the company, could you?
yea just not the Whitlock Uncle Tom variety, but they're just basically professional trolls. We are all on an internet msg board, we have the gene in us.
After all these years, I'm still surprised when I see serious sports fans take these shock jocks seriously. Don't get me wrong, Stephen A and Shannon are funny sometimes but their opinions are no more valid than the average fan and they're not working in a journalistic capacity, there's no objectivity or deep research. They're just giving their opinions.

Colin cowherd put it best: their job is to be interesting, not to be correct. If their job was to be correct all the time, these networks would just hire Vegas sharps


It is just another form of pro wrestling (scripted tv).
The second one, whatever.

The first one was silly for a playoff game.

I guess. I feel like the throwing motion at the ref always yields a T no matter what.

Not saying it should, but it usually does.
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