Official Atheist/Non-Believer Appreciation Thread. Vol. Yes we exist

See, the problem is that we can't even be sure that Jesus even existed. I do however know most of his teachings and how he lived and that is close to how Ilook at the world. Love to others. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Also, I don't get how people are any of the popular religions and also join the armed forces, when that means going against the commandments. Is there afootnote to the commandment: Thou shalt not kill (except when it's for your country)
Originally Posted by ACE BOMBER

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." --Stephen F. Roberts
I like this.
absolutely one of my favorite quotes regarding theism. Richard Dawkins said basically the same thing...

"We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

I always ask this of my friends that believe in God; if there is a god, how would you rate his performance? Like all in all, do you think he is doing a pretty good job? Floods, Famine, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, etc...Is he doing a good job? All of those 'mysterious ways' of his, how are those working out for you? All the good *%@@ that happens to you that you know exactly why it happened, God can't really take the credit for that. The babies, promotions, game winning shots, not being ******ed...all of those things we can point to why they happen. The bad catastrophic stuff, not so much. 'Oh *%@@, an earthquake.....Damn god, I wish your mysterious ways were nicer and not in such an prick manner.'

Here's the thing, if there is a god, and there isn't, he is a prick. He is worse than your friend that puts his feet up on your couch while wearing shoes. If god created the world in six laughable days and rested the 7th, he hasn't been doing anything of any good since that sixth day. God, your rest is over. How about not being such a prick. How about not working in mysterious ways and actually work in some good ways. Ways that can't be confused for you being an a-hole.

And for the people that pray to him and reach for such guidance, I don't believe in god and am doing pretty well. I have survived lengthy amounts of debauched weekends without a single STD or baby (that I know of), a brilliant coke habit, and the occasional urinating on the holiest of basilicas. I am doing well without ever uttering a meaningless prayer or without ever praying for someone else. As far as I am concerned, God is a meaningless entity that only leaves you empty. When your friend is raped or your daughter is born with the hair lip that makes her look like a mouse, please keep in mind that I once did heroin with Lou Reed while swimming in a lake of AIDS.

Lobotomy I love this post man
My man George Carlin explains it best... But lobotomy that was well put
such a great Carlin bit. He is definitely missed.
It seems especially with the OP's post that atheist dont believe in a man god someone who stands in the clouds in plays Sim City.

The thought of a God is that he/she/it is a creator of all things rational and irrational how can you actually try to rationalize something that supposedlycreated your thought process?

Its like the court system. Say someone committed the crime of the century. If there is no evidence to convict a murderer. 10 witnesses say they saw someoneelse do it. The jury finds him innocent. But who really knows for sure if he didn't do it?
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

See, the problem is that we can't even be sure that Jesus even existed. I do however know most of his teachings and how he lived and that is close to how I look at the world. Love to others. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

Also, I don't get how people are any of the popular religions and also join the armed forces, when that means going against the commandments. Is there a footnote to the commandment: Thou shalt not kill (except when it's for your country)
OK. So the next time you're about to get popped by somebody in the street, say this to the cop that saves your @+$$. Oh no sorry, ifyou're religious, I want you to follow your commandments and let this happen to me.

Nothing in there is meant to be taken "literally". They just follow the basic reason for why any religion even exists in the first place. To be aguideline on how to live a decent life.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

See, the problem is that we can't even be sure that Jesus even existed. I do however know most of his teachings and how he lived and that is close to how I look at the world. Love to others. Treat others how you would like to be treated.
This is not true. Even secular scholars will agree that Jesus was a real person

The latter part of your reply I wholly agree with.
We can believe in religion or not believe in it. That's the thing about life. We all have the right to make that "choice". Personally, I know GODis with me and has always been there.
the misconceptions about religion/religious people is astounding. For aethist being so "enlightened", Im seeing ALOT of blatant ignorance and blanketstatements
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#,according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#, according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
...should not ALL organized religion offend you then?
Christianity does not have the monopoly on intolerance of ideas
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Religion was created by the government to give people a sense of "hope" and to keep them from realizing what's really going on in the world and what our future has in store for us. 1 world government, New World Order, aliens living on earth etc.
Religion in it's purest sense...the belief in a higher being has been in existence long before "government" ever was

I don't know if this is completely accurate. I don't think Neanderthals and other prehistoric human-cousins have left behind artifacts signaling thatthey followed any religions. However, even animalistic cultures have some sort of hierarchy that determines social regulation. As far as I know, which I haveto admit I haven't done too much research on, there has been some sort of king/ruler/government-like thing ever since religion has been legitimatelydocumented.

Even the Native American cultures (Aztecs, Incas, etc.) have had some sort of government-like setup. I'm not ruling out that I could be wrong, but thusfar, I'd say we can't eliminate the idea of religion as a product of government, or at least as a tool used by governments to support their causes.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#, according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
...should not ALL organized religion offend you then?
Christianity does not have the monopoly on intolerance of ideas

I think I stated that I cant stand organized religion in one of my older posts in this thread. But for the most part i've only been subject to bigotrybecause of me not conforming to Christianity; to me it just seems that followers of Christianity are always trying to force their beliefs upon you, and whenyou dont agree with them, they tell you that you're being immoral, or that you need to be saved. Even on my school campus, theres ALWAYS the organizationsthat try to convince you to convert.

I actually went to a Catholic high school in the bay area, and during that time I actually didnt feel uncomfortable. Our school was really accepting of allfaiths and ideas and never forced any beliefs or rituals onto non Catholics. Even our religion classes mainly focused just on the history aspect and theimportance of applying Jesus' teachings to your life, whether you were Christian or not. THAT i am cool with, because I admire histeachings...unfortunately most devout Christians ive encountered do not share that type of liberal mentality.
great thread until all the religious people came in and ruined it. jesus christ it's not a thread on whether or not god exists, it's a thread forpeople who believe he/she/it doesn't. what is the point of coming in and trying to start arguments? neither side will persuade the other, it's just awaste of time.
I don't think Neanderthals and other prehistoric human-cousins have left behind artifacts signaling that they followed any religions
even paleontology is subject to the interpretation of who is doing the discovering.
given that pre-historic beings did not even remotely have any type written system or even simple cave painting... you just don't know.

however Re: prehistoric drawings:
Why do hunter-gatherers paint images of large animals on the walls of caves? The evidence of tribal societies in more recent times makes it certain that the purpose is not merely decorative. Religion and magic are the context, but no one knows the precise motive.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#, according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
...should not ALL organized religion offend you then?
Christianity does not have the monopoly on intolerance of ideas
I agree. Every religion should be viewed the same if you don't believe in any of them. That is the utter beauty of being Atheist. Allreligions are insane. All religions hold the same amount of water. Actually, I get offended when someone says that one religion is nuttier than the others. Nope. All are false so all are insane. Scientology gets a lot of this, and why? All religions are based on a huge amount of superstition, flashlight underyour chin ghost stories, and an amount of Science fiction that would make George Lucas spray his R2-DSplooge. Atheist shouldn't point fingers at differentreligions for being more insane. They all are.

I am an equal opportunity Atheist. In the land of crazy they are all king. If I had to choose which is crazier a monkey in a yarmulke riding a dog's backthen smearing his name in turd or a dog wearing a sombrero riding a monkey's back and then smearing their name in turd, I couldn't.
you wanna hear some good atheist content comedy watch george carlin's standup he makes you think about thinks like damn, I know it's religion and Ishould respect it even if I don't believe it but he makes those stories sound like Jack and The Bean Stalk
Originally Posted by FlyJr22

you wanna hear some good atheist content comedy watch george carlin's standup he makes you think about thinks like damn, I know it's religion and I should respect it even if I don't believe it but he makes those stories sound like Jack and The Bean Stalk

See my previous post....
funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

Perfect example of how it's hard to respect devout people of any religion. That is quite possibly the most nonsensical conclusion a person could come to,and that person happens to be the Christian in the situation. I mean, I know it's PC to not stereotype, but yeah.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#, according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
...should not ALL organized religion offend you then?
Christianity does not have the monopoly on intolerance of ideas
I agree. Every religion should be viewed the same if you don't believe in any of them. That is the utter beauty of being Atheist. All religions are insane. All religions hold the same amount of water. Actually, I get offended when someone says that one religion is nuttier than the others. Nope. All are false so all are insane. Scientology gets a lot of this, and why? All religions are based on a huge amount of superstition, flashlight under your chin ghost stories, and an amount of Science fiction that would make George Lucas spray his R2-DSplooge. Atheist shouldn't point fingers at different religions for being more insane. They all are.

I am an equal opportunity Atheist. In the land of crazy they are all king. If I had to choose which is crazier a monkey in a yarmulke riding a dog's back then smearing his name in turd or a dog wearing a sombrero riding a monkey's back and then smearing their name in turd, I couldn't.

Scientology deserves to get mocked and I do so when it's appropriate. But you're right in one sense. Christianity benefits in that it predates videocameras. So the outlandish stories of the Bible, grounded in thousands of years of tradition, from less enlightened centuries, hold more water than Tom Cruiseyapping about Xenu and that other crazy garbage.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

Perfect example of how it's hard to respect devout people of any religion. That is quite possibly the most nonsensical conclusion a person could come to, and that person happens to be the Christian in the situation. I mean, I know it's PC to not stereotype, but yeah.

No dude, I have great friends that are devout whatevers, I have respect for them. I don't really think less of them or whatever. Sometimes you can'thelp what has been instilled in you. But we have an understanding that I don't believe in god and they believe in the equivalent of a unicorn in man formand not to ask them to explain any of it.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

Perfect example of how it's hard to respect devout people of any religion. That is quite possibly the most nonsensical conclusion a person could come to, and that person happens to be the Christian in the situation. I mean, I know it's PC to not stereotype, but yeah.

No dude, I have great friends that are devout whatevers, I have respect for them. I don't really think less of them or whatever. Sometimes you can't help what has been instilled in you. But we have an understanding that I don't believe in god and they believe in the equivalent of a unicorn in man form and not to ask them to explain any of it.

100% co-sign
Originally Posted by Friendliest Ghost

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by untouchable jc

Jesus is the only way to eternal life... Good luck if you don't make the choice

so Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc are all doomed? thats exactly what turns me away from christianity, its followers' intolerance for other beliefs


are you serious? Jews and Muslims acknowledge Jesus's existence but not as the savior. only Christianity does that, so if Hindus and Buddhists are @#$%@#, according to your religion Jews and Muslims
are too for not recognizing Jesus as their savior
...should not ALL organized religion offend you then?
Christianity does not have the monopoly on intolerance of ideas
I agree. Every religion should be viewed the same if you don't believe in any of them. That is the utter beauty of being Atheist. All religions are insane. All religions hold the same amount of water. Actually, I get offended when someone says that one religion is nuttier than the others. Nope. All are false so all are insane. Scientology gets a lot of this, and why? All religions are based on a huge amount of superstition, flashlight under your chin ghost stories, and an amount of Science fiction that would make George Lucas spray his R2-DSplooge. Atheist shouldn't point fingers at different religions for being more insane. They all are.

I am an equal opportunity Atheist. In the land of crazy they are all king. If I had to choose which is crazier a monkey in a yarmulke riding a dog's back then smearing his name in turd or a dog wearing a sombrero riding a monkey's back and then smearing their name in turd, I couldn't.

Scientology deserves to get mocked and I do so when it's appropriate. But you're right in one sense. Christianity benefits in that it predates video cameras. So the outlandish stories of the Bible, grounded in thousands of years of tradition, from less enlightened centuries, hold more water than Tom Cruise yapping about Xenu and that other crazy garbage.
I guess I see it different. I lump them all together because they are all false. One doesn't have more credibility because they are all basedon false notions. If I started a religion tomorrow, it wouldn't be any more or less valid than the biggest church with the biggest steeple.

Actually, looking at the pope, my religion would probably be a better than Catholicism. One, I don't crap myself. Two, I admit I am fallible. Three, noneof my minions have ever fondled any children in the name of 'letting them consume my holy body.'

You know what, I may start my own religion. It would prove how moronic all other religions are.

Ok, I just started it and I have experienced the same amount of miracles as any other religion ever.The exact amount. Also, we have had the same amount ofinteractions with God (we call him Bubbles). No kids have been raped, which is good because we haven't made any money to be used to hush the littleblabber mouths yet. We need a crying televangelist I guess. Um....No wars in the name of me yet but I can't promise that will hold. I like watches fromSwitzerland. Oh and the same amount of prayers have been answered. Bubbles has cured the same amount as God right now. Amazing. In the three minutes that myreligion has existed, we have accrued the same amount of evidence in Bubbles as any other religion has in God, Buddha, Jehova, Xenu etc.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

funny conversation i had with two chrisitians. i asked them, if you lead an honest life your entire time living, never doing any real wrongs, will god accept you into his heaven? they told me no. they said that you might as well live a life full of sin because if you never recognize god, you're going to hell.

Perfect example of how it's hard to respect devout people of any religion. That is quite possibly the most nonsensical conclusion a person could come to, and that person happens to be the Christian in the situation. I mean, I know it's PC to not stereotype, but yeah.

Again this is why I like Dirty's quote, we but ourselfs and God in a human box, your "good" isnt God's good.....what you think is a good deedmay mean nothing to God because deeds are not what he asks for, he Has 2 things he asks, Love your Lord God with all your heart and Love your brother as youwould want to be loved and matter a fact it says "no greater love then a man to give his own life (time, heart, caring) to another man, that's hiswill in our hard is that? this is all he asks of us
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