Official Bitcoin Thread

Student loan debt has me all messed up with finding a retirement time table any time soon.
Pretty much preventing me from most ****, and being in a specific income based repayment plan forces me to not pay down and have to put it all to the side and pay it all in a huge lump sum in the future.
Pay the student loan last. It probably has the lowest % …keep grinding on your investments!
for the experienced people that want to answer, what’s the biggest % drop that you toughed through. i feel like me being down about 25% right about now is baby weight.
I'm down over 50% from my all time high. I've said it before and I will say it again. I've lost 2 Porsches with crypto and I'm still holding. I saw roughly a 10k swing just with today's ups and downs.

This isn't for the faint of heart at all but working til 65 isn't an option for me so I gotta accept the ebs and flows that come with this life.

I own a couple cribs and have a really solid job outside of this but I'm looking to nix that job asap
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Late to the crypto game, been following the thread a bit here and there (still digging in) but figured I’d make an ask. Y’all got any tips/guidance for someone doing DD before going in with size and crypto exchanges y’all recommend?
I think it's a great time to get in, I think that was the bottom (MY OPINION)

My suggestion is whatever you invest in has passive income, and to take advantage of it:
Staking-You use your coins to actively participate in validating transactions for that coin. They reward you with the same coin as reward.
Wallets- blockfi, crypto, Celsius, Nexo, etc. They earn by lending to hedge funds, institutions, and give consistent returns
Exchanges/liquidity pools- Exchanges (gemini, Kraken, Binance) and liquidity pools use your coins to let others borrow your coins. They'll give competitive interest rates as well.

Put your crypto to work, have your $ make $.

P.S. All yous who got in on AMP on the dip are about to get some returns
P.S. All yous who got in on AMP on the dip are about to get some returns

hoping I can put in my 30 years and retire at 57 (31 now) and forego the last 5 years needed to get my full pension (hopefully there’s a buy out)

Love my job but I have no desire to work the last half of my life away. Investing will let me live comfortably.

what do u do if u dont mind me asking
if i made enough to not have to work for the rest of my life, i would still kinda do what i do for free. just not the same amount of hours and not the crappy administrative ******** that includes dealing with co-workers.

lol @ bitcoin ******* around at 33-34 :smh:
not gonna trick me.

you very well may see a lockout rally here. I hope everyone bought something this morning. I’m mad thorswap apparently didn’t fill my rune order at 4.80. I had to fill it again at5.50 for fewer coins than I wanted. Probably going to buy whatever weakness I see tomorrow

figured that, or something in the financial field

you are very knowledgeable

not saying ppl outside fields arent
Thanks man. Blew up two accounts trying to day trade years ago, made the most amount of money I had ever made trading during that 2017-18 run, and managed to give it all back when the bear market hit and I was left holding ****coins. Painful experiences, but they taught me everything I know. Between 2020, the tech crash this March and now the crypto crash, I feel like Gohan coming out of the hyperbolic chamber :lol: been great experiences for handling pressure and knowing what to do in the fire.

liquidations are your best friends guys, just keep powder ready and don’t ever go all in. If we bottomed today, you still will have time to add more tomorrow, on the next pull back, etc, just average in. If you have $100, long as you used $20 today to buy the dip, you’ll be ok. I’ve been accumulating on every dramatic move since this crash happened. If I didn’t try averaging into it, it would be a disaster emotionally.
Thanks man. Blew up two accounts trying to day trade years ago, made the most amount of money I had ever made trading during that 2017-18 run, and managed to give it all back when the bear market hit and I was left holding ****coins. Painful experiences, but they taught me everything I know. Between 2020, the tech crash this March and now the crypto crash, I feel like Gohan coming out of the hyperbolic chamber :lol: been great experiences for handling pressure and knowing what to do in the fire.

liquidations are your best friends guys, just keep powder ready and don’t ever go all in. If we bottomed today, you still will have time to add more tomorrow, on the next pull back, etc, just average in. If you have $100, long as you used $20 today to buy the dip, you’ll be ok. I’ve been accumulating on every dramatic move since this crash happened. If I didn’t try averaging into it, it would be a disaster emotionally.

duly noted

you re tips are always appreciated ovr here
Covid broke me bro. I just can't see me doing the 9-5 thing long term.

I was up a ton at the height of the bull run. I'm still up probably 2x where I was this time last year.

Whenever the next bull run happens most of us in this thread regularly should be in a place where we could at least consider only working out passions.

it killed my wife too. She was going to get handed a brand new restaurant and bar with a good chunk of ownership for free because she kept her place profitable and big profit at that all through Covid and lockdowns.

she turned it down last minute when she found out the stress was giving her health issues. I fully support her quitting. There’s more to life than work especially a job that’s too stressful.
Good things suckas are smarter than idiots.

Cause the sucka will be making a better and smarter decision than the dude who cant even get a PS5

Whoa dude, chill out :lol: What does me not having a PS5 have to do with this? I’m hurt.

I don’t look forward to my work ending. That sense of satisfaction that comes with creativity, focus, completion, and a job well done is a drug to me. I’m a workaholic.

I’ll still be working towards fulfilling my purpose throughout life. A job is just a job. Your passion and your real purpose, however, is based on who you are, not what you do. And who you are evolves, grows, and changes over time.

If you can’t wait to retire, maybe you should consider changing your career to something you enjoy. It took me 8 years of my sitting at a desk inside all day working for someone else doing something I wasn’t passionate about before I figured this out. If I was still at that job I’d be looking to retire early also.

What does retirement look like to you guys and how much $ are you trying to stack before you retire?

I can only do like 2 weeks max sippin pina coladas on the beach all day until I get the itch to go back to work. When I do retire one day I think I will be living on a farm tending to plants and animals and being as self sufficient as possible. So there will still be “work” involved.
I feel you guys on the pension talk, I don’t think I’m going to hit my 30 years and out. It doesn’t matter though my payout is dependent on the hours I put in.

I really don’t see myself doing what I do forever but it’s fun now. I’ve had the police called on me a few times a week and neighbors screaming at me daily. It gets old.
Whoa dude, chill out :lol: What does me not having a PS5 have to do with this? I’m hurt.

I don’t look forward to my work ending. That sense of satisfaction that comes with creativity, focus, completion, and a job well done is a drug to me. I’m a workaholic.

I’ll still be working towards fulfilling my purpose throughout life. A job is just a job. Your passion and your real purpose, however, is based on who you are, not what you do. And who you are evolves, grows, and changes over time.

If you can’t wait to retire, maybe you should consider changing your career to something you enjoy. It took me 8 years of my sitting at a desk inside all day working for someone else doing something I wasn’t passionate about before I figured this out. If I was still at that job I’d be looking to retire early also.

What does retirement look like to you guys and how much $ are you trying to stack before you retire?

I can only do like 2 weeks max sippin pina coladas on the beach all day until I get the itch to go back to work. When I do retire one day I think I will be living on a farm tending to plants and animals and being as self sufficient as possible. So there will still be “work” involved.

I did my passion before as a job and it made me hate it. :lol:

it’s not like I hate my job or anything but at the same time I’d rather not work. I really can’t complain though. I make good money and only work 7 months a year tops and have a lot of benefits most people dream of having.

I think if I “retired” I’d probably buy a dump truck and run it seasonally for something to do and make some money. Just wouldn’t go super hard.
I did my passion before as a job and it made me hate it. :lol:

it’s not like I hate my job or anything but at the same time I’d rather not work. I really can’t complain though. I make good money and only work 7 months a year tops and have a lot of benefits most people dream of having.

I think if I “retired” I’d probably buy a dump truck and run it seasonally for something to do and make some money. Just wouldn’t go super hard.

I feel you. I just brought another employee on because I was doing too much myself and was starting to feel burnt out. I’m back to enjoying my work again now. I just know if I was not working at all I’d get bored quick.
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm you talk the most about DCA'ing. Question though, if you DCA every week, won't the amount of fees add up tremendously over time, as you're consistently doing transactions?

I'm guessing if you DCA into the right thing, it would pay off more than the fees over time.
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