Who will win the 2023 College Football Playoffs?

  • the Ohio State

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alabama

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • UGA

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • LSU

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Texas

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Michigan

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 15 35.7%

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It's an obviously imperfect 1-to-1 comparison, but Deion kind of feels like College Football's political Donald Trump.

"HE'S DOING IT FOR US" out-of-this-world levels of gravitational force... Just huge cult of personality that sucks in crowds that otherwise couldn't have cared less.

Pro-Deion folks are going to defend everything he does to the ends of the earth - and everyone else is gonna be on the other side looking for every opportunity to tear him down. Very little middle-ground to broader audiences, I think.

In this case - just good for the sport. I'm a believer - they're gonna get thrashed some this year, but I think he's got some juice and I think he's gonna get a bigger job in relatively short order.
It's an obviously imperfect 1-to-1 comparison, but Deion kind of feels like College Football's political Donald Trump.

"HE'S DOING IT FOR US" out-of-this-world levels of gravitational force... Just huge cult of personality that sucks in crowds that otherwise couldn't have cared less.
🎯 Been thinking this myself :lol:. But glad I’m the only one
Nah, I think Deion is a unique cult of personality case. Especially with how he started “doing it for HBCUs” — when he was really doing it for Deion, because it’s always been about Deion. I think to a lot of people he represents bucking respectability politics and these structures that are clearly built for white coaches, which I get. He’s just the worse possible messenger for me personally :lol:

Nothing about Deion's history says he's all about him. This is what these white commentators jump to when they see a black man that's flashy.

He been coaching and mentoring kids for years before he went to Jackson. He ain't just start there. Back in 07-12 when he was on NFL network doing interviews NFL players like Devin Hester would call him dad. Ray Lewis and Ed Reed got the upmost respect for him. He would always get different type of interviews because he had a deeper connection with players and the black community period. All these people ain't just around him because it's cool. Deion got a long track record of helping and being a positive figure in a lot of peoples lives.

NickFolarin NickFolarin


So he played the worst out of the 3 in practice last week, but now between Saturday and today he’s vaulted himself back to the starting spot?

I feel like Rees wanted this kid benched, and after last weeks showing he doesn’t have that choice anymore.
If Michael Jordan coached Dupaul, it would be the hottest ticket ever :lol: :lol:
you think so? MJ's personality is bland. Deion's gift of gab is definitely bringing attention to his cause. I don;t think MJ could come close to that. Might be the only thing I'll ever say negatively about MJ. Well, 2 things. He sucks as an owner too.
I feel bad for Colorado fans in the long term. We know damn well Deion is not going to be there long term, unfortunately.

Its how I feel about Lincoln. Thrilled as hell he's USC"s coach right NOW, but I don't expect him to be there for more than 2 more seasons, if that. NFL is going to come calling. There are some terrible NFL coaches (see Brandon Staley) and I don't think McVay is going to stick around much longer. Just examples.
you think so? MJ's personality is bland. Deion's gift of gab is definitely bringing attention to his cause. I don;t think MJ could come close to that. Might be the only thing I'll ever say negatively about MJ. Well, 2 things. He sucks as an owner too.
White folk LOVE them some MJ, though.

Deion got the white community conflicted and arguing about him constantly. :lol:
Nothing about Deion's history says he's all about him. This is what these white commentators jump to when they see a black man that's flashy.

He been coaching and mentoring kids for years before he went to Jackson. He ain't just start there. Back in 07-12 when he was on NFL network doing interviews NFL players like Devin Hester would call him dad. Ray Lewis and Ed Reed got the upmost respect for him. He would always get different type of interviews because he had a deeper connection with players and the black community period. All these people ain't just around him because it's cool. Deion got a long track record of helping and being a positive figure in a lot of peoples lives.
Deion once messaged a person I know of out of the blue unsolicited because he heard about a charity he worked with and wanted to give a ton of money.

During that 07-12 period you talked about, Deion also ran scam high schools in Texas, ****** a bunch of high school kids over hurting their college prospects, embezzled federal funds, and literally did not even give the kids school lunch.

People can be layered and full of grey areas.
Yeah Deion definitely got some grifter in him.

You could argue that's pretty much every major coach at every level of football.

The Prime Prep stuff was... gross.
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