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Idk about uproar but there were certainly some people. Bill Simmons was on the Luka #1 train early I believe. I think there was an acceptance that Ayton having been the top college prospect and going to school in Arizona was going to be that pick so it wasn’t really discussed.
Between the facts that not only the suns but the kings also passed on luka then throw in Atlanta also traded him to Dallas... doesn’t scream luka was the obvious pick at the time

i understand some may have felt luka was (again I’m still asking who exactly) but a consensus was not formed from what I recall. Still open to that being incorrect I just want to see what was said
I remember him from when I was mad little. They still give nods to him on the news.:wow::nthat:

RIP. :frown:

Newton is a trash town. That's where Joe Rogan is from. All you really need to know. Newton, Brookline, Wellesley. No bueno. Those are like the Brentwood of Boston. Haven for abundantly wealthy Jewish and Catholic folks. You will get the cops called on you for parking in front of someone's house on the street.

The actual city of Boston is fine, which is what people from other places miss. 25% black, which is blacker than NYC and 3x as black as LA. Black mayor, black DA, just had a black police commissioner. Progressing nicely in that regard having POC in positions of power. Diversity wise it's heading the right direction.

70's South Boston is what was responsible for giving the city a bad rep Poor racist Irish/Italian immigrants living in the projects beefing with folks from Roxbury, Jamaica Plain because they needed a scapegoat for their own problems. Those people are gone for the most part. S. Boston is for white collar transplants now.

I agree it's a good topic. It's a white America problem, but it's good to compartmentalize the problem even further.

The outrage over stepping on the logo is dumb. It probably doesn't align with his spirituality, but I suppose everyone has a tipping point. The crowd was chanting "f Kyrie." What they expect? Wiping your feet on an inanimate object is just as harmless as words. People need to grow up. Throwing something is what crosses the line. He'll get smoke for the logo thing, but that's more a sports rivalry type of thing IMO. Not a personal or physical attack like throwing a water bottle. I doubt the dude even saw that logo stomp. Tough to see stuff like that when you're at the game. Water bottle was coming regardless.

Yeah, dude was a legend there man. I remember hitting up the Boston Pops fireworks on the 4th and he couldn’t walk 20 feet without someone telling him hi. Even kicked it w/ Jesse Jackson that night too, but I was too young to fully understand who he was. :lol:

Newton must’ve changed a lot b/c it was most definitely not that when I lived there. Granted, that was 30+ years ago though so no doubt a little gentrification has occurred.

My biggest gripe with the Kyrie stuff is this angle that he’s trying to change the narrative. **** the narrative of why he left—buddy could’ve banged Ainge’s wife and it wouldn’t make Kyrie’s points about racial stuff any less credible. I just get tired of folks dismissing valid points in an effort to fit their narrative. Two things can be true: the Kyrie experiment didn’t work and there are a lot of vocal, racist scumbags associated with Boston sports. In trying to make it all about Kyrie it comes off as very “shut up and dribble”.
Boston is a racist city but let's not pretend all racism is solely coming from Massachusetts. Turn on the news and see what's happening around the country.

i’ve been noticing this argument from boston fans more and more on the internet...”well we’re not the only ones, what about ______”...smh
Between the facts that not only the suns but the kings also passed on luka then throw in Atlanta also traded him to Dallas... doesn’t scream luka was the obvious pick at the time

i understand some may have felt luka was (again I’m still asking who exactly) but a consensus was not formed from what I recall. Still open to that being incorrect I just want to see what was said
I have no idea what you’re arguing. I’m not going to go looking for receipts from the draft 3 years ago. If you truly want to believe that zero people were saying Doncic would be the best player in the draft then feel free to have that belief.
Cuban's circus is the reason I stopped going to games

Lights flashing all over the arena, Oscar worthy videos on the jumbo tron, pretty women shooting t-shirts in the crowd during every timeout, mascot doing death defying stunts at halftime

Meanwhile the basketball team I paid to watch couldn't hold double digit 4th quarter leads with 5min left in the game

homie there’s theatrics at every arena
At the end of the day Kyrie made a promise to the fans in Boston… Then he switched up when he saw a better opportunity… That’s fine but just admit it don’t try to bring race into the issue because you feel bad karma for lying to the fans… This is the dude that was burning sage in the garden to clear the bad energy he created. This the dude that said “no black girls on the yacht” F outa here. Boston is the city of champions… First NBA black head coach l, first black starting five, first black player coach. New York and Boston are both big market franchises but Boston seems to be the only one that continues to win in whatever sport it is
Boston is a racist city but let's not pretend all racism is solely coming from Massachusetts. Turn on the news and see what's happening around the world

don’t know why anyone would defend any place getting called racist when you got idiots all over the damn world

just need to look at the blatantly racist shhh that was/is getting said very publicly about Chinese people and affecting all Asian people

people were already getting away with shh before and the pandemic seemingly gave deplorables a license to be bold with their true colors
:lol: - "Damn those "boys" for finally learning they should hold all the power."

“Player empowerment is a catchall for the fact that the league has done a terrible job of empowering teams,” a current NBA general manager told The New Yorker's Isaac Chotiner. “The players have all of the leverage in every situation. I think it’s the worst thing that ever happened to professional sports on all levels.”

Unnamed GM: NBA Has Done Terrible Job Empowering Teams - RealGM Wiretap

We know thats Ainge or Gilbert crying like a dumb b#%*£ and just proven these front offices aint really $&@!. A lot of these front offices have been the same for years and still think they’re more important than the actual players. So everyone in the crappy front offices that want to cry about can go F%*¥ themselves

Not going to lie I want to see what type of wrestling heel Joel would be in the Garden :rofl: :rofl:but i can see him going off for 45 and 20 and doing the A-Town stomp at center court.
I have no idea what you’re arguing. I’m not going to go looking for receipts from the draft 3 years ago. If you truly want to believe that zero people were saying Doncic would be the best player in the draft then feel free to have that belief.
Why do you seem upset lol. You don’t know what I’m arguing because you jumped in probably didn’t see the initial posts
Harden taking the passing play making route really made KD and Kyrie focus on just straight gunning.

KD looking like the same old KD.
Upset? You just seem very obtuse on this topic. Seems like you’re arguing just to argue.
I’m not arguing even. Again you jumped into the topic without knowing what was posted

I’m a luka fan if you didn’t notice but I was simply stating that at the time luka was not the obvious pick. If I am wrong about that, then I was asking folks to help me

The original post was about ayton was performing well so far and that he’s doing well against his doubters
It's always funny seeing people from Boston try to defend the BS. You come from a city with a bad history of racism IN SPORTS. We've seen athletes from basketball and baseball talk about the racism in Boston. From Bill Russell in the 60's up to the last few years. Don't get mad at people for pointing it out, get mad at your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Tryna deflect because it makes you "uncomfortable" is the definition of white privilege. We not gonna stop talking about racism because of your comfort level.

At the end of the day Kyrie made a promise to the fans in Boston… Then he switched up when he saw a better opportunity… That’s fine but just admit it don’t try to bring race into the issue because you feel bad karma for lying to the fans… This is the dude that was burning sage in the garden to clear the bad energy he created. This the dude that said “no black girls on the yacht” F outa here. Boston is the city of champions… First NBA black head coach l, first black starting five, first black player coach. New York and Boston are both big market franchises but Boston seems to be the only one that continues to win in whatever sport it is

And it's also the city that took the first black head coach, first black starting 5 though hell.
Harden taking the passing play making route really made KD and Kyrie focus on just straight gunning.

KD looking like the same old KD.
Only thing sometimes holding KD back is settling. Because when he’s attacking the basket in this series he’s legit unstoppable.
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