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You may not know his name but you're probably familiar with one or two things he was involved with without realizing it

Most importantly for this thread's purposes, he was the president of Baylor during their sexual assault scandal and cover up.

The rest of his resume:

Independent counsel in the 90s who investigated the Clintons for abusing power and pressuring people into providing illegal loans. Dropped the "Starr Report" in '96 which detailed alleged sexual misconduct and perjury by Bill (alleged he lied about having sexual relations with monica lewinsky) and detailed grounds for Bill's impeachment because of that.

Represented supporters of a California law seeking to outlaw gay marriage.

Was also the lawyer who defended Jeffrey Epstein in his statutory rape case and defended Trump through HIS impeachment trial, glaring hypocrisy be damned.

Yep y’all are right. Never knew his name but he is a POS that can burn in hell
ESPN's feeds are not the best. But in 4k everything is sharp, bright and even in motion just super clear.

I don't know how long it will take to get there but all these games should be in 4K.

Is that camera they sometimes use between plays and stuff 4K or something higher? I’m sure y’all have seen it, the one the NFL used last year. Looks so clear it’s almost nauseating :lol:
Is that camera they sometimes use between plays and stuff 4K or something higher? I’m sure y’all have seen it, the one the NFL used last year. Looks so clear it’s almost nauseating :lol:

Yeah, someone mentioned that before - maybe it was you, but ever since that was pointed out, I can't stand it. Everything so blurry in the back. :lol:
Yeah, someone mentioned that before - maybe it was you, but ever since that was pointed out, I can't stand it. Everything so blurry in the back. :lol:

Nothing is blurry in 4k.

You know how they have demo 4k images on the TV's in best buy? These games look that clear and vivid.
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Nothing is blurry in 4k.

You know how they have demo 4k images on the TV's in best buy? These games look that clear and vivid.

What they’re talking about is called bokeh. It’s the blurry parts of the picture/video that is not the main focal point or the subject. The subject of the video/picture is very clear, crisp, and in focus, while the background is blurred out even more to create separation of the subject from the background the picture/video. ESPN and fox have a camera that has a **** expensive lens on it that lets tons of light into the camera such that the bokeh effect is exaggerated. Personally, I don’t really like the way it looks on the TV either.

The portrait mode in photos on the iPhone, or the cinema mode in video on the iPhone uses software to simulate the effect, but it’s nowhere as close as the real deal with using the correct lenses.
OSU playing Toledo in a night game :smh: don’t wanna wait all day to watch that man. Their schedule is so odd, first 5 games are at home and 3 of them are night games
How are you all feeling about all this 2 SEC 2 B1G (UGA, Bama, tO$U, Mich) talk happening right now?

witnesskb24 witnesskb24 Bobby Layne Bobby Layne newbs24 newbs24 swendro swendro heavyhitta10 heavyhitta10 atlsfinest atlsfinest

The game against OSU would have to be close for Michigan to get in as a 11-1 team and even then there would be some doubt because of how awful Michigan’s schedule is. It’s hard for me to beat the drum that Michigan should get in as a 11-1 when the OOC is that bad.

I think two SEC make it, but either OU or Clemson get that fourth spot.
The irony in that MN/CO game is Colorado hired Minnesota's (awful) o-coordinator Mike Sanford Jr this offseason, and right on cue Colorado is currently 124th in total offense :lol:
Bama, Georgia, winner of OSU/Michigan then a random.

I don’t believe Clemson’s going undefeated. I don’t know that Oklahoma is good enough to either.

At this point, even if USC isn’t really elite, who are they going to lose to? Notre Dame sucks. @Utah doesn’t seem wildly optimistic.
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