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I remember dark days like that and now, albeit a very small sample size KU has the #1 ranked offense in the country. Strange times we are living in.
Bama, Georgia, winner of OSU/Michigan then a random.

I don’t believe Clemson’s going undefeated. I don’t know that Oklahoma is good enough to either.

At this point, even if USC isn’t really elite, who are they going to lose to? Notre Dame sucks. @Utah doesn’t seem wildly optimistic.
Repeating my predicted L's from preseason:

Fresno, Oregon St., Utah, ND. That said ,we lost our last 3 games vs. ND by one score each, so I'm fairly sure with how bad they look right now on O, we beat them this year. We're not a playoff team this season though.
There’s too many other factors to say it’ll be 2 B1G/2 SEC IMO. Clemson and Oklahoma both have to lose, USC has to lose, and there’s always going to be that random team that comes out of nowhere. Now that ND and Wisconsin have both lost, OSU may not have the resume to afford a loss and get in and same goes for Michigan. If they’re both undefeated when they play in November and it’s close I could see it (like last years UGA/Bama). At this point I give the nod to Michigan as they’ve looked better and will now finally start the better QB.

I personally don’t see Clemson staying undefeated and I feel like Oklahoma will slip up somewhere as well. USC has the schedule to go undefeated but do have some tough games along the way. Then again do we think Bama is who we thought they were before the season? Or did Texas play their game of the year while Bama may have doubted them
Repeating my predicted L's from preseason:

Fresno, Oregon St., Utah, ND. That said ,we lost our last 3 games vs. ND by one score each, so I'm fairly sure with how bad they look right now on O, we beat them this year. We're not a playoff team this season though.

We see what you are doing here

Iowa did this to themselves. They give Kirk a big *** extension every single time he has a good season. He sucks for 2 years, has a good season, gets an extension, then sucks again. Now that he knows he ain’t getting fired he’s got his reject son calling the offense.

Now they named Petras as starter for this week :lol:
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There’s too many other factors to say it’ll be 2 B1G/2 SEC IMO. Clemson and Oklahoma both have to lose, USC has to lose, and there’s always going to be that random team that comes out of nowhere. Now that ND and Wisconsin have both lost, OSU may not have the resume to afford a loss and get in and same goes for Michigan. If they’re both undefeated when they play in November and it’s close I could see it (like last years UGA/Bama). At this point I give the nod to Michigan as they’ve looked better and will now finally start the better QB.

To be an OSU fan, you slurp Michigan so hard in this thread. Damn it's disgusting. They finally get a win against y'all after 8 years, and you already in here bending the knee smh. Jesus smh
To be an OSU fan, you slurp Michigan so hard in this thread. Damn it's disgusting. They finally get a win against y'all after 8 years, and you already in here bending the knee smh. Jesus smh

Because I said they look good so far? Oh wait I gotta be one of them clown Ohio State fans who think they’re the best at everything and get butthurt when people disagree :lol: FOH

Who is this random nobody anyway?
Because I said they look good so far? Oh wait I gotta be one of them clown Ohio State fans who think they’re the best at everything and get butthurt when people disagree :lol: FOH

Who is this random nobody anyway?
You anointing JJ McCarthy to top QB in the BIG after a half of football against Hawaii is absolutely nuts :rofl:

And chill out with the "nobody" talk. Like you some type of "OG" around here :lol:

Just because I don't post in these threads everyday doesn't mean that I haven't been around.
You anointing JJ McCarthy to top QB in the BIG after a half of football against Hawaii is absolutely nuts :rofl:

And chill out with the "nobody" talk. Like you some type of "OG" around here :lol:

Just because I don't post in these threads everyday doesn't mean that I haven't been around.

Can you show me where I said he was the best QB in the B1G? Or did I say they are finally starting the BETTER QB between him and Cade?

You got your bird chest puffed out so far trying to get likes you didn’t even read what I said before you typed that vomit of a post
I see aTm is loading up for a big recruiting weekend for the Miami game tmay407 tmay407 N41D N41D

Can you show me where I said he was the best QB in the B1G? Or did I say they are finally starting the BETTER QB between him and Cade?

You got your bird chest puffed out so far trying to get likes you didn’t even read what I said before you typed that vomit of a post

Meh. Even if I misread, my point still remains. You bending the knee after watching Michigan dominate the vaunted defenses of Colorado State and Hawaii is still crazy. Damn :lol: let em play a team with an actual pulse first.
Has there been a more disappointing QB class than 19? Mertz and Rattler were top 5 in the Pro style category.

Interesting thread

It's the biggest reason why I'm not all-in on the DINOSAUR OFFENSE IS THE PROBLEM train.

It's something that needs to be looked at, for sure, but the bigger problem is Jimbo figuring out what the hell he actually wants at quarterback.

That list of recruits is atrocious. It's almost entirely made of up guys that weren't even really good high school quarterbacks, but flooded with high-level athletes he seems to have convinced himself he could teach to throw a football.

And - at A&M at least - a lot of the offensive issues can be drawn back to how poorly he recruited offensive tackles early in his tenure. They're in Year 5 and through the first two weeks ran out one guy with more than like 5 career starts on the offensive line.
Meh. Even if I misread, my point still remains. You bending the knee after watching Michigan dominate the vaunted defenses of Colorado State and Hawaii is still crazy. Damn :lol: let em play a team with an actual pulse first.

My fault lemme do it right

Bobby Layne Bobby Layne swendro swendro newbs24 newbs24 and the rest of the Michigan fans man yalls team is trash you haven’t played anyone. Ohio State is the best team ever and Notre Dame got lucky. JJ is buns. We bout to beat yall 70-0 #BucksOnTop

That better?
My fault lemme do it right

Bobby Layne Bobby Layne swendro swendro newbs24 newbs24 and the rest of the Michigan fans man yalls team is trash you haven’t played anyone. Ohio State is the best team ever and Notre Dame got lucky. JJ is buns. We bout to beat yall 70-0 #BucksOnTop

That better?
That's decent :lol:

You don't gotta go full blown homer. Just have a Lil more pride :lol: . I mean, y'all have been the most successful team in the conference for a while now. Don't let one L in 8 years get you shook.
That's decent :lol:

You don't gotta go full blown homer. Just have a Lil more pride :lol: . I mean, y'all have been the most successful team in the conference for a while now. Don't let one L in 8 years get you shook.

Y’all? 👀👀👀

Who is your school?
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