Official Apple WWDC 2009 Thread

Originally Posted by CWrite78

same here, i want a 13inch MBP since my 15 inch is basically a desktop replacement now. 4GB ram, 320GB HDD for under 1499 (i have a cousin that works for apple so using his discount) . sounds good to me.
No offense, but it just sounds like you're trying to make any excuse to buy the new MBP.
Originally Posted by TheRav4

Originally Posted by CWrite78

same here, i want a 13inch MBP since my 15 inch is basically a desktop replacement now. 4GB ram, 320GB HDD for under 1499 (i have a cousin that works for apple so using his discount) . sounds good to me.
No offense, but it just sounds like you're trying to make any excuse to buy the new MBP.

i can't lie, i LOVE apple products.. so you're probably right lol
Originally Posted by raffstyleXX

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by onetwothreewick

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by onetwothreewick

Originally Posted by CWrite78

guess i'm buying a nokia n97. i wanted new hardware, not !$** that should have been there since day 1.

i'm a huge nokia head and the n97 is not worth the pricetag, it's the same rehashed hardware that's been in the n95 with the addition of a touchscreen. for a phone coming out this year it has a weak processor only 128mb ram and the keyboard isn't that great

i'm effed either way. i leave att, i have to pay around 500-600 for early termination fee + new handset on w/e i get (palm pre to be exact) and do a whole new number. if i stay with att and get the n97, it's 600 unlocked. or i can get the iphone 3G S which is 400.

if you can wait a couple of months nokia is putting out like 3-4 new touchscreen phones this fall. palm pre is probably the best out of those 3 you listed though.

thats the thing, i don't want all touch screen anymore. im tired of it. that's what the n97 was appealing to me. touchscreen + keyboard. but i'll probably end up going to sprint with the pre. service is a lot better, and it has the combo i want. but as soon as they release a new batch, this one is having too many heat issue.
Maybe you wanna check the New HTC Touch Pro 2
... bit bulky but it looks really nice. I know its windows mobile phone (hate it too) but with the touchflo 3D 2. the phone is way faster and smoother than before.
HTC TP2 looks really good(hardware and performance) while the N97 is Nokia and im a fan + i like symbian OS.

Im torn between the HTC Touchpro2 and Nokia N97... speacially if you can get it for FREE

UK line FTW

im cool with windows OS on computers, i will not touch a windows mobile phone. but the phone DOES look nice, i can't front. it's still up between then97 or palm pre, we'll see lol
Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

About Snow Leopard:

I just read that older Macbooks will get multi-touch capabilities.. does this include the white/black Macbooks?
I was wondering the same thing
Yeah.. I would love to get the 1499 MBP... but theres nothing wrong with my MB I bought in april

This is my 7th laptop since I was 17... and I'm 22 now .. thats more than 1 a year average...

I swore to myself I wont buy a new computer til this one dies
They getting over with this upgrade +%$%. Straight %!+#$%@%. Att services is garbo and they got the nerve to charge xtra for a phone that still doesn'thave features that phones have had for years. I will not upgrade, I will wait for a 4g. I'll just wait for the software update.
Anyone see this new Its a PC commercial?

Chick is looking for a video editing comp for under 2000

I mean if she said under 1000, it'd make sense attacking price... but under 2000... hello The MBP

These Windows commercials make ZERO sense
^ Do you have a Mac or PC? I'm on a PC, using Firefox, it's fast but Apples claim got me intrigued. I like the fact Chrome takes virtually no memoryand it's fast too but it's wack using it with NikeTalk (it can't load the reply flash bar or something). How does Safari fare? Does Safari 4 havetabs?
YUKU is the only thing Safari doesn't run well with. I can't jump forums... and I can't do emoticons correctly

But with safari you can change the way Yuku reads it.. can make it read it as Internet explorer and have no problems, or Firefox as well
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by OwensStr8Clownin

so now your telling me I just bought this IMAC 2 months ago and now must pay 30 dollars for a update of the software?

if u would have bought it today, u would have still had to pay 30 for snow leopard, seeing how it's coming out until september.
It'll only cost $9.95 if you buy a Mac between today and the release date. As for the guy youquoted, he'll still have to pay $30.
i know this is a dumb question but can you turn the phone sideways and type? i know you can view the screen like that but i never see anyone turn it sidewaysto type with both hands...
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Damn @ that screenshot, looks like some theater like screen
! Im gonna d/l Safari 4 now.

Where can I download it at?

click the apple on top left corner, and hit software update
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