I'd also like to add, all replicas are "handmade" too. So that really isn't a huge deal.
With the way this guy is making these different colors and at the pace he's making them at, I might be reaching by saying this but at the same time it's not that far-fetched, this could very well be a replica operation branding themselves with a VIBEREMAKELAB moniker marketing themselves to be a small operation. Like you guys have said, there's a niche market for these 85 Jordans, so they might as well make extra money by up-charging people who are willing to pay more.
Look at these sort of QC pics for the $600 VRL Jordans, looks just like the pictures replica factories send to people:
Here's this guy's new account on reddit fishing for Karma to be able to post to subs - similar to replica seller accounts:
The u/VIBEREMAKELAB community on Reddit. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place.
And this comment on IG, I can't say I'm surprised as it'll probably ruin the allure of it being a small independent operation when you see it's probably just like the factory that churns out other replicas rather than a guy in his garage handmaking these