Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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The shelf life of being an NFL player is sad as hell and if you just so happen to get "lucky" enough to last, that only puts your quality of life after football at more risk

No kid that has a love for football cares about this. You play for the love of the sport, when we grew up playing basketball we didn’t think about the injuries or long term effects. There are plenty of NBA players that use cannabis daily post career for pain management as is. Long term effects for any contact sport when you’re a professional athlete.
Let's see:
1st ballot HOFer in his sport
Multiple time all Star and all NBAer
League MVP
On track to make over 350 million just in salary in his career not to mention all the endorsements
Top 10 at his position all time
Going to play 15+ years in his sport
And yet he chose the wrong sport

Of all the dumb hot takes on here, that may be the worst one yet.
No kid that has a love for football cares about this. You play for the love of the sport, when we grew up playing basketball we didn’t think about the injuries or long term effects. There are plenty of NBA players that use cannabis daily post career for pain management as is.
That's not the argument that you brought up though. People can choose whatever path they want just like Russell did

With studies being done now and real life data-- you can easily come to the decision that Russell did not choose the wrong sport

Not to mention Russell's accolades will put him into rare territory in the sport
I think it’s cause those big men also had the natural power game that AD doesn’t have. But AD also doesn’t need that to be successful. Also, it doesn’t help most of the people on tv still have such a dinosaur outlook thinking guys need to camp out two feet from the rim. The game just isn’t like that anymore.
Hakeem, Akeem, and Duncan were not "power players" by any stretch of the imagination. Trust me I watched Akeem and Hakeem's careers both versions of Olajuwon
Football player that knows how to dribble. There’s no way you play this many years in the NBA and still don’t know wtf you’re doing. He will never adjust.

He was gifted with being the most athletic human with a basketball ever thats for sure.

Yea there is no way you can rationally think this (picking the wrong sport) makes sense.

But you got it.

COntinue with the extreme takes.
With studies being done now and real life data-- you can easily come to the decision that Russell did not choose the wrong sport

Not to mention Russell's accolades will put him into rare territory in the sport

What makes you think he wouldnt have been as successful as a football player? The speed and athletic ability are already there. Westbrook is literally one in millions with what he was gifted with physically. Coulda easily been Bo Jackson 2.0.

Obviously basketball worked out for him. My argument is that you cant play in the league for this long and be this dumb. He will literally never ever adjust. In football, not much adjustment is needed for certain positions that he'd play.
1x MVP
9x All-Star
8x All-NBA (Might be 9 this year)
Top 50 points
Top 15 assists
Averages 23/7/8 for his career
What makes you think he wouldnt have been as successful as a football player? The speed and athletic ability are already there. Westbrook is literally one in millions with what he was gifted with physically. Coulda easily been Bo Jackson 2.0.

Obviously basketball worked out for him. My argument is that you cant play in the league for this long and be this dumb. He will literally never ever adjust. In football, not much adjustment is needed.
Come on man, you're digging deeper into a hole you didn't need to be in. Nowhere did I or anyone say he wouldn't be successful at football, hell these pro athletes could have been successful at probably anything they wanted

All you had to say was the underlined, it would have been a crude but fair take. All the other stuff was unfounded

the clipper bench clowning the Mavs was definitely the most disrespect I've seen come from a bench.

I didn't like it. Lets keep it to just celebrating your teams buckets with the occasional "Ahhh" from an opponent shooting in front of your bench.
By the time Russ retires, he's probably going to be top 25 on the scoring list and somewhere between 10-12 on the assists list. Only other dudes to do that are Bron and Oscar.
the clipper bench clowning the Mavs was definitely the most disrespect I've seen come from a bench.

I didn't like it. Lets keep it to just celebrating your teams buckets with the occasional "Ahhh" from an opponent shooting in front of your bench.
Didn't stop to think how liberal it's been in comparison to a regular fan-filled arena. Like you would never see that in a normal environment lol. I think it'd be hilarious if the benches kept this type of energy whenever arenas come back
So let me guess when Harden gets bounced again this year.... it’s gonna be Russ fault correct?
Eh, they aren't expected to win. So it won't be anyone's "fault."

Sure,RW will be looked at funny for sure.

This, "Fault" stuff doesn't apply when your squad isn't expected to win.
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