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Southern Miss run game is serious! Would be nice to see him get drafted by the Niners
He really might be a pretty solid complement to CMac and the others SF already have on board.

Waiting on that one elitist wannabe NFL scout dude to come in and block you like he did me (for saying I wanted the Cowboys to draft Pitts).
Red is getting old man, he doesn’t have time to **** around with coaches that don’t provide an IMMEDIATE impact anymore. He’s Jerry on steroids.

It’s kinda crazy (at least in my mind) that Red McCombs (UT) and Lowry Mays (A&M) cofounded a huge communications company. Red went on to become one of the biggest donors to UT athletics. Mays really didn’t give a **** about A&M athletics. Both have highly ranked business schools named after them.

And on a side note, A&M fumbled T. Boone Pickens. Had him on scholarship on the basketball team but wouldn’t play him. He peaced out after one year. Side note to the side note: one of my first apartments in Dallas my buddy and I met T. Boone’s grandson in the apartment across the hall. My buddy did coke with him in the bathroom before we went out for the night. We found out a year later the same kid died from a heroin overdose.

Well this post certainly took a turn that I didn’t see coming
joshuatree2192 said:
Anybody else noticing the salt towards Jackson State coming from the color comu "Deion needs daddy's boy to bail him out"

That's exactly the type of stuff Deion is talking about. He posted a picture with the commentary team for this game last night.

He was also low key throwing shade at NCCU before the TD by Hunter to send the game into overtime. Tiffany asked him how would the people at CU feel about this if he lost. Jay said something along the lines of they will still take him but if he can't beat a MEAC school how will he fare against the Pac-12.

Jay, in an attempt to take a shot at Prime also in a subtle way told everyone that the white man's ice is in fact colder. He pretty told the world if Prime can't beat some HBCU n's how will he compete a bunch of PWI n's. And this coming from a HBCU graduate in Jay Walker. Oh the irony.

The more I see this nastiness the more I'm happy for Prime. He made the right decision. Let's see what happens with the momentum created over the last few years.
He annoys the **** out of me and I wish he would shut up but he actually has a better operation than most. He actually has a business and it isn’t some collective of alumni like most of these schools :lol:. Also literally has former NCAA rules people on staff, which is why he talks his ****. He’s not doing anything that’s against the rules. NCAA checked him out earlier in the year and that was clear. He’s also not even the only place Miami has money being spent, he’s just the loud one.

The collectives are what should actually get hammered :lol:. Got people stealing money from the collectives and the kids just literally getting pay for play.

This is the kinda nonsense that’s gonna get him popped.

Dude loves looking/being an important cog in the wheel.

Hard to scream what you’re doing isn’t pay for play when all your NIL athletes are Canes and you’re popping off at other programs about how you could’ve made things worse for them.
Really surprised how active Michigan is in the transfer portal… I like it…Possibly 2 starting OL, starting LB and starting Edge all joining the team next year. .. Need a TE, WR, RB and Corner that could add some depth too
Really surprised how active Michigan is in the transfer portal… I like it…Possibly 2 starting OL, starting LB and starting Edge all joining the team next year. .. Need a TE, WR, RB and Corner that could add some depth too
Not WR but they got a few more coming in.
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