Official Bitcoin Thread

this morning my wife said MANA was up 20% from when she bought last night when i said to. pretty sure she did just a small buy on my suggestions to humor me - like 1k each. she’ll probably swap my picks into usdc soon and park it for interest. i’m so glad she didn’t ask me how our klima was doing :rofl:

if **** stays wild volatile, it might be smart to dust off my gemini account and put in some buy orders myself. i dunno man, i kinda enjoyed the ride last night even though i’m down. with so many people making decisions based on planb’s s2f model, i guess i see why big money took advantage of that to liquidate people and make huge profits.

also, everest has plans for direct buys with debit card coming Q1 so i hope to accumulate more. i staked a small portion for a year to get 40%. hated to not stay liquid but i’m long on ID. all signs point to increased stable coin regulation so i’ll let my body bathe in that hopium for now,
this morning my wife said MANA was up 20% from when she bought last night when i said to. pretty sure she did just a small buy on my suggestions to humor me - like 1k each. she’ll probably swap my picks into usdc soon and park it for interest. i’m so glad she didn’t ask me how our klima was doing :rofl:

if **** stays wild volatile, it might be smart to dust off my gemini account and put in some buy orders myself. i dunno man, i kinda enjoyed the ride last night even though i’m down. with so many people making decisions based on planb’s s2f model, i guess i see why big money took advantage of that to liquidate people and make huge profits.

also, everest has plans for direct buys with debit card coming Q1 so i hope to accumulate more. i staked a small portion for a year to get 40%. hated to not stay liquid but i’m long on ID. all signs point to increased stable coin regulation so i’ll let my body bathe in that hopium for now,

do you and your wife put your money together or do you have separate accounts for crypto?

me and my wife are kind of different, like we're super independent we have a joint account for joint stuff but other than that she can spend all her bread on moscino coats and I can blow all my money on going out to eat and motorcycles and crypto and it's fine.

she keeps asking me if she can give me bread and I put it in time and strong but I don't want to do it. I feel like it will get too messy and hard to keep track of who's money.

I'm going to tell her to get a ledger/mm and I'll show her how to do it or just do it for her.
my wife and i have separate crypto portfolios. she’s all on exchanges. mostly voyager. almost all bitcoin and eth plus stable coins. my coins are all over the place but i keep a detailed record for her in case i die.

almost all other finances are handed over to my wife and she takes care of it all. i deposit my checks into the joint account and she gave me 3 credit cards and tells me which ones to use for the best benefits. we’re on a tight budget using the everydollar app because we’re grinding for an eventual upgrade to either a bigger condo or maybe a house plus tuition and extras for 2 kids is insane. median price for oahu is well over 1mil now but our condo is paid off already. i keep a small account with a debit card that i put money into once in a while if i sell any of my shoes. we have all the traditional savings stuff IRA, 529s etc. too. we’re not rich but we’re not poor. crypto is just for some disposable income to hopefully boost our dreams to reality,
my wife and i have separate crypto portfolios. she’s all on exchanges. mostly voyager. almost all bitcoin and eth plus stable coins. my coins are all over the place but i keep a detailed record for her in case i die.

almost all other finances are handed over to my wife and she takes care of it all. i deposit my checks into the joint account and she gave me 3 credit cards and tells me which ones to use for the best benefits. we’re on a tight budget using the everydollar app because we’re grinding for an eventual upgrade to either a bigger condo or maybe a house plus tuition and extras for 2 kids is insane. median price for oahu is well over 1mil now but our condo is paid off already. i keep a small account with a debit card that i put money into once in a while if i sell any of my shoes. we have all the traditional savings stuff IRA, 529s etc. too. we’re not rich but we’re not poor. crypto is just for some disposable income to hopefully boost our dreams to reality,

your wife sounds like mine, she does all the budget and house bills and all that so I'm lucky there. she just tells me what to transfer into the joint account for the bills for the month and it's done. same with the credit cards she's always on the rewards grind.

we aren't rich either but do well, I'm lucky enough to have insane health care from my job which my whole family is on so that's nice not worrying about that which is nice so she can just work and keep all her money besides retirement.

you'll get there with the house man, if not now when your kids are a little older. it was a game changer when my daughter got out of daycare but I suppose not really for you since you have to pay tuition still...

I'll tell her I'll set up another account for her, she went from making fun of me to asking me to put money in for her. :lol:
Make a separate metamask address for her. That’s what I do, we have a time wallet that’s my wife and mother in law’s and one that’s just mine to degen.

LUNA is super strong because of the game theory behind UST. As demand for UST goes up, LUNA is burnt. So all the new stable pairs, new DeFi protocols, volatility, that creates demand for UST and as a result puts pressure on LUNA. In that way it’s insulated from a bear market short term at least. Then you add in that LUNA now pays staking rewards in UST instead of LUNA and you have a new lever that pushes UST demand up. It’s brilliant stuff. At some point you’re gonna see major supply shocks that trigger a squeeze similar to what GME did.
This LUNA run feels a lot like the SOL run from a few months back...

I hesitated to jump in the SOL train then.. Don't wanna miss this run as well... Opening a position here soon.

Is anybody still on SifChain DEX.? The "Pools of the People" LM program they're currently running has been pretty good to me .. earning 300% APR in the ATOM/ROWAN pool... Earning about $15-30/ day in rewards...

Converting all my rewards to ATOM.. super bullish on ATOM. Think it will explode in 2022
i’m also in the atom/rowan pool on sif. converting half of my weekly rewards to atom and repooling symmetrically. i’m also pretty bullish on cosmos long-term.

yogetoffmykickz yogetoffmykickz if you don’t already stake any atom, it might be something you look into. their airdrops have been quite valuable, esp osmosis and juno. i keep my atom in the sif pool but if you’re claiming rewards for straight atom, use your keplr wallet to stake and make sure you don’t choose an exchange validator so that you qualify for airdrops.
i’m also in the atom/rowan pool on sif. converting half of my weekly rewards to atom and repooling symmetrically. i’m also pretty bullish on cosmos long-term.

yogetoffmykickz yogetoffmykickz if you don’t already stake any atom, it might be something you look into. their airdrops have been quite valuable, esp osmosis and juno. i keep my atom in the sif pool but if you’re claiming rewards for straight atom, use your keplr wallet to stake and make sure you don’t choose an exchange validator so that you qualify for airdrops.
That's actually the exact reason why I'm converting all rewards...
Id usually repool as well, but apparently there's a possible airdrop after the COSMOS Vega upgrade.

I've never been lucky or informed enough to be blessed with an airdrop so I don't really know how tokens are distributed during one. I just wanna hold/stake as much ATOM in my KEPLR as possible as hopefully be blessed with a more substantial airdrop. We'll see.!
If there’s a service without a token that people are using, just assume one day they might airdrop and use the service at least once to try and position yourself

might just throw 20$ in each of these projects as a lotto after looking up if the token supply economics of the projects make sense for a pure investment return perspective
Jumped into Jade Protocol. Can't beat 1 billion apy even if it's just for a few days/weeks. :lol:

I've done so much in the last two weeks that I didn't think I would/could ever imagine with this crypto ****. I'm hungry for more.

Finally catching up to this node phenomena. Thought this was way out of my league a couple months when I heard yall talking. Now................................................So with the price drops you can get a Strong node up and running for about $5000? 3 to 4 months, 10 more strong, second node, and then the faucet is running?

Ring node? Which one a better bet at this point. :lol:
I took some of my strong rewards and used them to make a couple ring nodes last night. Also put some money into time. Wish I waited a day to do all that.
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