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Anybody worth a **** is cheating.

A&M and Georgia aren’t doing what they’re doing recruiting without cheating.

But people ain’t poppin off about Jimbo. :lol:

The only person poppin off about Kirby is the least credible coach in the nation. He's had a scandal at every school he's been at and he's about to get fired again.

I wouldn't believe a word this clown says

He's poppin off about Saban as well. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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What makes Kirby any more of a scumbag than any other top coach? Because he pays players? 😂

What is Kirby doing that every other coach isn't doing?
Who says that other coaches aren’t scumbags? There’s rumors on Kirby dating back to when he was a player.

You defending his honor because you’re a fan doesn’t make it any less true, or absolve any other coaching partaking in scumbag behavior from being one.
There's level to being a scumbag. Every college football coach is a scumbag. Guys like DLK and Gundy are the alpha dogs 🐕with their racism. Kirby is in Tier 2 with guys like Nick, Jumbo and Mullens.
Who says that other coaches aren’t scumbags? There’s rumors on Kirby dating back to when he was a player.

You defending his honor because you’re a fan doesn’t make it any less true, or absolve any other coaching partaking in scumbag behavior from being one.
What rumors
Who says that other coaches aren’t scumbags? There’s rumors on Kirby dating back to when he was a player.

You defending his honor because you’re a fan doesn’t make it any less true, or absolve any other coaching partaking in scumbag behavior from being one.


I'm not defending his honor, I'm just saying Kirby is using the same tactics as every other HC from a big time school. If your point is that most head coaches are scumbags who will lie and bend the rules to win, I agree with you.
What makes Kirby any more of a scumbag than any other top coach? Because he pays players? 😂

What is Kirby doing that every other coach isn't doing?
Only a few less Christ mentions than Dabo right? And that bowl cut ain’t fooling anybody.
There's level to being a scumbag. Every college football coach is a scumbag. Guys like DLK and Gundy are the alpha dogs 🐕with their racism. Kirby is in Tier 2 with guys like Nick, Jumbo and Mullens.
Curious what puts Jimbo in tier 2 for you behind the MAGAs? Wouldn’t argue against you either way, just curious about what you’ve seen/heard. Comes off as a players coach, but definitely has some dirt like was mentioned about quitting on FSU.
Oof. The son of Utah’s former WR coach ripped the school for firing his father (a black man) while retaining Morgan Spurlock their DC, even though he admitted to calling a recruit the N word.



3 Utah WRs entered the portal in the past couple of weeks, maybe due to his firing, it’s unclear. Word some parents (black and brown) have issues with Utah, interesting considering what you always hear hyped up about Whittingham is his “culture building.”
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Also Ale Kaho’s (former 5 star UW, Bama, and now Utah LB) career has been weird so far.

But the Utah insider claiming his school passed on a kid because of film, after recruiting him and publicly taking his commitment, is the most homer “we didn’t want him anyway” **** I’ve ever seen from a writer.

Per Steve Bartle (Utes insider)
address the Kaho situation, I noticed last night that he removed his Utah commitment post from his Instagram, and reached out to try to get a feel for his status and the response I received makes me believe this may have been more Utah’s influence/decision. I’ll just say, I’m not sure everyone is on board with bringing Kaho in based on his tape. I didn’t mention anything about last night because I wanted to verify with another source, which I haven’t been able to do just yet.

Assuming he has moved on (deleted posts are usually telling), Utah will still be just fine. Whether this was more Utah’s or Kaho’s decision doesn’t really matter. Obviously, would love to have him in the program but if there are concerns about his ability and fit within the scheme and mentality of the LB position, Utah may have passed.
Curious what puts Jimbo in tier 2 for you behind the MAGAs? Wouldn’t argue against you either way, just curious about what you’ve seen/heard. Comes off as a players coach, but definitely has some dirt like was mentioned about quitting on FSU.
Tier 1 is reserved for guys that have done verifiable racist, sexist or other deplorable actions like getting players or personnel killed. This tier is for guys like Gundy, DLK, Durkin, Miles, Urban and Brian Kelly. Each of these guys is the worst of the worst. Jimbo isn't on their level. He isn't rocking OAN shirts like Gundy and then when he gets called out makes the player apologize to him. He isn't telling players that racism doesn't exist because Obama was president like DLK. He didn't get a player or staffer killed like Durkin and Brian Kelly. He didn't hire a wife beater then lied about it like Urbs. Jimbo is not a cool guy but he isn't tier 1 and be glad that he isn't.
Jimbo's just your common run-of-the-mill scum bag. He's not outwardly projecting it constantly - he's smart and super calculated. Does a good job keeping his mouth shut and keeping his dirty laundry in the closet.

Nobody coaching college athletics at that level isn't a scum bag. Jimbo, Ryan Day, Saban are same-ish tier for my money.

Dan Mullen's a hard one to place for me - I think I struggle with him to separate what's just him being a cornball from what's actually scummy.
Of Kirby being a racist POS teammate at UGA and his reaction when he found out his sister was smashing a Black dude? Those rumors.

Go on... This is my first time hearing this and I'm pretty clued into the Georgia fan base. Please elaborate. This is really awful if true
Of Kirby being a racist POS teammate at UGA and his reaction when he found out his sister was smashing a Black dude? Those rumors.
I'd heard rumors he did some racist thigns at UGA but those were always shrugged off as fake/smears by people I saw discuss it. I've never heard the second one :lol:

What's the story there?
Go on... This is my first time hearing this and I'm pretty clued into the Georgia fan base. Please elaborate. This is really awful if true
Rumors of him being a racist **** head as a teammate at UGA. Then going ballistic and saying racist stuff when he found out his sister was having sex with a Black guy. I’m not surprised that the UGA message board isn’t talking about this :lol:
Yeah the stories about his time at UGA as a player have been going around for a good while now.

I've never heard the sister thing.
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