calling a another man your superior

Dame Dash On The Breakfast Club

couldnt be me

Asking uncle sam to help you with your rent and taking care of your family? Might as well call him daddy.

On a serious note, I cant comprehend why people have this expectation of the govt to help them pay their bills. Like, what planet have you been living on? These people dont give af about your bills. Why are you living check to check then when something happens you want other people to foot the bill? You need to get out there and make something happen instead of sitting around waiting for some govt cheese.
Asking uncle sam to help you with your rent and taking care of your family? Might as well call him daddy.

On a serious note, I cant comprehend why people have this expectation of the govt to help them pay their bills. Like, what planet have you been living on? These people dont give af about your bills. Why are you living check to check then when something happens you want other people to foot the bill? You need to get out there and make something happen instead of sitting around waiting for some govt cheese.


Biscuits aint sold here.
Why do people say vote like that's gonna make a difference? Vote who? We have seen it year after year. Dudes campaign imma do this imma do that get voted in and do nothing. It's not the people we vote in it's the system. The whole government need to be revised.
How do you propose the gov. gets revised without voting? :lol:
Asking uncle sam to help you with your rent and taking care of your family? Might as well call him daddy.

On a serious note, I cant comprehend why people have this expectation of the govt to help them pay their bills. Like, what planet have you been living on? These people dont give af about your bills. Why are you living check to check then when something happens you want other people to foot the bill? You need to get out there and make something happen instead of sitting around waiting for some govt cheese.
This ***** :lol: :smh:
No? This thread seems like the line for free biscuits. Tell me where I'm wrong at?

Personally, the thought never occured to me that if some catastrophic **** happened that I would be ok cause the govt would take care of me. Not once in life.

I have a hard time articulating my thoughts onto pen and paper.

Thats why I hold people like RustyShackleford RustyShackleford and Bomai Jones in such high regards on these subjects.

Your premise on what people are asking for is just wrong.

Good for you that you don't need the assistance.

But to be ignorant in what people are asking for is mind blowing.

You sound like ninjahood ninjahood

You don't have a full grasp of what's going on in the world and only view it from your seat.
Asking uncle sam to help you with your rent and taking care of your family? Might as well call him daddy.

On a serious note, I cant comprehend why people have this expectation of the govt to help them pay their bills. Like, what planet have you been living on? These people dont give af about your bills. Why are you living check to check then when something happens you want other people to foot the bill? You need to get out there and make something happen instead of sitting around waiting for some govt cheese.

This Is Incredibly Tone Deaf And Insensitive To Folks Who Really Have It Rough Out Here.
I have a hard time articulating my thoughts onto pen and paper.

Thats why I hold people like RustyShackleford RustyShackleford and Bomai Jones in such high regards on these subjects.

Your premise on what people are asking for is just wrong.

Good for you that you don't need the assistance.

But to be ignorant in what people are asking for is mind blowing.

You sound like ninjahood ninjahood

You don't have a full grasp of what's going on in the world and only view it from your seat.

Imma take this as a compliment, and not a shot at my hairline.

Tis the season, so you get the benefit of the doubt as a gift
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What's dumber. Paying over $100k in your lifetime (way more depending on your career earnings) to the government and expecting them to do absolutely nothing when you need help or holding them accountable? "I pay taxes every year and expect nothing in return. i'M a hUsTla bOi"
My relly PUA runs out on 12/31 will be have to file another claim?

Too early to know for sure I think. I think we just keep filing, and they'll hit us with back pay if our claims happen to lapse. Some states PUA will probably lapse a bit I'm hearing, just depends on the states system to get the money out. I'm kind of basing it on the EO Trump did back in August for now. Some states were sending money out within days, and some it took weeks to get sent out. I highly doubt we have to start a new claim... just seems like a LOT of extra paperwork for a broken system already. I'm sure each state will have guidelines posted to they're respective web sites shortly.

I've put it in here before and I'll continue to put it in here. LALATE on YouTube has some of the best put together information for all states. He pretty much touches on everything, and has like 5 or 6 specials per day so pay attention to him. Hes got a very annoying tone, but good info. Forbes has been really good for info too. Once I hear something concrete I'll post it in here.
Bootstraps and handouts.

wtf comes out of your paycheck? Handout to the government to piss away on whatever they want.

I don’t think anybody in here has expected the government to take care of them. In fact I think we all know they will do the opposite. We want back what we’re owed. That’s all.
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