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I was at the game last night. Clemson looked bad offensively. Prior to the punt block their QB looked awful and GT was winning at the line and getting big pressure on him. I don’t care about either program but it was obvious that Clemson was overrated in the preseason AP polls.
Sounds good in theory or in a video game but wouldn't work in real life. There's too much of a coaching fraternity for big time coaches to screw over small time coaches like that. Also, eventually the small-time teams would complain to their conference commissioners and put rules in place.

This would also make it impossible for smaller teams to manage their roster. "I was expecting this guy to be my starting right tackle but he already had a deal in place to go back to Texas AM.

Also 18-year-olds having clandestine plans with their prior school doesn't seem likely. Coaches would snuff it out pretty quick.
And yet the narrative all off season is how major market and championship programs have been stripping lower ranked teams for parts.

The coaching fraternity hasn’t stopped coaches like Narduzzi, Satterfield, and Venables from complaining about this off-season being sanctioned tampering and free agency. Saban’s been taking starters off other schools including conference rivals.

That said, I too think it’d be too much of a headache to set up what would essentially be an externship program for players you’ve already decided aren’t good enough to play for you. You’re not gonna be monitoring them for 1-3 years elsewhere.
This doesn't really make much sense to me. If anything, Susan even bigger indictment on DJ because the prior QBs have worked out and he is being given a very long leash. If this is a general "Dabo can't develop QBs" argument that I get it (although I don't agree with it). But thinking that it's on Dabo to "fix" DJ is wild and reeks of entitlement. Quarterbacks bust all the time, I don't think it hurt Clemson that Hunter Johnson didn't work out lol
But it’s how it works. I’ll give you an example: LSU and Bama negative recruited USC on the basis that Iman Marshall was a 5 star sure thing NFL CB and he ended up having to stay 4 years and was a later round pick. Iman could have been a bust that would have ended up a 4th-7th round pick no matter where he went, but it doesn’t matter, the negative pitch is USC couldn’t maximize his potential.

DJ was seen as that guy QB wise west of Texas. casper90403 casper90403 will tell you the same. He and I used to argue via PM over who was better between Bryce and DJ, and DJ was more widely considered THE can’t miss guy.

Clemson’s offense has been getting **** talked on the recruiting trail, because tbh no QB has excelled in it besides the two generational guys they had. Everyone else has been fine while Venables and the D mostly carried them. That talk is going to get much louder after last night.

If you’ve had a top 5 talent roster for multiple years now but still none of your blue chip WRs can get open and your blue chip line can’t keep the worst team in your conference from busting through and harassing your #1 overall QB so much that he has an almost 50% completion rate, that’s a coaching issue. True or not it’s a convincing argument.
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I think Clemson's schedule may give them a false sense of security. They don't play that many good teams and I can totally see them going 11-1 with DJ just playing "okay" the entire season. They would be in for a wake up call against Georgia, Alabama or OSU. I think it's in their best interest to get Cade ready but I understand that there's more politics involved.
They played one of the worst teams in the conference last night and were in a dog fight for 3 quarters. Could easily see them dropping more than 1 game.
But it’s how it works. I’ll give you an example: LSU and Bama negative recruited USC on the basis that Iman Marshall was a 5 star sure thing NFL CB and he ended up having to stay 4 years and was a later round pick. Iman could have been a bust that would have ended up a 4th-7th round pick no matter where he went, but it doesn’t matter, the negative pitch is USC couldn’t maximize his potential.
But who did y’all miss out on as a result of that?

If you’ve had a top 5 talent roster for multiple years now but still none of your blue chip WRs can get open and your blue chip line can’t keep the worst team in your conference from busting through and harassing your #1 overall QB so much that he has an almost 50% completion rate, that’s a coaching issue. True or not it’s a convincing argument.
It’s probably more so a schematic issue and/or an evaluation issue. I think you believe in the development fallacy a little too much, as I’ve already told you. Is Kirby Smart some great developer or is he loading his team with talent and putting them in the best position to succeed (defensive side)? Dabo’s biggest issue is that he has his system and that’s what he’s going to throw out there, regardless. Like Bobby Layne Bobby Layne said, this isn’t a new issue and people have been killing them for their offensive scheme for years now, they just had 1st round talent at QB and WR to overcome it.
I was at the game last night. Clemson looked bad offensively. Prior to the punt block their QB looked awful and GT was winning at the line and getting big pressure on him. I don’t care about either program but it was obvious that Clemson was overrated in the preseason AP polls.
GT was putting way too much pressure on the OL. Thats alarming. Should not be happening. This is where as a team, thinking about Cade as an option because he can move quicker than DJ makes sense. I don't agree with it but it makes sense.

Clemson OL has been suspect for a couple of years now. Lot of young dudes were playing last night.
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Give me a comes down to one question: What is the point of the postseason format?

The whole point of going from the mythical national championship era, to the BCS to the college football playoff was in order to find the best system to crown a national champion. I think that the 4 playoff does that the best.

At some point the narrative shifted from "What system does the best job of crowning the national champion?" to "how do we become more inclusive and keep more teams engaged throughout the season".

We all know that the 5-12 seeds aren't really going to have a chance to win a national champion but I guess they get to feel good about themselves for making the playoffs? I guess the fans also win because we just get to watch more "meaningful" postseason games? 🤷🏿‍♂️

I'm a Georgia fan, we were the first team left out in 2018 and 2019 and you know what? I'm perfectly fine with that because you had our opportunities and we blew it. We didn't deserve another shot to play for a national championship.
Nevermind the obvious financial benefits to all involved.

I just generally agree with the idea that, over time, this will spread talent back out a little bit.

It won't happen immediately, but if we look at this thing a decade from now I'd bet between NIL and more teams being meaningfully involved in the postseason and having legitimate paths towards playing for a title, parity is markedly higher than it is today.
Nevermind the obvious financial benefits to all involved.

I just generally agree with the idea that, over time, this will spread talent back out a little bit.

It won't happen immediately, but if we look at this thing a decade from now I'd bet between NIL and more teams being meaningfully involved in the postseason and having legitimate paths towards playing for a title, parity is markedly higher than it is today.
And in a sport that’s continually losing viewers largely due to lack of parity and realignment…. Seems like opening this thing up is smart for everyone involved.
And in a sport that’s continually losing viewers largely due to lack of parity and realignment…. Seems like opening this thing up is smart for everyone involved.

Are they really losing that many viewers if these networks are signing billion dollar deals to conferences?
I can't question the financial motivations behind expansion. I'm sure that a 16 game or even 32 game playoff would be even better financially. I don't think it's what's best for the sport though.
Let's be honest: UGA finally got over the hump, they have a foothold for the next however many years in a 4-team playoff. You don't want to give that up already. That's why you're raising a stink. :wink:

And we can also be honest on the flip side, most in here’s teams don’t make the playoff which is why they’re all for expansion, has nothing to do with the “betterment of the sport” :lol:

PSA: my team makes it every now and then and gets embarrassed 90% of the time so it’s all the same for me either way. Ohio State=Oklahoma in the playoff just with a couple more wins
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Do you think networks were good with the status quo, or were they driving playoff expansion?

Oh they 100% knew of expansion. Everything networks, NCAA, conferences, etc do is financially motivated they don’t care about players.

I’m just saying let’s not act like college football viewership was on life support or anywhere close to it and this is saving it
And we can also be honest on the flip side, most in here’s teams don’t make the playoff which is why they’re all for expansion, has nothing to do with the “betterment of the sport” :lol:

PSA: my team makes it every now and then and gets embarrassed 90% of the time so it’s all the same for me either way. Ohio State=Oklahoma in the playoff just with a couple more wins
I honestly don’t think that’s the case. Miami hasn’t played in a national title since 2003. Expanding the playoffs will objectively make things more interesting for the sport.
They will IMO. What’s the spread on it so far?
Not a sure thing. Kentucky has that ability to kill any momentum or flow to a game with some of their b.a. tactics. They could frustrate Florida into stupid pens or plays. Nothing like throwing a shoe, but enough to shake focus and then take advantage of it.
I honestly don’t think that’s the case. Miami hasn’t played in a national title since 2003. Expanding the playoffs will objectively make things more interesting for the sport.

It will definitely make it more interesting. Like I said I’ve never been expanding it but I personally think 12 is a bit too many. 8 was the perfect number to go to. You reward all P5 champs and then 3 other schools. What I see going forward is you’re going to have the same 10 teams make it yearly (some off talent and some off name/conference affiliation) and the random 2 teams, then the crying about that will commence. You know as well as I do the committee and pollsters don’t reward wins and losses fairly. Bama could go lose by 10 to a 24th ranked Tennessee and it’ll be a “good loss” and drop 2 spots while FSU can lose to a 10th ranked Clemson by 3 in triple overtime and drop 8 spots. We’ve seen it so many times. The networks will see this and think “hmmm why not expand it to 16 teams?”

I don’t blame the Bamas and UGAs for being against expansion. They’re almost a shoe in every year whether they win their conference or not. Then they have to each win a game then rematch. It benefits them in that they have more room for error in the regular season (which they have proven they don’t need) but adds in another 2 games they have to win to get to the title. So as someone called out atlsfinest atlsfinest for being against expansion because it adds games for UGA (or Bama) to get to the title game let’s keep it funky and admit being pro expansion because a lot of our teams can’t make it otherwise
Not a sure thing. Kentucky has that ability to kill any momentum or flow to a game with some of their b.a. tactics. They could frustrate Florida into stupid pens or plays. Nothing like throwing a shoe, but enough to shake focus and then take advantage of it.

The thrown shoe that literally changed their trajectory :lol:
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