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I think we’re going to see a lot more movement this summer and teams will count forward kids into the 2022 class.
which is funny because out of all of the HCs the KU AD has hired Turner might have been the best out of all of them. He was way over his head but still had the most promise.

I’ve heard his name thrown around. His age, at 60 is some what of a concern but hey, it’s KU FB and we just hired Les Miles so pot meet kettle.

As bad as KU FB has been at least this time around the job is some what more promising. The back end staff is actually at a Big 12 level and more importantly the scholarship number has been evened out after the weis and Beaty debacle. I’m told that there was even some initial interest in the job when it was ‘known’ Miles was going to be on fired.
Fritz is interesting.

But if I'm Kansas, I'm hiring someone young and dynamic and telling myself this is a 5+ year hire without question. Jamey Chadwell, Will Healy, Sean Lewis...

Someone's got to eventually give Tony Elliott the chance he deserves, but I wouldn't think he's burning his shot on KU.

I also probably wouldn't let Jeff Long make any decisions, but that's probably not realistic right now given where they're at.
Fritz is interesting.

But if I'm Kansas, I'm hiring someone young and dynamic and telling myself this is a 5+ year hire without question. Jamey Chadwell, Will Healy, Sean Lewis...

Someone's got to eventually give Tony Elliott the chance he deserves, but I wouldn't think he's burning his shot on KU.

I also probably wouldn't let Jeff Long make any decisions, but that's probably not realistic right now given where they're at.
Elliott's passed on better stepping stone opportunities than Kansas.
Fritz is interesting.

But if I'm Kansas, I'm hiring someone young and dynamic and telling myself this is a 5+ year hire without question. Jamey Chadwell, Will Healy, Sean Lewis...

Someone's got to eventually give Tony Elliott the chance he deserves, but I wouldn't think he's burning his shot on KU.

I also probably wouldn't let Jeff Long make any decisions, but that's probably not realistic right now given where they're at.

This only further re-affirms how bad KU has fumbled hire after hire. They hitched their wagons along to Jeff Long, as the savior to resurrect KU FB and all he did was bring it right back to where to started just minus millions of dollars. That was a bad hire from day one but when you are desperate for success you tend to make mistakes. As of right now KU has hired a third party firm to conduct a coaching search and I believe that doesn't include Long. Of course that doesn't make this job anymore appealing because how can you hire a coach when the AD position is influx. No way I would take a job with a lame duck AD much less at KU.

One name, probably a dark horse would be Ryan Held, RB coach at Nebraska. Local guy, familiar with the Big 12, can recruit, and is a proven winner at every level. Wouldn't need to pay him a ton since he is a RB coach and you don't get the feeling he would jump at leaving KU when the first offer comes his way.
But if I'm Kansas, I'm hiring someone young and dynamic and telling myself this is a 5+ year hire without question. Jamey Chadwell, Will Healy, Sean Lewis...
Lewis is the best bet there. The other two would be insane to take that job.
Lewis is the best bet there. The other two would be insane to take that job.
For sure... the other two are probably eventual SEC candidates if they're patient.

If I'm Kansas, I'm trying to money whip someone worth a **** into coming. Is KU broke? I don't get it.

Not doing the "David Beaty is a receiver coach so I can get him cheap!" game again. Also not playing the washed old man game.
For sure... the other two are probably eventual SEC candidates if they're patient.

If I'm Kansas, I'm trying to money whip someone worth a **** into coming. Is KU broke? I don't get it.

Not doing the "David Beaty is a receiver coach so I can get him cheap!" game again. Also not playing the washed old man game.

Spot on in regards to the past coaching hires. It has been one mistake after the next.

If the right guy is found KU could make it work. They have enough big pocket donors to move mountains but they will have to be 1000% sure before they start asking because donors are getting tired of getting 'bail' out calls and then repeating the same cycle in two or three years.
Spot on in regards to the past coaching hires. It has been one mistake after the next.

If the right guy is found KU could make it work. They have enough big pocket donors to move mountains but they will have to be 1000% sure before they start asking because donors are getting tired of getting 'bail' out calls and then repeating the same cycle in two or three years.
Sean Snyder is interested it seems.
The findings of that report are just about as shocking as finding out the Royal Family is racist.
Song popularized at minstrel shows, performed in black face, singing to the melody of another racist song somehow does not have racist intent because they needed to find a smoking gun to designate that it does.
When "it's not racist because it's a satire of a racist guy's racist speech" didn't work, they suddenly decided it didn't come from that speech at all.
Texas caved to the BMD (big money donors). In college athletics the golden rule applies. Those with the gold make the rules.
The findings of that report are just about as shocking as finding out the Royal Family is racist.

my girl watches the bachelor and my first comment to her about that whole mess was "people shocked the white girl from georgia did some racist shh?"

and then it was "people surprised a 50 year old white man defended the white girl from georgia?"

atlsfinest atlsfinest

my girl watches the bachelor and my first comment to her about that whole mess was "people shocked the white girl from georgia did some racist shh?"

and then it was "people surprised a 50 year old white man defended the white girl from georgia?"

My wife watches that show religiously. I would rather watch every minute of every KU football game from last year over that awful show. I don't hate a lot of things in my life but that series of trash television is one of them.
My wife watches that show religiously. I would rather watch every minute of every KU football game from last year over that awful show. I don't hate a lot of things in my life but that series of trash television is one of them.

i had to watch the last episode just to see what was so special about this girl..

cause i googled her and didnt get it

and after watching the show i still dont get it

like THAT'S the one all this is about

but different strokes for different folks
So the C/O '22 QB dominoes are falling fast and furiously.

Of the top 30 guys 13 of them are already committed.

With Simpson committing to Bama I'm assuming that Clemson is going to land Klubnik. Tanner Bailey is probably heading to USCe. Jacurri Brown likely heads to Miami. Sam Horn I think is leaning towards Mizzou. I think Florida turns the heat up on Evers and probably goes all in with him. AJ Duffy probably heads to Oregon or ASU. Allar probably heads to ND or perhaps Penn State.

A guy like MJ Morris, I'll be interested to see where he ends up. Does he go to GT? Or does he hold out for a bigger spot somewhere else further down the line if they decide to take 2 QB's? Tayven Jackson is a kid who could have his recruitment heat way up and garner even more interest than he has now once the top guys on schools boards start coming off more. Invariably there will be some kid who missed the fall because of covid that either balls out this spring or next fall and rises up the rankings. Where does a team like Michigan look for its QB?

Simpson - Bama
Klubnik - Clemson
Bailey - Oregon
Sam Horn - Mizzou
Evers - Florida
Allar - Penn State

20 of the top 30 are committed now and it isn't even summer
Hey hey hey...

While your state is consistently electing Jim Jordan to high-end public office, nobody wants to hear it. :lol: :smh:

I meant Texas the school :lol:

But I’m in Illinois. I went to undergrad at U of I and then tOSU grad school. There ain’t nothing bad about Illinois...just bad weather, high taxes, state is broke, corrupt elected officials :lol:
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