Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

the misconceptions about religion/religious people is astounding. For aethist being so "enlightened", Im seeing ALOT of blatant ignorance and blanket statements

The irony is wonderful. Complain about blanket statements with a blanket statement, perfect! "All blanket statements are wrong."
i believe in god and believe Jesus is our savior. If you guys would open your heart to god and feel the holy spirit, you guys wouldnt be mocking or jokingabout Jesus nor god.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

Perfect example of how it's hard to respect devout people of any religion. That is quite possibly the most nonsensical conclusion a person could come to, and that person happens to be the Christian in the situation. I mean, I know it's PC to not stereotype, but yeah.

Again this is why I like Dirty's quote, we but ourselfs and God in a human box, your "good" isnt God's good.....what you think is a good deed may mean nothing to God because deeds are not what he asks for, he Has 2 things he asks, Love your Lord God with all your heart and Love your brother as you would want to be loved and matter a fact it says "no greater love then a man to give his own life (time, heart, caring) to another man, that's his will in our hard is that? this is all he asks of us
did god ask this of you personally? if not, how exactly do you know this is what he asks?

Ummm The Bible in Luke 10 as clear as day......Im not just making that up lol

25 And they took notice, a certain expert in the law stood up and tested Him, saying, "Teacher, what can I do to inherit eternal life?"

26 He said to him, "What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?"

27 So he answered and said, " 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all yourmind, and love your neighbor as yourself.

28 And He said to him, "You have answered correct, do this and you will live."

Now to know what "God's Love" is you have to read Corinthians and again it will tell you clearly also where it talks about laying your life downfor another is no greater love in John 15:13
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves. Blind faith
There's a reason why it's called faith. We don't need proof. And what we do have is more than enough.

When things get out of your control, Atheists, think about turning to the One that loves you.
Originally Posted by BlazeKicks


I find Christianity is used more as a tool of fear to guide your life from right and wrong

Honestly, people confuse religion with belief/faith.

Sure, Christianity and other religions have been used to constrain people or extort people i.e. indulgences in the Christian church but those were all devicesof wicked men. True faith creates people like MLK Jr, C.S. Lewis, and even Gandhi.

Also, for you intelligent Atheists, try arguing with Descartes about the existence of God
Well, yeah. They always mention the "fear of God." I think it's a bit ridiculous. It's directly implying that these people are only goodbecause they're worried they're being watched--not because they're genuinely good. It's like a little kid who behaves when his parents arearound, but is a little brat when they're not.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RenaRene

Lemonade41 wrote:
I can see why people become athiests, but I don't see how. I respect the athiests that DONT try to shove it down your throat or belittle religion at every turn though. Besides, how are gonna go to heaven or hell if you dont believe in it?

You bet your #!@ I believe in God though and I could stand to become a better Christian.

Just b/c someone is agnostic/atheist does NOT mean they are immoral or bad people.
funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

that's why i don't connect with christianity

I'm a Christian and I find this

Believe in God or not we will find out one day. Say God is real, he will be upset people he created didn't chose to love him. But he not gonna lose sleepover it. It's our choice and people who put their "human touch" on God, make Athiest, Agnostic, and other stuff exist.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves. Blind faith

You asked me what God said personally and I just told you........ You sound like 1726371875 other people who have said the samething to me and at this point Ilaugh because you claims have no leg to stand on.........Hundreads of differnt authors??? I almost stopping reading after that because you honestly have noidea what you are talking about and are repeating what youve heard 2nd The gospel of luke was written by Luke, the same Luke who by Historians (non christian)found to be a REAL person and who also wrote Acts and in turn the book of Mark basically repeats the book of Luke in it synoptic gospel........what more do youwant? That's enough for me and honestly if I didnt have that it still would be enough for me........nobody asked you to believe, you can believe what youwant, that's why it's called freewill
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves. Blind faith

You asked me what God said personally and I just told you........ You sound like 1726371875 other people who have said the same thing to me and at this point Ilaugh because your claims have no leg to stand on.........

Hundreads of differnt authors??? I almost stopping reading after that because you honestly have no idea what you are talking about and are repeating what youveheard

2nd The gospel of luke was written by Luke, the same Luke who by Historians (non christian) found to be a REAL person and who also wrote Acts and in turn thebook of Mark basically repeats the book of Luke in it synoptic gospel........what more do you want? That's enough for me and honestly if I didnt have thatit still would be enough for me........

nobody asked you to believe, you can believe what you want, that's why it's called freewill
I don't want the christian/catholics in here to take this personally but my experience is that people of religion use it as a crutch, if you will, for whenthings aren't going well. It's like everything has to be justified by some reason. Why can't things just be? Through the good and the bad it isevery person or his/herself... Why is that such a crazy thought? There is no "divine plan". If there was, why would you pray? If the outcome isalready determined you might as well not waste your time. There are just A LOT of aspects that really don't add up to me...
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves. Blind faith

You asked me what God said personally and I just told you........ You sound like 1726371875 other people who have said the samething to me and at this point I laugh because you claims have no leg to stand on.........Hundreads of differnt authors??? I almost stopping reading after that because you honestly have no idea what you are talking about and are repeating what youve heard 2nd The gospel of luke was written by Luke, the same Luke who by Historians (non christian) found to be a REAL person and who also wrote Acts and in turn the book of Mark basically repeats the book of Luke in it synoptic gospel........what more do you want? That's enough for me and honestly if I didnt have that it still would be enough for me........nobody asked you to believe, you can believe what you want, that's why it's called freewill
i'm just having to laugh because blind faith is so ridiculous. it's like, "let's worship this invisible god". you never see him, hear him, or feel him. you have no proof that he exists (and i will admit, i have no proof that he doesn't) but the difference between you and i (and the rest of the religious zealots) is, you're willing to spend your life believing in words that you don't even know if they actually came from the god himself. you believe you know his point of views and the way he believes you should live your life, yet you haven't heard him say it his self, but rather through readings and teaching from a man/woman. my problem mainly is with christians and not christianity. i find that most hypocrites are christian and most christians are hypocrites because they claim to be holy and follows their lord savior's ways, but still tend to judge, hate, cheat, and participate in numerous other sinful deeds. your response to me asking what god told you personally was from a "bible", forgive me, but i have to laugh at that. are you insinuating that god himself wrote the bible? and yes, the bible has many authors, the bible is written by man, not by a deity. it has and will always have many adaptations.

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

i'm not talking about a book written by hundreds of different authors that's been revised and reworded throughout the times. i'm asking if you have a reliable human source that was in contact with god or jesus, or a letter addressed to you personally by either of them, or if they even told you themselves. Blind faith

You asked me what God said personally and I just told you........ You sound like 1726371875 other people who have said the samething to me and at this point I laugh because you claims have no leg to stand on.........Hundreads of differnt authors??? I almost stopping reading after that because you honestly have no idea what you are talking about and are repeating what youve heard 2nd The gospel of luke was written by Luke, the same Luke who by Historians (non christian) found to be a REAL person and who also wrote Acts and in turn the book of Mark basically repeats the book of Luke in it synoptic gospel........what more do you want? That's enough for me and honestly if I didnt have that it still would be enough for me........nobody asked you to believe, you can believe what you want, that's why it's called freewill
i'm just having to laugh because blind faith is so ridiculous. it's like, "let's worship this invisible god". you never see him, hear him, or feel him. you have no proof that he exists (and i will admit, i have no proof that he doesn't) but the difference between you and i (and the rest of the religious zealots) is, you're willing to spend your life believing in words that you don't even know if they actually came from the god himself. you believe you know his point of views and the way he believes you should live your life, yet you haven't heard him say it his self, but rather through readings and teaching from a man/woman. my problem mainly is with christians and not christianity. i find that most hypocrites are christian and most christians are hypocrites because they claim to be holy and follows their lord savior's ways, but still tend to judge, hate, cheat, and participate in numerous other sinful deeds. your response to me asking what god told you personally was from a "bible", forgive me, but i have to laugh at that. are you insinuating that god himself wrote the bible? and yes, the bible has many authors, the bible is written by man, not by a deity. it has and will always have many adaptations.

I cant even respond to this, sorry.....I already know your mindset, no use in this.......I will Pray God opens your eyes man, But I know just by reading thisnothing I say is going to change your mind.........YOU DONT HAVE TO BELIEVE, but jump off the rest who want to and DO
I wonder why I only hear most of you arguing against if that is the only religion out there. Thread should be changed to anti-christianity,appreciation.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I wonder why I only hear most of you arguing against if that is the only religion out there. Thread should be changed to anti-christianity, appreciation.

Like Ive said before........ I wonder why that is? hmmmm lol're puttin in work with your athiest arguement, I'm lovin it, especially the whole "bubbles" thing, that was a good one lol.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I wonder why I only hear most of you arguing against if that is the only religion out there. Thread should be changed to anti-christianity, appreciation.
because that's all that speak out, typically, in these threads. if there were more of other religions in the NT census, it would be an anti-religion thread instead of anti-christianity.
What is your argument against, lets say, Buddhism?
in my opinion the traditional definition of what/who "god" is, is what probably turns off a lot of people to religion.

are atheists spiritual though?
To the people who are christians:

Man A:
A man who's lived his life full of 'sin';let's say he's lied, robbed, threatened, killed, or any single one of these things. Let'ssuppose he goes to church and asks god for forgiveness.

Man B:
Is an honest Man, helps others out, a good person who's been beneficial to the society, but doesn't believe in God.

According to your 'rules', Man A will be accepted into heaven, and Man B wouldn't. Is that even logical?

Why spend time going to church, would an almighty being really want mortals to be wasting their lives sitting in a hall 'praising' him?

Why not do something productive instead of attending church, use the hours to help out in your community, I don't know something else that'll actuallymake the world a better place?

Is there ANY proof that there's a god? Does anyone have a picture, some artifacts, a formula? Is there any proof that Jesus was even a real person?

Where's everyone who was born before Jesus? They possibly couldn't have been "christians", so what did god do to them?

Do you REALLY believe the stories in the Bible?

How is it possible to rip a rib out of your own body and not bleed to death?

How can a snake talk?

How can all the animals in the world fit into a single boat?

I believe there are other living things in space, why? Because there are billions of planets who are the perfectly distant from the sun to be able to sustainH20 (liquid water) a bases of life. (Scientifically proven-It's just a matter of whether the planet is "rock" not gas)

So are these other living things, IF there are any, not subject to god's rules? What if they're not made in God's image, would they be allowed intoheaven?

Are you saying that the theory of evolution is not real? Did we not evolve from apes? But it's a scientific fact with proof. How is this possible?
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