Well let’s start by saying all cities aren’t the same, but yes. People working in DC don’t live in DC unless you’re making 6 figure bank or happy giving half your check up to live in a 450 square foot box. I don’t think that’s very smart

I feel that, it's one of the reasons I left the US but even an hour commute each way means it takes 10 hours each day to earn the same salary as opposed to 8, that's a pay cut.

probably buying more meals out too I bet.

living any real distance from your job is a tangible minus, one with direct costs...since most jobs are located in and around large cities, workers have a choice between artificially inflated housing and an hour commute.

between a pay cut and a pay cut.

with 2 bad options, "smart" is whatever works.
I feel that, it's one of the reasons I left the US but even an hour commute each way means it takes 10 hours each day to earn the same salary as opposed to 8, that's a pay cut.

probably buying more meals out too I bet.

living any real distance from your job is a tangible minus, one with direct costs...since most jobs are located in and around large cities, workers have a choice between artificially inflated housing and an hour commute.

between a pay cut and a pay cut.

with 2 bad options, "smart" is whatever works.
Oh yes complete truth my man. All said and done I gave that all up. I now live about five minutes away from where I work I’m 10 minutes away from anything that matters. I could never go back to living that life. Zero debt, health, time with my family, and leisure time mean more to me than anything else
Might as well do it right then. This can be had for $90K.



no joke, there’s a street behind san francisco state and these are lined up all the way down the block. students who can’t afford the housing and people just can’t afford place out here in general living out of them.

it’s crazy, then you go on nextdoor and have all the karen’s complaining that they make the steet look ugly. these ****ing people can’t afford to live in an apartment and these idiots complaining about the way a street looks :smh:
Honestly living in a car like rv don’t seem to bad , and you got the flexibility to move

Basically. Everyone isn’t trying to be a millionaire or billionaire. The average person just wants comfort and a safety blanket. That’s all. Hey, ya’ll can have your 5 million dollar yachts and penthouse and tax cuts, but if I need $5000 to repair my roof, I shouldn’t have to use a barbed wire hoola hoop just to get it. It’s that simple
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