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I never see programs so sad about the most random off the field guys than USC. Marketing and videographers :lol:

Short answer: We finally have nice things and we want to hold onto all of them. ASU, Oregon, and Bama have been trying to poach our guys so we're all protective of them.

Long answer:
I think you need to understand that SC had the 2nd smallest support staff in the PAC 12 (3 people) and because of constant coaching turnover 2 of them, Gavin Morris and Eric Ziskin, were on the road recruiting every January. Now granted Gavin may be the best support staff recruiter in the country, he signed Stephen Carr, Amon Ra, Raesjon Davis, EJ Price, just to name a couple off the top you'd know) but still we were severely lacking on the support staff front.

For the first time ever they hired a big support staff and not just randoms but the most sought after at their roles, like Will Stout who did all of the LSU media during that title run and made these:

Recruits have been hyped over the support staff hires (Raesjon specifically talked about how the branding and videos have made the program look fun again) and Foreman and Ceyair Wright specifically talked about the branding and Hollywood aspect as big selling points over other schools.

So losing the guy primarily involved with those videos and branding will be a blow. He's the best at what he does. We'll find a replacement for sure, but nervousness about losing him is understandable until the replacement shows their capability. Obviously he's somewhat unique as Oregon and others have been trying to mimic what he did and haven't and LSU haven't been able to recreate that media branding without him.
Y’all should be able to find good graphics and vidéo guys. You’re in LA :lol:. It’s just funny seeing y’all make such a big deal about these guys leaving. It’s typically a role that people have for a few years and move on anyways.
I mean - to be fair - USC and the Pac12 are collectively a breezy fart away from being entirely irrelevant.

Video guys matter. :lol:
A Videographer decommitment note.

I've seen it all.
Y’all should be able to find good graphics and vidéo guys. You’re in LA :lol:. It’s just funny seeing y’all make such a big deal about these guys leaving. It’s typically a role that people have for a few years and move on anyways.
I'm sorry, I can't take losing a videographer serious.
We legit get fire videos from kids walking up to random strangers. The only difference is the budget.
Y'all will be alright. :lol:
I mean - to be fair - USC and the Pac12 are collectively a breezy fart away from being entirely irrelevant.

Video guys matter. :lol:
In 2020:

Y'all also poached our assistant head of 'crootin' something'ah'rather aka she was very 'easy on the eyes' and Les was probably tempted by the devil like he was back at LSU.

Lol I actually posted about her a couple of years back cuz she was doing good work at Colorado and we were in here discussing the trend of schools hiring female heads of on campus recruiting. I didn’t even know she was at KU until she was announced as a hire last month.

Interesting. Didn’t think that they would actually go through with it.

Good on them.

(I also acknowledge that, at least monetarily, it was probably an easy decision for them as it now allows them to sell the naming rights to the Stadium easier)
As a way to skate around the dead period and the inability for schools to schedule visitors, I wonder if more teams will start having open practices to the public and just happen to have students stop by at the same time. I guess that would be dependent on the current temperament of the schools themselves and what they are allowing. I know FSU is doing it this weekend and it seems like that would be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone.
As a way to skate around the dead period and the inability for schools to schedule visitors, I wonder if more teams will start having open practices to the public and just happen to have students stop by at the same time. I guess that would be dependent on the current temperament of the schools themselves and what they are allowing. I know FSU is doing it this weekend and it seems like that would be an easy way to kill two birds with one stone.
Was wondering the other day if Miami would do this, but being on Greentree every day makes it infinitely more difficult. Doubt the spring game will be open to the public either but we shall see. It’s at least televised this year.
Yup. Probably would be easier if y'all had an on campus stadium. I know this weekend they are practicing/scrimmaging in Doak.

Hell, just have another 'practice' at Traz Powell or something. Anything that's open to anyone
Yea, but you still have to play and win games. Plus most kids you’re recruiting are from California anyways. How many kids are choosing schools because of IG interactions? Would say the number is extremely low.

I would hope this number increases with Juju's presence on Tik Tok.
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