Official Bitcoin Thread

Rolling with BC/Eht/Sol and Shib at the moment. Converted most the other stuff I don't have anymore to Bitcoin. Will readjust next year.

Definitely cashing out on some of this. Either gonna shave a tiny percentage off the top or take out the initial investment. It just wouldn't be good for my mental health if BC reaches some crazy high and is then followed by a serious correction and I don't take any profits out.
You’re better of holding BTC. That ETF is for the normies who never held crypto. When they realize the value of actually holding the token is greater, they will FOMO into the real BTC and then u will become a billionaire with a B.

When the normies FOMO into BTC you’re gonna hear Billy and Karen at work ask you “oh Raji have you ever heard of ETH and USDT?” Then they will FOMO into NFTs. Then they will realize that they are late to the party. And by then I will have liquidated all my jpegs, alts and BTC. Then BTC will crash and everyone will hate crypto again and I will buy up the floor.

Rinse and repeat.

This to me is like China banning miners. Steam wants to carry on making that loot box and DLC money.

Bullish for Gala Games. I'm sure Epic will be there to swoop in as well.
Steam (Valve) should worry more about a proper Half Life 2 sequel instead.

AMP will be going for $50 a coin before that ever happens.
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