Official Bitcoin Thread

Any projections?

Imo i don’t think there will be any significant movement.

News been out there for months and due to the bear market there hasn’t been any real sustained pump for a major sell off.

Plus you got people speculating on other Alts with the prices being so low and other potential listings to Coinbase.

I think it will roll with the rest of the alts until fresh money comes into the market. Then maybe you could see a LTC type run from last year.

The inevitable has occurred.

I swear it’s been available on my app for a while now


I haven’t tried to buy or sell, because I’ve transferred my holdings over to GDAX (or coinbase pro. Or whatever. It’ll always be GDAX to me)

Hopefully we get a nice spike in price
Imo i don’t think there will be any significant movement.

News been out there for months and due to the bear market there hasn’t been any real sustained pump for a major sell off.

Plus you got people speculating on other Alts with the prices being so low and other potential listings to Coinbase.

I think it will roll with the rest of the alts until fresh money comes into the market. Then maybe you could see a LTC type run from last year.

I agree with this. Ease of buying spiked up the price a bit but it'll eventually drop down again
when peeps say BTC interest is dying............WRONG. Maybe for you...but institutions, big $$$, and countries don't lie. Maybe YOU should get out of your BUBBLE....boy.

Etc still not on cb for me... whatever. I don't think listing it on cb is gonna pull a bch scenario.. but stranger things have happened..
Etc still not on cb for me... whatever. I don't think listing it on cb is gonna pull a bch scenario.. but stranger things have happened..

Yeah BCH had the bull run and the Flippening attacks/hype. They had some serious momentum to drive the price.

ETC has neither at the moment.
My coworker just went all in. He just got 1000 etc. He said if he stop coming to work I know why and don't tell nobody :rofl:

I hope he's ready to stay patient and possibly play the long game

He might be crying next week if it dips again
I had a feeling with the year we been through in crypto, a coinbase listing not that big of a deal anymore
Depends on how widespread the adoption is, which depends on how much of a competitive advantage it has over credit card vendors, in terms on TPS, vendor fees, refund and fraud protection etc.

I've been watching the irrational crypto bull sentiment over the past months and wondering if people realize exactly how early it is in BTC's adoption curve and that 95% of altcoins have no real use case advantage over the established players in their niche.

Where was this tsunami of volume and new money supposed to come from to make crypto moon? From institutional investors who are notoriously conservative and making a killing in a historic bull market in stocks?

Almost all of the crypto market cap is based on pure speculation, hence the 70% drop this year. The systems that MIGHT POSSIBLY BEGIN mainstream Bitcoin adoption are just starting to be DEVELOPED with BTCPay Server, Bakkt and this Coinbase offering. I don't think most traders/investors in the crypto space are looking at the big picture or working with a realistic time frame.
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early stages yes. but cats believe in gold market and have put $$$ into a metal and say its a legit place to store value? or how about we shave off some gold to buy things? doesn't crypto sound more believable with its deflationary elements and growing market (worldwide).

it really is hilarious the things we say is speculation when our precious metals are being controlled, but something decentralized that has no borders, and can be moved peer to peer can't be understood by "investors/established players" (LOL). But its all good....nerds will reign supreme in the future. lol can't wait.

When does "speculation" term with bitcoin/crypto go away?

- when NYSE / ICE / BAKKT / GS has it on their platforms
- payment gateways?
- high transactions that are just like Visa / MC (lightning network)
- store of value?


also, just like scientist say....i really hope a meteor crashes to earth that is made of gold/diamonds to show how really DUMB we are. Cave man eventually evolved, it took a long time. People will eventual come around..maybe.

** If i'm qualified as a US Accredited Investor, does that make me an "established player"??

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I'll be honest, I don't understand this much at all and kinda feel like my parents when advised to invest in computers many years ago. I'm willing to put some money on the line tho but only trying to get a few bitcoin at this point. Gold and other precious metals and diamonds have a history to it's value so confidence his high. The whole premise of mining seems to mimic the gold rush in terminology. Hopefully some of these coins pan out, pun intended, and I can leave my children a lil sum sum'p.
I'll be honest, I don't understand this much at all and kinda feel like my parents when advised to invest in computers many years ago. I'm willing to put some money on the line tho but only trying to get a few bitcoin at this point. Gold and other precious metals and diamonds have a history to it's value so confidence his high. The whole premise of mining seems to mimic the gold rush in terminology. Hopefully some of these coins pan out, pun intended, and I can leave my children a lil sum sum'p.

Good honest answer....... "history".

Bitcoin is 9yrs old and worth currently 6x of GOLD (metal). fathom that.
Bitcoin is 9yrs old and worth currently 6x of GOLD (metal). fathom that.

No, it isn't. Not even close. Gold's worth is in the trillions. 7.8 Trillion actually.

I doubt Bitcoin will ever be used on a massive scale for payments any time soon due to volatility, but stablecoins backed by collateralized bitcoin/ETH look to be a real solution for real world currency.
I mean...precious metals have actual tangible physical and industrial applications as well as unique geological properties. They also have proven to be a legit store of value for thousands upon thousands of years (see King Tut's sarcophagus). Crypto code can be ripped, re-branded and shilled for billions by anyone with enough know how...and the entire industry isn't even 10 years old yet!

I believe that blockchain technology is the future and I love Bitcoin but most companies will just implement their own blockchain solutions, as we've already been seeing. Bitcoin has a long uphill battle towards mainstream adoption and any type of price stability. It all depends on layer 2 developers and maybe the 2020 halvening. But at the same time, what's stopping a US FedCoin and strong regulation from raining on Satoshi's parade?

I'm a crypto supporter and optimist but it's wild to see so many people closing their eyes, crossing their fingers and trying to convince themselves and everyone else that random crypto projects are going to skyrocket this week or the next.

If you're simply playing the charts and scalping profit here and there, I understand. If you're investing a sensible percentage of your portfolio into strong projects that you believe in and have thoroughly researched, I understand. But blind faith and headline chasing in the crypto space is a surefire way to get rekt. Even if the sector does explode, that's still a terrible mentality for investors to have and it's rampant among too many young investors in the crypto space.
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